Disclaimer: I do not own anything.


"You are such a prude, Weasley."

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.

He is not worth a month's detention, Rose.

"Shut up, Malfoy." I hissed quietly.

Instead of cowering in fear like I expected him to, Malfoy merely smirked. "Honestly, Weasley. You think I will follow anything you say? I am a Malfoy, for Merlin's sake!" He said haughtily, his hand on his chest.

I rolled my chocolate brown eyes at him.

Sometimes, Malfoy was such a big, spoiled baby.

"Just- Just- Leave me the bloody hell alone." I sighed dejectedly, glaring daggers at him.

I bloody hate Malfoy.


As I was walking through the Hogwarts' halls for dinner, I noticed something.

All of the students were laughing.

They were all laughing.

I looked around, looking for their source of amusement.

And found… nothing.

I shook my head.

"Er- Rose Weasley?"

I stopped walking and scowled at the boy standing in front of me. "What?" I snapped.

"Er…" he paused, fidgeting with his robes. "Uh, nothing." He squeaked, running away from me.

I sighed exasperatedly.

Now, I even scared a little boy.

Bloody Malfoy and his incessant need to insult me.

I walked into the Great Hall and plopped myself at the Gryffindor table, beside my favourite and only sane cousin, Albus Potter.

"Albus, why is everyone laughing?" I asked him as soon as I was sitting comfortably.

Albus looked up, his green eyes bulging when he saw me.

"LILY!" He all but screamed.

Did I say he was my only sane cousin?

Well, if I did, I was taking that back.

Suddenly, Lily popped in front of us. "Yes, Al?" She grinned.

Al smiled nervously at her and questioned, "Lily, where's your mirror?"

Lily and I arched our brows in confusion.

"Seriously, Al? You just wanted a mirror? How… vain and Malfoy-ish of you." I commented, whilst thinking of all the cousins I have.

Who could be my new favourite?


Of course, I wouldn't agree having a cousin who was actually Malfoy-like.

I hated Malfoy.



The End.

"Okay." Lily agreed.

She reached into her pocket and handed me her mirror.

I gave Albus the 'you-are-so-weirding-me-out-cousin-of-mine' look before looking into the mirror.

And, I am ashamed to say that my jaw dropped at what I saw.

Because there… on my forehead… shining like the sun… was the word… prude.

"MALFOY!" I shrieked, my face turning red from anger and embarrassment.

So that was why everyone was laughing.

I stalked angrily to the Slytherin table, my gaze focusing on the blonde boy in question.

Seriously, it was like those robots where their eyes zone in on their target.

Malfoy sniggered when I approached him.

"Fix it." I growled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to his feet.

Instead of running away like I imagined he would do, he simply smirked.


Arrogant git.

"No can do, Weasley. It can only disappear when you stop being such a prude." He answered, carefully extracting my hands from his oh-new-shirt.

His Syltherin friends snickered.



I'll give him prude!

Grabbing the ends of his collar in both hands, I stood up on my toes and pulled his lips roughly against mine.

I slid my tongue in his mouth whilst my hands slid under his shirt to feel the taut muscles the girls in the bathroom were squealing about.

I smiled against his lips when he released a soft moan and kissed me back.

After a few more seconds of playing tonsil-quidditch with Malfoy in the middle of the Great Hall, in front of all my professors and fellow Hogwarts' students, I drew back.

Malfoy stood stock-still, his cheeks pink and lips swollen.


"Not such a prude now, am I?" I smirked, gazing at his grey eyes.

I tousled his blonde hair before walking back to my seat in the Gryffindor table.

I silently buttered my toast, ignoring all the incredulous looks, inaudible gasps, murderous stares- courtesy of my family- and even the loud clattering of plates and utensils.

"Toast, Albus?" I offered, smiling at my frozen cousin beside me.

Well, I hoped you liked it. Lovely reviews are much appreciated. Bless you. :)
