I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was squeezed through a suffocating tunnel that led to God knows where. I don't know where I will be or when I will be there. All I am sure of is that I will be alone when I get there. Pressure is applied to all areas of my body, compressing me into almost nothing. My body is twisted around and sucked up through the tunnel. My chest is squeezed in the tight invisible clutches of a merciless hand. My lungs burn from lack of oxygen as I am pushed mercilessly through the vortex. I can't do anything but scream or think about screaming. My head pounds as blood flows towards my forehead making my face flush a deep red color. I needed some sort of end from this torture so that I could finally breath and move. My prayers were answered when I was finally thrown out of the pressure with one final push. I collided with the ground with a painful thud. I gasp and choke as my abused lungs try to regain some air. My face turned back to its original tan coloring. My bones and muscles ache from the twisting and compression that almost squeezed the life out of me. I cradled my throbbing head in attempt to numb the pain away. When the monstrous headache began to subside I took the time to observe my surroundings. The trees and shrubs that surround me on all sides and the dark night sky that hangs over my head are not a very large change in scenery from the realm I just exited. There is one thing missing that makes all the difference to me. One person missing who makes all the difference to me. My father. My wide eyes searched for him desperately, hoping that against all odds he would magically appear. He needs to be here with me. He wouldn't leave me. He can't leave me.
"Papa!" I cried out with a crack in my vocal chords. "Papa, please!" There was no answer, only silence. "Papa, please don't abandon me!" I screamed. But there was nothing. Only the soft call of birds and cold tense night air.
"You promised," I choked on my tears. "You promised!" I screamed at the sky as if it would pass on the message to the man who abandoned me.
An overwhelming sense of dread draped itself over my head like a blanket. He wasn't coming for me. He left me for dead. He broke our deal. Like the pathetic coward he is. And now I would be the real price he payed for his magic. My knees buckled underneath my weight, that seemed to be a many pounds heavier than usual. I collapsed to the ground and my body writhed with sobs. I clutched at the dirt beneath my fingers and the course texture cut into my skin, but I didn't care. The pain was nothing compared to the agony that clawed at my chest. I was alone. Completely and utterly alone in a strange frightening new world that I know nothing about. I needed my father to be here with me. I was willing to face the unknown as long as he would face it with me. I would be brave if we were in this together. But we weren't. My father had let me go. Dropped me into a vortex. He chose power over his own son. I barred my teeth and a heat of rage swept over me. That coward. He couldn't stand being without his precious magic because he was to afraid to actually live a hard working life again. He was afraid of being weak and helpless again. He was so controlled by his lust for power that he abandoned me. He left me to rot here, all by myself. My tears turned bitter as my face contorted into a vicious snarl. All those promises. All those deals. All those times he claimed to love me more than anything. All of them were lies. Everything in this world and the next and the next and the next was a lie. Everyone was a liar and a coward like my father that only care about one thing. Power. Magic. Control. I can't believe how naive and foolish I was to not see it before. All those people who would betray their friends for power. All those people that would sell their own children as soldiers for money. All those people who would start wars and slaughter thousands for land. All those people who would step over the dead bodies of their friends and family to gain control. Everyone I have ever met and ever known was either a greedy selfish bastard or to naive to see the awful and despicable that they woke up to every morning. I use to be gullible and foolish. Now I am a selfish greedy bastard, just like my father. Every world that has ever been is made up of lies hate and cowardly slimy sickening insects who pose as humans. And the only way you can survive in this dog eat dog universe is to become just like everyone else. Promises and deals meant nothing. Love meant nothing. They were just tools used to hide ones true intentions. There are two kinds of people out there. There are the deceivers and the naive children who get deceived. Personally, I would rather be the former. A wide carnal grin formed upon my face. A low chuckle lifted up from my throat. The sounds became louder and louder until the only thing I could hear was my maniacal laughter. I threw my head back and let out a roaring laugh towards the heavens.
I know it's a short first chapter but I really wanted to just end it off here. This is just what I think happened to Baelfire after he landed in the world without magic. Hope you all like it. Please review.