New Story, thank you for clicking! no definitive time where this takes place because it's a made up kingdom but think B.C. Forgive me for the grammar mistakes, not beta'd.

Rated M for lemons, violence, and some language.

Swept Away Readers: I cannot post the epilogue until the contest is done. When it is done I will be allowed to :) Thank you for being so patient.

BANNER for the story is on my Facebook page. Add me: TaniMar Fanfiction

Disclaimer For the ENTIRE story: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Richelle Mead. The original characters and plot are the property of TaniMar. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Vampire Academy. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter One

The world was filled with beastly savages. Grueling men who took what they wanted- no matter the consequences. They were vile, wild, and untameable. This was the world I lived in. The only world I knew.

"This one is withered and useless but she will be worth something. Can you cook, hag?"

The women shivered as the daunting figure addressed her. The light armour he wore was intimidating and just emphasized the enormous size of him. The rays of the rising sun reflected off the bronze metal as he moved. The heat wasn't as unbearable as it usually became but I was sweating nonetheless.

My cloak kept my face hidden but I was able to watch the scene as it unraveled. I had never seen a man so large in my short seventeen summers.

I could still smell the lingering smoke from our destroyed village. It smelled of burning hay and death. The thick smog rose to the heavens like a beacon- showing what was lost. The huts burned much quicker than I could have ever imagined. It took years to settle and mere minutes to destroy what our tribe had built.

I watched the hulking figure with disgust. They had taken everything from me- my home, my mother, and my freedom. I would be nothing more than a mere slave now. In a world as cruel as mine, one had to fight for their right to live. Some were stronger than others, and those who were, were the ones who won in the end.

"Answer me!" The man bellowed when the woman did not respond.

She shrieked in fear as she opened her mouth. "" She wobbled as she tried to keep straight. My heart panged in pity. The old woman could not handle such cruelty.

The golden haired giant seemed satisfied with the response. "Very well, you will help the others cook the meals. You now belong to the Belikov Clan and you will serve us diligently."

I had heard of the greatness this savage tribe had acquired; lands of wealth, soldiers of brute strength, and a reputation like no other. No one could defeat them. They were almost as powerful as the King himself. They left nothing alive in their path and were greatly feared. Our small tribe didn't stand a chance against the mighty Belikovs.

I looked at the small child beside me and silently prayed to the Gods. Please don't let them harm her. She was crying against her mother's side as she watched the old lady being taken away. She was lovely- with her dark eyes and hair- and shouldn't have to witness such atrocities.

"Everything will be alright. Shhh..don't cry sweet girl."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I witnessed the sweet gestures of her mother. We both knew nothing would be alright anymore- but it was nice to see her, trying to placate the fears of her daughter. My mother had died hours before and the scene warmed my heart.

"And what do we have here?" the revolting blonde asked. His voice purred like a tiger, ready to strike.

The pretty blonde cried loudly as the man approached her. He grabbed her wrists- no doubt bruising them- and brought her to his chest. "You will make a fine bed warmer." His head dipped to her throat as she whimpered. "Would you like to warm my bed?"

"Please...I am a maiden. Please stop."

He laughed, a frightful booming sound, as he grabbed her harder. "You won't be a maiden soon enough."

"Stop!" I almost didn't recognize the sound as it came out of my throat. I couldn't believe what I had done, but there was no taking it back. It was a reflex action on my part. I was considered a strong female who didn't take things from the men in my tribe. They had tried, on many occasions, to take me from my mother but I always fought them. They immediately realized that my appearance was not worth my attitude. So I was used to voicing my opinions but I didn't think the man would want to hear them. I froze in terror as his head whipped towards me.

He roughly threw the girl to the ground before stalking towards me. His muscles coiled as he moved.

I kept my face hidden but I could still see his hulking body approaching. Fear erupted through my veins as I looked around for help or weapons to protect myself. Several men were watching me with wide eyes but made no attempt to move. Nobody was going to come to my rescue.

"What did you say?" he hissed, the sound reminding me of a rattle snake I once encountered.

"I said stop touching her. You were hurting her," I whispered, not able to raise my voice any higher.

I gasped as his hand took hold of my chin. His touch turned my blood into ice. His hands were rough and ungentle as they took hold of me. My eyes met his enraged ones- frightful with what I would see. They were the colour of the sky and could have been beautiful- but they belonged to a monster.

His eyes widened for a moment before a chilling smile adorned his face. His hand crawled towards the soft lines of my jaw. "Look what we have here. Such a rare beauty. The most beautiful slave I've ever encountered." His face lowered to where our noses almost touched. I swallowed the bile that threatened to rise. "Now, you would make an exquisite bed warmer. Is that why you tried to gather my attention? Do you want to be my whore?" His rancid breath washed over my face as I tried not to cry.

"I'd rather die than be your whore." My voice darkened with hatred as I imagined the life he no doubt wanted for me. My mother always said that my beauty would get me into trouble. I didn't think she had actually meant it. My thick dark hair was not rare but my eyes were. My mother told me the green irises were from my father and many did not have them.

"Oh, I will have you many times before that happens." I could feel his tongue as it ran against my cheek. I tried not to scream because I knew he took pleasure from hearing the despairs of women. I would not let him hear my cries.

"That's enough." A new voice halted the monster's actions towards me. He turned to the new comer as I staggered backwards.

A slightly thinner man, with raven coloured hair, approached. His sea coloured eyes were much gentler than the man near me but I couldn't trust either of them. He wore different garbs than the monster but he was just as responsible for destroying my home.

"I thought I told you not to touch any of the women. You know first pick goes to Chief Vlad. He wouldn't enjoy the fact that you spoiled his earnings first."

The monster chuckled as he gestured towards me. "Could you blame me?"

The dark haired man looked towards me and smiled. "I see. No, you could not be blamed for resisting such temptation but you will be punished if you don't." He still stared at me as he spoke to the hulking man. "Go find Miana. I'm sure she'll appease your desires. Dimitri sent me to care for the newly captured so you have no business here any longer."

The golden haired man left without another word. I released the breath I did not know I held and tried to gather my bearings.

"Gather the newcomers. I want them counted and separated into their new positions. It must be done before we reach our current dwellings." Several men moved as the man spoke. He was authoritative but was much kinder than the monster that just left.

I was about to move with the people when he stopped me. "What is your name?" The gentler man asked.

"Roza," I responded.

"You will stay with me alright? You will be a gift to the Chief's son. Do you comply?"

I did not understand why he asked for my permission. Would it matter if I said no? I looked into his eyes in confusion. "Why do you ask me if I have no choice?"

He smiled which confused me further. I didn't believe monsters could smile so sweetly. "You don't, but I would rather you agree than have to take you by force."

It would have been easy for me to fight back. I had trained with a sword and knew how to protect myself but I had no weapon with me. My mother hated that I would spend hours in the shade as I practiced fighting. She would grumble how I was just like my hot headed father. Even though I had never met the man, I believed her. She was always so calm and centered- where else would I have acquired my stubbornness? My heart clenched as I remembered my mother once more. I still hadn't properly accepted her death but I knew I would have to. I dreaded the tears that would surely come.

"I will come with you. There is no need to force me. I know my fate." That was the only choice I had if I wanted to survive.

He watched me for several heavy moments before nodding his head. "Wise decision."

He didn't touch me like the other man did, but just walked in front of me. My sandals were in dreadful condition but I tried to keep up with the man. The red sand irritated my feet, scratching and rubbing against my soles. My village was situated near a fresh water brook that was lovely on hot days. It was a perfect place to place roots but that wasn't important anymore. The village was no more.

"We have set camp not too far from here. We shall stay for a few days before leaving once more. You are in charge of making sure the Chief's son is satisfied in every way. You will fed him, wash his garments, and bed him. I have no doubt that he will enjoy you."

My step faltered in the sand as he spoke. Bed him? I remembered the monster's words and clenched my teeth. I would become this man's new play thing- just like the blonde girl almost became his.

"Can't I do something else? I can cook, skin animals, and gather herbs from the land. Could I not work like the old woman will?" I asked in hope. I was knowledgeable in so many things- surely I could perform other tasks.

He chuckled but continued moving. I noticed the flurry of activity that surrounded us. Several men built temporary huts as women feds babies their milk. Their breasts were large and swollen as the children sucked away happily. The Clan was much larger than mine- there were probably thousands of them. Two men fought as others took bets on who would win. Their blood trickled down their faces but that didn't stop the violence between them.

My village was a rarity in this world. We were peaceful dwellers who did not seek power. We were content in being under the tyranny of the King. It was better than fighting. It would take a while to become accustomed to this clan.

"You are very brave in asking for jobs. You were terrified of Adrian but you talk to me like I'm your friend. You're lucky that I'm not a cruel person. You would have received a slap on your cheek by now."

He was right; I didn't feel uncomfortable around him. He was less intimidating than the monster- who I knew was now named Adrian. Maybe that was why I was able to actually talk to him. Nevertheless, I still continued with my plea. "You look like a gentle man. That is why you must understand my despair. Please, I can do any other job but I can't become someone's whore. I've never been married and have no tricks to sate a man."

"I'm sorry but the tasks you ask for belong to the elderly. You are young and fertile- you will not be wasted. You do not need tricks. You have breasts, a slim body, the most angelic face I have ever seen, and no doubt a tight cunt. I'm sure you will satisfy him just fine."

My eyes widened at his crude words. I had heard men talk like him my whole life, but I didn't expect it. He just seemed so...different from other men. Much calmer and level headed.

I realized that nothing I could say would change my fate. My anger rose as we walked on. I was so angry that I did not think to filter my words. "If your chief's son comes at me with his cock, I swear by the Gods that I will cut it off!" My mother had also told me, on many occasions, that my temper made me foolish.

I expected him to become enraged but he laughed at me. His body shook as he tried to control his enjoyment in my words. "Oh, he will definitely enjoy you. The women of our tribe are demure and quiet. What have they been teaching you in yours?"

"That a woman shouldn't just obey everything a man says." In reality, the women of my tribe were taught the same but I didn't tell him that.

We reached a sitting area where the people of my tribe were situated. The men were being inspected as the women sat on stones. The little girl and her mother were quietly huddled together as they waited for further instructions.

"I do not mind your tongue but watch it near the others. Our soldiers are more like Adrian and less like me. You wouldn't want to speak to one of them the way you speak to me." His honest threat shut my mouth. I nodded in silent acceptance. I had to choose my words wisely. "Go sit with your women. I will be right back. If anyone asks- you are waiting for Christian's return."

I looked at the man who was named Christian and nodded again. He left without another word as I sat with the women and children I grew up with. I recognized some but there were several others that I could not name.

The sun rose higher and higher as I waited for him to come back. Soon enough, the heat became unbearable as we waited in the sun. The cloak hid my skin from burning but it could not hide me from the heat itself.

"What do you think they want from us?" Petrova- the little girl dark haired girl- asked. I had made friends with both the mother and daughter as we all waited together.

Her mother, a young woman named Kirova, smiled slightly at her before looking at me. Her dark eyes held tears as she silently asked for my help. She didn't have the energy to reassure her daughter anymore.

"I'm sure they just put us to work. We will become part of their tribe and that means that we are their family now. They won't hurt their family."

A slight smiled adorned the little girl's chubby face. "Do you think so Roza?"

"Of course. Everything will be alright, just you see."

She nodded to herself as she processed my words. She believed them because the worry in her eyes vanished.

She looked towards my chest and smiled as something caught her attention. "That's so pretty."

I looked down and noticed my mother's sapphire jewel shining in the light. I quickly hid it back into my cloak- I didn't want the soldier's knowing I had something worth of value.

"Thank you. It's my...I mean, it was my mothers."

She didn't ask any questions about the jewel, and for that I was glad. I wouldn't be able to answer her anyway- my mother never told me how she acquired it. The necklace was the only connection I had to her.


Christian never came back. Other soldiers arrived to take our men away but they left the women and children alone. We were losing daylight as we sat-hungry and thirsty- in the open. My throat clenched with the need for water.

I glanced at little Petrova who was sleeping beside her mother. Sweat dampened her hair as she whimpered quietly in her sleep. The garments she wore did not cover her arms and head. The skin on her little arms was already a bright red that would no doubt hurt later on.

I removed my cloak and placed it on her body. It would not protect her from the heat but it would do well against the sun. I placed the necklace between my breasts so the only thing that showed was the chain.

"Thank you," Kirova whispered.

I glanced at the dark haired woman and smiled. Her lips were cracking but she did not complain.

"I don't understand why we are just sitting here. It's been hours and we have gotten no orders on what to do. The children need water and they need food."

She nodded weakly before gently caressing her daughter's cheek. "We all need water and food. The heat is much too unbearable. We need something or we will all end up fainting."

I glanced at the almost setting sun and thanked the Gods that daylight was almost over. We had been captured at sun rise so that meant the whole day was spent basking in the sun. I felt immensely bad for those who did not have dark cloaks to cover them.

"Sunset will arrive soon. If no one comes by then I will go and ask what is happening. They cannot let us die of thirst."

"Roza, I do not think it is a good idea. You are nothing to them. They will harm you if you complain."

My jaw hardened at Kirova's words. It was true, we were nothing to them but that did not mean they could treat us like animals.

Christian arrived before I could make our thirst known. His gentle face looked tired but that didn't stop him from ordering us around. "You will follow me to tonight's celebration. Ashur led us to a victory today and gave us many fine workers for our clan. You will be allowed to join us but you will not eat or drink without permission. Do you understand?"

All the women nodded. The children seemed too tired to move. "Christian?"

He turned to me and glared. "What is it?"

The harshness of his words didn't stop me from speaking. "Can we have water now? It's been several hours and-"

"You will get your water when we start the celebration. Just follow me and do not speak a word."

We all rose to our feet and followed Christian. He seemed to be in a much fouler mood and I wondered what happened to cause him such grief.

It was already much darker than it was moments before so the cool was setting in. Little Petrova groggily handed me my cloak to put back on. I smiled at the girl before taking it.

The celebration was already taking place as we arrived. There were hundreds of people huddled around the fire as several women danced around it. Their red and gold shawls gave them an enchanting look which I envied. I glanced at my sand coloured shawl that was covered by my cloak. It was the only clothing I now owned; the thought was depressing.

A white haired man sat in front of the fire as he watched the women dance. Their bodies moved like snakes, their actions provocative. Many of the men watched them with lustful eyes as they continued to move.

"Ahh Christian. You have brought our spoils. Bring them here!" The man bellowed.

We followed Christian to the front where the man sat. He smiled widely as he watched us all. "We have been blessed today. The Alto Clan is full of strong men and diligent women. They will make fine workers for us." The group cheered at the man's proclamations.

Women dressed in black shawls appeared before us. They were holding bowls filled with water. My own mouth watered at the sight. "Drink. You now belong to the Belikovs and we make sure our workers have the sustenance they need." Everyone took the water right away while I hesitated. Is that why they denied us water the entire day? So we would gratefully take it now.

The man noticed my hesitation. "Will you not drink maiden?"

I decided to just obey the old man's orders. I drank the entire bowl before handing it back to the petite woman. She smiled slightly before moving away.

"Very good. I, Chief Vlad welcome you to our clan. My wife Vasilisa will choose two women who will attend to her needs. When she is finished, Dimitri will choose one for his needs. I've allowed him to go before me because he was the one who led us to victory today. I will then get to chose one for my needs. Lisa, come here. Choose your new slaves."

A very slight blonde walked towards the man named Vlad. She was beautiful with golden hair and green eyes. I watched her eyes with fascination; I had never seen another person with my eye colour. Yes, she was very beautiful but her eyes held no emotion. She looked lifeless.

She quickly chose two women in the front. She didn't bother to look at their faces as she chose. "Very good choice, my dear. Where is Dimitri? That man is never around."

Christian caught my eye and smiled. "I have already chosen for Dimitri my Chief."

His white eyebrow rose. "Why would you do that?"

"Because Dimitri would want the best and so I made sure to secure the best."

He waved his hand in an air of dismissal. "Very well. Go get him."

Christian walked towards me. "I'm afraid Dimitri wanted to stay inside his hut so his wound will heal. I will take his prize to him."

Chief Vlad grumbled under his breath before speaking more clearly. "Make sure the girl cleans his wound in the night. Go on, take her."

He gently grabbed my arms as we passed other members of their tribe. "This Dimitri is hurt?"

"A slight stab wound. Five of the men in your tribe tried to fight him. Those men are dead now."

"He took on five men by himself?" I asked in astonishment.

Christian chuckled. "Yes, and all he has is a little slash to show for it. I'm surprised they managed to wound him in the first place." We reached a rather large hut that was covered in dyed leather and moss. "Have you cleaned wounds before?" I nodded, still imagining the strength this man had to fight so many. "The herbs you need are inside. You will help him clean up and then you will do what he wants from you, understand?"

My heart thudded in my chest. Would I become a woman tonight? Would I have to give myself to a man I did not know. "Why did you choose me for him?"

"If I didn't save you, you would have ended up in Adrian's bed. Anything is better than that."

I looked into his sky eyes and smiled shakily. "Thank you, I suppose."

"You're welcome. I will see you in the morning. That is, if Dimitri lets you out in the morning." He chuckled before walking away.

I took a deep breath and tried to gain the strength to enter the place. Anything is better than the monster I reminded myself. With new determination, I grabbed the leather straps that covered the entrance. There was nothing I could do that could change my fate and my fate now belonged to this Dimitri.

Thanks for reading! What did you guys think? I would love to hear from you so I know whether to move on with this story :)