A/N: Hey guys ^^ This is my first fanfic (took long enough -.-). I've been meaning to upload it for MONTHS ^^;; I'll try and update as soon as I can, reviews are loved, and would be helpful :D

Disclaimer- I don't own Hetalia in any way, shape or form.

The streets along Broker Place were never welcoming at night; an eerie atmosphere hanging low, almost waiting for something unpleasant to happen. The blocks of flats on either side of the narrow road towered high -darkening everything, with only the exception of a couple of old, dull street lamps- only adding to the street's daunting appearance. This particular night, in fact, a low lying fog hung in the air, rather fitting, in a way, for the events that were to take place that night. Needless to say, this wasn't one of the city's richer areas. If it had been, maybe someone would have noticed the man with the shocking green eyes, sitting in his car at the side of the road.

Antonio Carriedo had been sitting in his car for almost an hour and a half, eyes locked on the door of apartment 12A the majority of the time, striking green eyes piercing it, waiting for a certain resident to take her leave. Looking away, he glanced at his watch.


It was almost time. The air in the car was thick with a heavy, overbearing tension. For this particular evening, Antonio had picked out his black car. He would never have considered taking his bright red Ferrari to neighborhood like this, yet –even with that in mind- the black car had just seemed so much more appropriate for the occasion. Black and sleek, it blended in with the dim surroundings. With the additional of tinted windows and its sound-proof interior, it was perfect.

All of a sudden the door moved. Antonio's breathing hitched, and all, besides that one door across the street, seemed to still in the young man's anticipation. A young girl stepped outside, locking the door behind her. She looked too youthful to be anything over her early 20's, most likely slightly younger. She had on a low trench coat, covering up whatever she was wearing, but her feminine curves were still evident underneath. It was easy to tell that she was pretty to, a smooth facial complexion, fiery auburn hair, full lips and mysteriously golden eyes.

She glanced around her, quite franticly, like a frightened rabbit, as if she didn't want to be seen. A slightly amused expression appeared to cross over his face for the briefest of moments -before disappearing again- at the sheer irony of the situation. Content that she was alone, the girl's facial expression relaxed somewhat, and she began to walk down the street, her pace quick, but not quite fast enough to be called rushing.

After a minute or so, when she'd made some distance between herself and the car, the car door opened, almost silently. Antonio slipped out, locking the car behind him. He watched her for a moment, waiting till he was she was still unaware of his presence. Staying on the other side of the street, he began walking in the same direction as the girl, hidden by the shadows of the other towering flats. Tracking her, as a fox may stalk its prey, he silently followed her in to the depths of the night.