
Amy woke up and looked around, momentarily disoriented. Then she smiled as she remembered where she was, and why she was there. Today was her wedding day.

She had spent the night over at Howard and Bernadette's, in order to avoid seeing Sheldon before the ceremony. Amy would rather have stayed at Leonard and Penny's, but there wasn't any room. Amy had said she didn't mind sleeping on the couch, but Penny had insisted she needed to be well rested for her big day. That was when Bernadette had volunteered her and Howard's guest room, at their new apartment, located on top of Mrs. Wolowitz's garage.

Amy heard a knock on her door. "Come in."

Bernadette peaked her head through the door and said, "Rise and shine, Amy. Time to start your day."

Amy beamed. She was so happy, that it was all she could do to keep herself from jumping up and down on the bed.

She threw off the covers and ran over to hug Bernadette, who seemed a little surprised.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here."

Bernadette smiled. "Of course."

"I'm going to take my shower now," Amy said.

Bernadette nodded. "Ok. Howard is making breakfast. It'll be waiting for you when you're ready."

Amy grabbed her toiletry bag and the clothes she was going to wear until she put on her dress. She spent a significant amount of time in the shower. The first several minutes were spent merely standing underneath the spray, smiling.

As she came to, and started washing her hair, she thought back to the past week. Thank goodness for their friends. True to their word, they had taken it upon themselves to take care of most of the last minute details. At a suggestion from Penny, Amy had gone in to work on Monday and requested the entire rest of the week off. She had originally, foolishly, thought she could work through Friday, but, as she had nearly had a nervous breakdown, she agreed it might be best to take the week off, in addition to the two weeks for her honeymoon. Luckily, it appeared her department head agreed with her.

Sheldon had been a little more reluctant to take time off of work, as he was already having difficulty with the thought of taking an entire two weeks off, but by Wednesday Amy was able to convince him to take Thursday and Friday off.

Penny and Leonard had been a superb Maid of Honor and Best Man. Every time Penny caught Amy attempting to deal with a last minute detail, she would grab the paper/phone/etc. out of Amy's hand and tell her to go read a magazine. Leonard, similarly, removed all of Sheldon's whiteboards, and even threatened to take his computer away if he found him working on it again. Penny told Amy that she had put Leonard in charge of making sure Sheldon wasn't working.

Overall, it had ended up being an easy going week. Amy and Sheldon had actually made time to talk, hang out, talk, watch television, and talk. And as the day of their nuptials grew closer, Amy had felt herself growing more and more excited. Somewhere along the way, in the middle of all her planning, Amy had lost her sense of excitement about the wedding. It had turned into a chore. It was nice, this past week, to have recovered her initial excitement.

Amy stepped out of the shower, and dried herself off, pulling on her clothes. She hurried into the kitchen. Howard was in the midst of cooking pancakes. He smiled and nodded at her.

"Happy wedding day, Amy."

Amy beamed again. "Thank you, Howard."

Howard pointed to a plate, "Help yourself to some pancakes."

Amy walked over and grabbed the smallest pancake she could find. She was not the least bit hungry. She put about once teaspoon of syrup on it, and proceeded to take a bite. After about three bites, she pushed her plate away. Bernadette walked in and said, "Is the food ok?"

Amy nodded. "Yes, it's delicious. Thank you, Howard. However, I simply can't eat."

Bernadette and Howard smiled knowingly at each other. Howard turned to Amy, smiling, and said "That's perfectly understandable. Leave the dish, I'll take care of it. You girls go start getting ready."

As they were walking down the hall, Bernadette said, "Oh, I had better go lay out Howard's tuxedo for him."

Amy barely heard her, as she was currently pondering what Sheldon was up to at the moment. She walked into the bedroom to start packing her few things back up.

Suddenly she heard Bernadette yell, sounding strangely like Mrs. Wolowitz, "Howard! What is this in your garment bag?"

"What do you mean?" Howard yelled back.

That's when Amy remembered that neither Penny, nor Bernadette, knew about the boys' surprise.

Amy rushed into their bedroom, "Oh, that was supposed to be a surprise, Bernadette."

Bernadette held up the hanger. "What in the world is this?"

"I believe that's the uniform for a Star Trek: The Next Generation Science Officer."

Bernadette looked at Amy as if she had sprouted horns. "Why in the world would you let Sheldon talk you into this?"

Amy shrugged. "There were some battles just not worth fighting. And Sheldon agreed to having the wedding colors be pink…Just…don't tell Penny ahead of time."

Bernadette gave Amy a look, but said, "Ok…"

They walked back to the guest room, picked up Amy's things, and headed to the church. The battle between Sheldon, Amy, and their two mothers over the location at which the marriage would take place, had raged for well over a week. Neither Sheldon, nor Amy, held religious beliefs, and so had not wished to be married in a church. But by the end of the week, Amy had begun to think it might be best to give in to their mothers' demands. She had managed to persuade Sheldon through her powers of compromise.

As she and Bernadette arrived at the church, they saw Leonard and Penny attempting to carry Amy's dress into the bridal dressing room, off the side of the chapel.

"Amy, how are you even going to walk in this thing?" Leonard said, his voice muffled by the garment bag currently in his face. "Are you even going to be able to fit through the door?"

Amy smiled without answering. She loved her dress. In the midst of all the stress, the one thing that had been very easy to do, had been choosing a dress. As soon as she had laid her eyes on it, she had known that was her dress. It was perfect and made her feel like a princess. When she had tried it on, she had felt like Disney's Cinderella…she had kind of looked like her too. The dress was tight up top, until it reached her waist when it spread out in a big bell shape, straight to the floor. And there were glittery sequins all over, so that Amy felt like she was sparkling. It went perfectly with her tiara, and three and a half carat diamond engagement ring.

As soon as everything was situated in the bridal dressing room, Penny began to work on Amy's hair and makeup. Amy had been quite insistent that she not wear any makeup at all today, (mostly due to the fact that Sheldon preferred her without makeup) save perhaps some mascara and lip gloss, but Penny had exclaimed that there was no way Amy could wear a dress like hers and not wear makeup. They had compromised by allowing Penny to put on foundation, a light green eye shadow, eye liner (no "smoky eye" allowed), and a tinted pink lip gloss. As for her hair, Amy did not wish to have her hair curled. Instead she asked Penny to put it up in a knot on top of her head, with her tiara in front.

After her hair and makeup were complete, Penny and Bernadette helped Amy put on her dress. It took a little while, because there was so much tulle underneath that they had a hard time figuring out where the opening was. When Amy was finally in her dress, complete with white ballet flats, she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

She beamed. She looked just like a princess. In fact, she looked just like Cinderella.

"You look beautiful Amy!" Penny and Bernadette exclaimed.

"I know," beamed Amy.

Amy stood there, staring at herself, feeling excited. She must had stood there awhile, because the next time Penny came over, she was completely dressed, with her own hair and makeup completed.

"Alright, Sweetie, it's time for us girls to take our pictures."

Amy nodded, still smiling, and walked out the door. She loved how, due to the fact that her dress was so puffy that you couldn't see her feet, she looked like she was gliding across the floor.

After the pictures with her bridesmaids, it was back into the bridal dressing room, to await the start of the ceremony. Time seemed to snail by, but eventually it was time to line up. Amy grabbed her bouquet of pink roses, and Penny and Bernadette put on her veil.

Amy's cousins Brad and Tadd had both volunteered to walk Amy down the aisle, but she had said she would rather walk down alone. She lined up behind Bernadette and Penny, growing ever more excited. The next thing she knew the music had started, and Bernadette began her walk down the aisle. It was all Amy could do not to start hopping up and down. Penny got a look at the guys in their Star Trek uniforms and turned back to Amy, mouthing "what the hell?"

Amy just shrugged and smiled.

When Penny finally went up the aisle, it was finally Amy's turn. The music changed to "The Way You Look Tonight" and Amy started her walk up the aisle, savoring every moment. Every eye was on her, and her sparkling dress. She looked at Sheldon, who actually looked quite dashing in his Captain's Uniform (even if the pink rose pinned on did clash with the red in the uniform). She and Sheldon had agreed that the Next Generation uniforms had a more formal look to them than the Original Series uniforms. Sheldon was smiling at her, hands clasped in front of him. When she reached him, he held out his arm, and she hooked her hand through.

The minister asked the audience to be seated and then began the ceremony.

"Hoch cheb'a' yIr Daghtuj DaHjaj muv Sheldon je Amy tlhogh…"

Amy could hear her Aunt Flora whisper loudly, "Is he speaking German?" and Mary say, "Oh good Lord."

Amy looked over at Sheldon and smiled. She had gotten him to agree to be married in a church, with a minister, provided the ceremony be performed in Klingon.

When the minister pronounced that they were "nem IoDnal je be'nal," Sheldon smiled at Amy, lifted her veil, and kissed her.

Taking pictures with the family could have been considered stressful, if Amy hadn't been feeling so happy. Not even Aunt Flora lecturing Amy and Sheldon on proper wedding attire, or Mary berating Sheldon for having the wedding performed in Klingon, could dampen their spirits. Through the entire wedding picture ordeal, Amy and Sheldon held hands, never once letting go.

Then it was on to the train museum for the reception. There was a large pavilion erected in the center of the outdoor museum, surrounded by the mini tracks. When Sheldon and Amy arrived, Amy noticed Brad and Tadd both taking rides on the mini trains.

She snickered, turned to Sheldon, and said, "They look a bit like a couple of King Kong's riding a train, don't they?"

Sheldon grinned in response.

They were announced, and then took their seats at the head table, which resembled a locomotive. Dinner was fried chicken (which, according to Sheldon, was not nearly as good as Mary's), mashed potatoes, corn, and iced tea or soda to drink. Amy didn't eat a bite. She kept meaning to, but she would frequently find herself simply grinning at the wedding guests in front of her, or gazing at Sheldon. Or, when she would remember that she should be eating, she would get the fork half way to her mouth and someone would start clinking their glass, causing a chain reaction of clinking glassware (that greatly annoyed Sheldon) which could only be stopped by kissing. And then after kissing Sheldon, she would go back to grinning happily at the wedding guests, and the cycle would repeat itself.

Their first dance was interesting, mostly because they both had to figure out how to navigate around Amy's dress. It was a waltz, so Sheldon sent her out in a spin multiple times, which was also very difficult, as the dress never wanted to stop when Amy did.

In the middle of the dance, Amy looked up at Sheldon and asked, "Now that you're attending your own wedding reception, do you feel more favorably towards them?"

Sheldon looked down at her. "No."

Amy frowned. "What do you mean 'no'?" Leave it to Sheldon to say something so truthful.

"I mean, I don't feel more favorably towards wedding receptions."

"So you don't like ours?"

Sheldon looked shocked. "What on earth gave you that idea?"

"I just asked you if you felt more favorably towards wedding receptions."

Sheldon looked confused. "Well, I don't."

"So which is it then?"

"Which is what?"

Amy had the sudden urge to laugh. Only Sheldon Cooper could unknowingly insult his wife at their wedding reception. At the thought of wife, Amy grinned.

Sheldon frowned, still confused. "Why on earth are you grinning? You're making no sense."

"I'm grinning because you're being so…you."

Sheldon rolled his eyes. "You're still not making sense Amy."

"I was asking about wedding receptions to see if you were enjoying ours, but you said no. I was laughing because only you would be capable of directly insulting your wife at your wedding reception."

Sheldon looked affronted. "I beg your pardon, but you asked me no such thing, and I did not insult you."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?"

"Yes really. You didn't ask me if I liked our wedding reception. You asked if I felt differently about wedding receptions in general. And the answer to that question is no."

"Alright then, I'll ask you directly. Do you like our wedding reception?"

"You know, if you had asked that in the first place we could have saved ourselves this entire discussion…and yes, I do like our wedding reception…particularly the make-your-own sundae bar."

Amy laughed and they continued dancing for the short time that was left of the song.

It wasn't until they were supposed to cut the cake that Amy got her first look at it. It was more beautiful than she had pictured it. It was four tiers tall, chocolate, with traditional white frosting. Every other tier had either pink roses or N-gauge locomotives around the edge. And on the top were two Vulcan figures, in place of a traditional bride and groom. Neither Sheldon nor Amy had really wanted to do the traditional wedding cake cut, but Mary had, for some reason, insisted quite severely that they adhere to that particular tradition, and so they had agreed, for the sake of keeping the peace.

When at last it was time to go, Amy felt a brief sadness wash over her. Her wedding day was over. But then she looked up at Sheldon, remembered that the wedding night was still to come, and grinned.

Their friends all waved goodbye as they got in the limo, which had the words "Boldly Going" painted on the back window. On the ride to the hotel, they alternated between kissing and cuddling.

Howard and Raj had checked them in and taken their luggage up to the hotel room before the wedding had started, so when they arrived, they were able to take the elevator straight to their room. They both stopped for a moment to stare at the door, before Sheldon swiped the card key and opened it, gesturing for Amy to go through first. After she walked through the door, Sheldon followed, closed the door, turned around, and grinned.

The End

A/N: Two days, and 9000 words later, you have your Shamy Wedding sequel. Thanks a bunch for reading! It's been a fun two days. :)

For those wondering what the Klingon means: "Hoch cheb'a' ben yIr Daghtuj DaHjaj muv Sheldon Amy tlhogh" = We are here together today to join Sheldon and Amy in marriage, and "nem IoDnal je be'nal" = Now husband and wife. Or so I hope. I have a new found respect for anyone who can speak Klingon...not an easy language. I'm pretty sure there's very little correct grammar or syntax in those statements because I had to look up each individual word, only to find that some words had no translation (words like "to" or "in").

So, thanks again, I hope you enjoyed it, and please be kind to my confidence and leave a review. :)