It's Not Katy

A/N: Okay, so personally, I believe that our dear Blainers actually likes Pink more than Katy Perry…so I wrote about it.

Summary: Everyone thinks his musical soul belongs to Katy Perry. Blainecentric drabble.

Disclaimer: I humbly acknowledge that I don't own Glee.

There aren't many artists Blaine doesn't like. Musically speaking, that is. He likes The Beatles and he likes Lady Gaga and he likes pretty much everything in between. He's not a huge fan of heavy metal but he will enjoy a good Eminem song every now and then. He especially loves teaching himself piano symphonies.

But everyone thinks that his favouriteartist is Katy Perry. He doesn't dislike her, I mean, she did originally record 'Teenage Dream' and 'Last Friday Night' and there was that guy who sort of looked like Blaine in the music video for 'Last Friday Night' but Katy Perry wasn't the be all and end all for Blaine. There was someone he loved even more than Katy.

No, he's not talking about Kurt. We're still on music here. No, the artist that stole Blaine's heart is Pink. He'd always enjoyed Pink's music but when she released 'F**kin' Perfect' and 'Raise Your Glass', that was it. Blaine was officially in love. The only thing he didn't like was that the songs weren't released sooner…as in around the time of the infamous Sadie Hawkins dance. He had no plans to tell anyone but when Kurt caught him singing along in the car, he was kind of forced to.

- Flashback –-

"I never pegged you for such a big Pink fan," Kurt commented as Blaine sang 'F**kin' Perfect' under his breath.

"Um, well, yeah…" said Blaine hesitantly. "Well…you know all the reasons you like Lady Gaga?" Kurt nodded. "I like Pink for the same reasons."

"Okay," said Kurt simply and he sang along with his boyfriend and the radio.

- End Flashback -

Kurt was really the only person that knew how much he loved Pink. Everyone else knew that he liked her (or why would he suggest singing 'Raise Your Glass' at Regionals?) but they still thought that his musical soul belonged to Katy Perry. He wasn't about to advertise it, but if they asked, he'd smile and say "it's not Katy."

A/N: Bit long for a drabble, but whatever. I'm happy.