I do not own High School Of The Dead or Bleach. Ichigo still has his powers!
Here is the rest of the summary:
Now the Soul Reapers must team up with the remaining Espada in order to prevent the world from becoming one huge grave. Its not going to be easy for them since Yamamoto commands them to save the surviving children and a teacher from a nearby prep school and stay with them for protection.
Ichigo thought that once they had defeated Aizen all of their troubles would be over but now as he looked at the burning buildings and the people being devoured by beings that were not hollows while his friends and the Captains from the Soul Society watched he wondered if defeating Aizen was the smartest thing.
Before the ex Soul Reaper had been sealed he unleashed a disease designed to kill every living being. Hollow, Human, Soul Reaper, Espada. Everything and one. Once the people were infected the soul was as well and when the people died the hollows ate the souls and became infected as well. They watched it all happen in under a minute. He realized Gin had it lucky the man had been killed before seeing the havoc wreaked across the earth by one mad man.
Everyone was still exhausted from the battle and couldn't help the people below. Ichigo barely dodged having his powers taken away. He looked over to Rukia who was crying openly at the havoc below and the screams that pierced their ear drums.
His eyes widened and he shouted to his dad,"Dad! I am going to check on Karin and Yuzu!"
He shunpoo'd to his house horrified on what he might find when he arrived. Rukia followed him saying,"Its too dangerous to go alone."
They flew above the blood stained streets and dead hungry bodies and when Ichigo reached his home he wanted to give up when he saw Kon who was in his body was a zombie and feeding off of Yuzu who never stood a chance against Kon who was a MOD soul designed to fight. He didn't see Karin anywhere, Rukia whispered,"I will see if I can find Karin.."
Ichigo felt that he had failed Yuzu and wanted to cry and howl his anger out to the world but he knew their was no time for that. He needed to kill Kon, he took Zangetsu out and aimed it towards Kon's chest right were the pill would be located and lunged forward sinking the blade through the soft flesh piercing the pill and his body's heart.
Rukia turned towards Ichigo in surprise to see him covered in more blood standing in front of his body with the sword still in its chest. The orange haired shinigami was looking at his dead sister who's face was contorted in terror. Before she stood up slowly moaning like a dying dog. Rukia noticed Ichigo was not moving as his dead sister got closer, so she got her zanpackto out and sliced Yuzu's head off.
Ichigo turned to Rukia without saying a word and went to look for Karin. He understood what that look Rukia was giving him meant. Since his body was infected it meant it was no longer safe to go back in it. Him Ichigo Kurosaki substitute Soul Reaper was now officially dead. Killed by a zombie epidemic that him and the Soul Society helped cause.
Hope everyone likes it and wants me to continue^.^ The other anime characters will appear shortly. Rating may go up to M! I am planning on having IchiRuki, Orihime/Uryu, and many more!
Review if you want me to continue with this!