Harry Potter and the God of Incendio, the sequel, is up and running! Go hop onto that ride if you feel so inclined - I know many people are not impressed on how vague I was with the ending for this story, so hopefully all will be explained (eventually) over there.
Again, thank you so much for all of your support and feedback! It's boosted my confidence in my writing so much, seeing each and every one of your usernames saying you've either followed/favourited/reviewed me and/or the story, and I love you lot so much :3
So many slashes! Agh!
I realise that the first half of this story isn't that well written, and the whole plot's very messy. I don't know how you could've gotten through it all without tearing your hair out in frustration - I mean, I definitely would've.
Too many author errors, I'm afraid.
Before further a do - see you on the other side!
- Elphs