MiyukiGainsborough: Existence was supposed to be a simple one-shot drabble but I've been inspired to write more because no matter what the story, I want Clint and Natasha to have a happy ending. This chapter is not as great as chapter one in the sense of the writing but I'm leaving it open in case I want to write more eventually.

It had been only two weeks since the incident and still, no one felt the same. Natasha was spending her days in her permanent room in Stark Tower just sitting in a chair, watching the days pass by her from the large window. Clint was always there for her; getting her to eat, helping her move through the large apartment, and bathing. Whatever she needed done, he was there. Of course, she had other visitors more than one would think. Tony, Bruce, Steve, Thor, and even Fury and Agent Hill once or twice. No one had ever expected to see the Black Widow, the top female assassin, be reduced to a state of complete depression.

Today, her visitors were the complete team, some carrying different items that had been said to be the woman's favorite things. Clint greeted them but they all knew how he had been coping. They had been waiting to see if Natasha was doing any better though it didn't seem so because they found her in the same place she always was.

The group was unsure about approaching her but Tony took a chance, like he always did. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a light kiss to her cheek. "Good morning, Tasha. I hope you slept well. I got you a present for our next team drink night." He kept a signature smirk, hoping she would react. He slid a bottle of taquila into her view but did not hand it to her, knowing she would not take it. "And this is all yours."

He saw her slightly turn her head to look at the bottle then to him but went straight to looking back out the window. Of course, no one expected to get it the first time.

Bruce and Steve approached together, only one actually holding something. Steve knelt in front of her while Bruce stood to the side and placed a small red box in her lap. "These are those Russian chocolates you love so much," the Captain told her with his kind smile.

When they saw that had no affect, Thor decided to take his chance though he had doubts of success. "Friend Natasha, we have come to spend the day with you. Shall we put on one of those picture shows and dine on the junk food?" Again, no affect. He too took a step back and just stared at his friend.

Would she forever be lost in her depression? Having the thoughts that she would never be able to birth a child with her lover? Believing that she may never have true happiness without the love of her own child?

Clint walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Tasha, they just want to help. It's your friends. Everyone wants to help you through this."

That was when she actually moved. Her lip quivered and tears gathered in her eyes. She never wanted to show emotion since that was not her character but all the emotions gathering inside her threatened to just burst. "Everyone...please...," she whimpered before placing her face in her hands and beginning to sob. Even though everyone had been to see her before, it was always one or two at a time. Now, this time, everyone together, showed they all truly cared and were worried about her.

Yes, she lost her child and was told she would never have children...but...she had a family right there with her, ready to do the embarrassing just to make her serious exterior crack. Her boys, as she would call them in joke, with how they all acted when they got together, were pretty much her children and she knew she had to pick herself up and take care of them. "You're all...grounded," she whimpered through her hands, letting out just a small laugh.

The group of men all smiled and couldn't help but cheer. Thor was immedietely into the living room with Steve to start up a movie for the whole team to watch, which probably wasn't a good idea with those two playing with the television, Bruce gave Natasha a pat on the back and moved to join the two men, and Tony was doing what Tony did best; start pouring the drinks.

She slowly sat up, trying stopping her crying, and looked around at her friends. "I thought I said you were grounded. Grounded means no television and no alcohol," she joked with a sniffle before looking to Clint who stood beside her. "A child would have been such a hassle, especially when I have to take care of all of you."

"We're all a handful, I know," he chuckled before leaned down and leaving a soft kiss on her lips.