Here it is - the epilogue! I'm going to miss this story so much. It was probably my favorite to write so far. I REALLY wish these were the types of things happening to Finchel this season. Glee isn't the same without Finchel and I'm dreading this week's episode. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to review, and in your review, please tell me what you liked best about this story!


Finn looked at Rachel sleeping on his lap as the plane took off. He looked at the wedding ring on his finger, then at the matching one on her finger. She was his wife now. Not his girlfriend. Not his fiancee. His wife.

A year ago, he didn't think they'd end up getting married. He wasn't sure if they'd even still be in contact but here they were, married, on the plane to their honeymoon.

The wedding had been the best day of Finn's life. Rachel had looked so beautiful and she'd told him he looked so handsome. The service had been perfect, the songs had been perfect, the food had been perfect. He knew that their life together would be perfect, too, and he couldn't wait to have a child together.

Finn rested his head on top of Rachel's and began dozing off.

A few hours later, Finn felt Rachel shaking him and looked up. Rachel gave Finn a kiss and whispered, "We're here."

Finn smiled wide. He was sure this was going to be an amazing week.


"Do you like our room?" Rachel asked Finn as they sat down in the hotel room. She looked around the room. It was the nicest hotel she'd ever stayed in. The bed was so comfortable, and the furniture was beautiful. There was a fireplace and a jacuzzi, and the balcony had some beautiful plants on it. The balcony looked down on the courtyard and the pool, which were both amazing.

"We picked a good place," Finn said to Rachel.

"You're my husband," Rachel said, feeling so happy to get to say that.

"And you're my wife," Finn said with a big smile.

"I'm so happy," Rachel said.

Finn nodded. "Me too." He pulled Rachel on to the bed with him and kissed her deeply. She smiled back and began making out with him.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rachel asked Finn nervously.

"I'm positive!" Finn said. "This is going to be fun."

Finn and Rachel stood at the edge of the beach, Rachel holding the boogie board Finn had picked out for her. He was sure she would like it. It was pink and had gold stars on it. She looked a little apprehensive, but he knew she'd be fine.

Rachel looked at the board, then at Finn. "Well - I can hold on tight and we can put the one strap around my arm."

Finn nodded. "Exactly. You'll be fine."

Rachel smiled at Finn as they lay across the boogie board, holding on to it as the waves moved them along. Finn looked over at Rachel, who still looked nervous. As the boogie board moved over a wave, Rachel's nervous look turned into a smile. A few waves later, she was laughing and screaming with delight. Finn felt so proud of seeing Rachel conquer her fear.

"That was fun," Rachel said as the board pulled up to the beach.

"So fun," Finn said. "Aren't you glad I convinced you?"

Rachel nodded. "I love my husband.

Finn smiled and kissed Rachel's head. "I love my wife." He lay across his beach towel. Rachel put her head on his chest.


"Do you like it?" Rachel asked, pointing to the new wrap in her hair.

Finn looked at it, blue, purple, pink, yellow and green threads wrapped around a strand of Rachel's hair, with a gold star bead at the top. They'd had to wait in line two hours, but this had been something Rachel REALLY wanted to do, so Finn gave in.

"I love it," Finn said. "You look really pretty."

Rachel kissed Finn on the cheek. "Thank you. You can pick our next activity."

Finn smirked. He knew exactly what he had in mind.


"Where are we going?" Rachel asked as she and Finn walked down the sidewalk hand in hand.

"You'll see," Finn said.

"Can you give me a hint?" Rachel pouted, looking up at her husband.

Finn shook his head.

"FINN!" Rachel protested.

"You'll find out soon enough!" Finn said as they walked into a building Rachel hadn't seen before. As they walked in, Rachel saw a pool with people lined up and dolphins.

"We're going swimming with dolphins!" Finn said to Rachel.

Rachel couldn't believe it. "Really?"

Finn nodded. "Really!"

"Oh my God!" Rachel shouted, hugging Finn. He always knew how to surprise her.

Finn and Rachel jumped into the pool, where two dolphins came swimming up to them. Finn put his arm around one and Rachel put her arm around the other. The dolphin Rachel was with put its nozzle close to her cheek, and Rachel giggled. Finn looked over at them and smiled. "Your dolphin likes you."

"I bet yours likes you, too!" Rachel said.

"I wish we could just stay here," Finn sighed.

Rachel nodded. "Me too."


The week had gone by too quickly. Finn and Rachel had stayed out late every night and slept in every morning, spending their days at the beach and the hotel pool, while also seeing the wildlife, visiting old ruins, scuba diving, boogie boarding, going to lighthouses and ordering room service. It was their last night here before going back to New York, and Finn had planned an extra special night for Rachel. They were going to go see the waterfall, then have dinner on the ferryboat.

"Are you excited to go back to New York?" Rachel asked Finn as they walked toward the waterfall.

Finn shrugged. "I guess. I love New York, but it's been so nice being here together, just the two of us."

Rachel nodded. "I've really enjoyed it, Finny."

Finn smiled and kissed Rachel's head. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the waterfall. He nudged Rachel, and she looked.

"Wow!" Rachel gasped.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Finn asked.

Rachel nodded. "So beautiful."

The boat pulled up. Rachel took Finn's hand and he helped her on to the boat. The boat drove past the waterfall, which was amazing. The food was some of the best Finn had ever tasted. He was so happy that Rachel was his wife.


"Is that everything?" Blaine's dad asked.

"I think it is," Blaine said.

"I can't believe all six of you are living here now," Brittany's mom said.

Finn and Rachel had spent an unbelievable summer together as a married couple. Their honeymoon had been incredible, and they'd enjoyed spending time in the city with Kurt and Santana. They had gone home so they could go to graduation parties for Sam, Blaine, Artie, Tina and Brittany, and it was great to see everyone again. Finn and Rachel had helped Puck and Quinn with planning for their wedding, which was tentatively scheduled for around Christmas. Today, Blaine and Brittany were moving into the apartment with Finn, Rachel, Kurt and Santana. Kurt and Santana had been counting down to this day all summer.

"You guys have a great year," Brittany's dad said.

"Oh, we will!" Finn said. He loved living in New York with his wife, his brother and his friends.

Blaine and Brittany's parents said goodbye and left, leaving the six roommates in their apartment.

"Another year in New York!" Kurt said.

"It's going to be so much fun!" Blaine said.

"Well, I have some news for you guys," Rachel said.

"What?" Finn asked, waiting to hear Rachel's news.

"I got a gig as an extra on Broadway!" Rachel said. "Someone saw me at the NYADA performance and they want me as an extra for their opening number during the holidays!"

"That's amazing!" Finn said, hugging his wife. He was so proud of her and knew this day would come. Being married to Rachel and living in New York with her had been such a great experience, and he knew this year would only be better than last.

Hope you enjoyed the story! I'm going to finish "Here's To Us" before I start my next Finchel in college story, but I already have an idea in mind! Thanks for all the support!