Because of You
Authors Note-
Because of you is my very first fan-fiction that started out as a one shot in my head…but once the pen hit paper (I'm old school) my mind went crazy. This chapter isn't going to be too long. I hope to have longer chapters from here on out though.
*This is partially AU, starting at the moment right when Elena reads Elijah's note that he left her. *
Disclaimer: Sadly, I have no ownership over the Vampire Diaries or the characters.
Characters: Elijah, Elena
Chapter One~ Remembrance
"Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. no matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment."
― Sarah Dessen
I opened the envelope to pull out a letter, the corner slightly dampened.
From whom?
I read the letter once, quickly to myself, and then again, his voice reading it to me in my mind as I sat down.
Today, I did something I abhor to protect the one thing I value most, my family. If anyone can understand it, it's you. Your compassion is a gift Elena. Carry it with you, as I will carry my regret.
Always and forever,
Always and forever…
The words played in my mind, played in my heart like a chorus of angels bringing me to heaven.
I held his letter close to my heart, the realization of today's events breaking it in two.
I remembered the night we first met even now.
I remembered him coming so close, my heart beating frantically as he toyed with my emotions.
He wanted me to fear him, and I did.
It never occurred to me it could be more than that?
I remembered him leaning in to kiss me, adrenaline pumping through my veins screaming to push this perfect predator away.
My heart said no.
I had brought myself closer to him, my face distorted with fear.
Yet I didn't cry.
I remembered the way he cradled my head as he took in my humane scent.
He didn't have to do that, no other cold blooded killer would.
How could I have been so stupid?
You don't say "always and forever" if you don't mean it.
Elijah never said things he didn't mean.
He never messed up his words. He never so much as stumbled over them.
Everything he has ever said to me has had a meaning.
That's how I knew I wouldn't survive the sacrifice.
"Because I didn't want you to be taken."
I remembered, he placed himself in the same window seat as I was sitting now. I closed my eyes not wanting to forget that night.
"Let's just say my goal is not to break the curse"
He just wanted to kill his brother. Breaking the curse was the easiest way to do so, it just wasn't his goal.
That smug look on his face as he told me not to try and get myself killed, even then I was too naïve to see. We had been dancing all along, always…and forever.
I grabbed my coat and my keys, ready to find him.
He never says what he doesn't mean.