Chapter One – There was a boy.


"My sons, today is a special day."
Odin gave them a tight-lipped smile, a smile that only showed in his eye how proud he was.
"Thor, you have been proving yourself capable year after year, it is only fitting that you take the next step towards becoming the future king."
He had gathered them in the vault, having not stepped foot back since they were kids, this time their father pointed towards Mjolnir.
Thor beamed and nudged his brother who couldn't help but wonder why he was even summoned in the first place, no foreseeable purpose for being dragged down here to watch Thor's ego be boosted.
"I will not let you down father." Promised Thor.
Odin shifted his gaze to Loki. "Do not think I have forgotten you my son, you have an important task as well."
A slender black eyebrow raised in surprise.
"For Thor will need your support even more in this time." Loki furrowed his brows and bit his tongue, holding back a snide comment that clawed at his throat, he was just as worthy as Thor, wasn't he? Why wasn't he given a chance to prove himself?
A curt bow was all he could manage as emotions raged inside of him, Odin's voice echoing in his head what he told them so many years ago.
'Both of you, were born to be kings...'

A few months later Loki ran into Thor on his way to the dining hall, he had slept in a little later than usual and hope some food would be leftover or else he'd have to wait for a fresh meal to be prepared.
"Brother!" Thor boomed and wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulder, leading them towards the training grounds and away from a delicious meal.
"I'm glad I caught you, I was hoping to see if you would join me in training today, you have been rather aloof."
Loki groaned and slipped out from underneath the heavy arm but continued to follow.
"Not so, you have been so busy with your training that you have no time to visit me."
"Nonsense, I have plenty of time."
Crossing his arms Loki glared. "Oh really? Then why don't we go out on a small trip or even go hunting if you wish it."
The offer was tempting, Thor wanted badly to say yes but father had set him up with many tutors in the upcoming days, it seemed there was no end in sight for what he was to learn.
The golden-haired brother stopped and looked over Loki, who had caught up to him in height but never bulk, instead the baby fat gave way to slender and hard features. Sea green eyes held no twinkling charm today, in fact since he had begun his training it seemed a rare moment to catch his brother smiling.
"Forgive me Loki, you know I would wish nothing more than to go and bring back stories but I have more important tasks at the moment."
Loki swallowed hard, a mask of indifference sliding over his face to hide the hurt at his brother's words.
"Of course..."
Thor smiled, hand resting against his brother's neck offering a gentle pat before sliding away as he continued his way to the training grounds, Loki's soft footsteps followed shortly afterwards, his appetite ruined.

Loki found himself nestled at the bottom of a tree, a forgotten book in hand as he watched his older brother adorn sparring armor and decide on which weapon to practice with. He tried to get over his brother's cold dismissal but no matter what he couldn't get past the next page let alone a single sentence, Thor's words echoed in is head.
Thor eagerly took up a sword and went after the taller trainer with reckless abandon, there was nothing pleasant about this, he loved him dearly but Thor had no tact, charging like a wild beast.
'Behold the future king.' Mocked Loki in his mind and gritted his teeth.
Loki was built and acted like his magic, graceful and quiet, though it needed refining. Happiest when sticking his nose in old books than spending the day getting sweaty unless it happened to serve a greater purpose.
His pale face smoothed itself from its previous emotion and morphed into a frown that seemed unnaturally fitting for his features. Loneliness, a feeling that ate at him, once held at bay by the comfort and familiarity his brother gave him, but no longer.
Loki couldn't seem to escape his brother's shadow and be noticed, he would never be better than Thor, most favored son and golden child of Allfather, though honestly, he truly just wished to be esteemed as his equal.
Silently he moved from his spot as soft-spoken magic weaved over him, causing his body to vanish. Safety and familiarity washed over him at the thrum of magic, this his first and most favored spell, it cloaked his body and hugged him like his mother's embrace.
It was time to find something that would busy his mind and boredom.

Allfather Odin and Frigga stood across the courtyard and watched with smiles upon their faces, only Frigga seemed to notice her younger son's absence but knew she could do nothing to make Loki return and join them. She hoped, deep down, that whatever he was up to wouldn't bring much trouble later on.
Her soft sigh drew Odin's attention, making him look to where Loki once sat, he never failed to notice whatever would trouble his dearest.
"You mother and worry him too much." He commented returning his attention back to Thor.
"And you worry too little, all those months since the announcement he has been brooding and distant. Thor was his only companion and now he has little time to go travel with his brother."
Odin exhaled heavily through his nose, his face remaining ever stoic and his posture stiff.
"Perhaps Loki should expand his social circle, open up instead of hiding away behind his books and magic."
"You know well that it is not Loki's fault, nearly everyone avoids him no matter how hard he tries, you may as well be asking him to change his complete nature and stop being our beloved son." She defended, turning to face her husband and purse her lips.
He reached out and placed a hand upon her arm. "If it truly troubles your mind then I shall see about setting up some time for Thor to go out on expeditions and have Loki join him. Have I appeased you properly?" He teased, her smile was his answer, his kiss their reward.

Though Loki was very intelligent he tended to think himself above others and many could sense that about the younger prince, making most reluctant to reach out. Oft times his presence felt more bearable whenever Thor was nearby to balance the situation.
Which left Loki to debate briefly where to go and what to do.
Thor's friends? No, they would likely be training as well.
Perhaps the young men and women outside the castle? No, most were wary from his past actions as a child but mostly due to false rumors.
He stopped by the enormous library to return his book when the worn map of the Nine Realms caught his attention, nothing new stood out as he had seen the map more than he could remember but something about Midgard reached out to him.
Thor and Loki had been to many of the realms several times, with the escort of royal advisers and guards of course but never Midgard.
The realm of mortals was forbidden due to being innocent, young and out of touch with the other planes.
Like a beckoning hand Loki felt the rebel pull to break the rules, what did it matter if he went and chaos ensued, a strong scolding is all he'd suffer if he was caught.
A sly smile spread across his face, causing his eyes to twinkle… he wasn't called the God of Mischief for nothing.
Thankfully his magic was more cunning, and stronger than Heimdall could ever perceive, letting him travel easily without being caught, not many could avoid the god's power of perception.
In short time Loki had gone to his chambers to change into more suitable clothes designed for light travel and slung an empty satchel across his chest. After ensuring sure his magic was still in place he took off on foot to an area known only to him, where he could travel without the use of the Bifrost.

((AN: Here comes the chapter revisions, sorry for the delay, I had to more several states from where I lived all my life so it's been super crazy. Chapters 8 and up went missing on my computer so those revisions are going to take a week or two. I'm also without an editor, so please be patient!))