Title: The Sweetest Sugar

Author: Fenikkusu Ai

Rating: M

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing: Alastair/Dean

Words: 297

Genre: Angst/Romance

Summary: Alastair wanted Dean more than a child wanted an ice cream sundae heaping with whipped cream and cherries. However, he knew that his skin would taste better than sugar. Slave AU.

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

It was love at first sight, or rather, lust at first sight. The boy had to be his. He had to be. It was his destiny. It would be his destiny.

He wanted him. He wanted him more than a child wanted an ice cream sundae heaping with whipped cream and cherries although the buyer knew that his skin would taste better than sugar. He was a very good judge of character.

The buyer voiced his intention clearly. "One hundred thousand dollars."

"One hundred twenty thousand dollars," a voice boomed. Another buyer had also seen the potential in those green eyes.

The buyer was growing irritated as the emotion of want coursed through his bloodstream. He would not be cheated. "One hundred forty thousand dollars."

There were murmurs from the crowd. The auctioneer was beaming with dollar signs in his eyes.

The other buyer arose to a standing position. "One hundred sixty thousand dollars. That's my final offer."

There was a hacking wheeze heard somewhere in the room. The buyer smiled; thin and cruel. His challenger was surrendering. He needed to be far more agressive than that...

The buyer also stood. "Two hundred thousand dollars."

The room was alive with murmurs before settling into silence. Silence was such a final sound.

The auctioneer's gavel banged. "Sold for two hundred thousand dollars." The man looked overjoyed.

I win.

The boy deserved the best home available after all.

It looked as if the boy wanted to unleash a scream of pure anguish; the buyer so wished that he would do it. There was nothing sexier when they lost all hope.

The buyer turned to his assistant. "Put him in the car and be gentle. If one hair is found out of place, your fate will be worse than his."