Please understand that I have taken much more time to be writing up Chapter 6 and 7 for this story. There's more detail and much more backstory to it.

And I really don't like all the criticism that I have gotten for this story. Yes, I understand that most parts don't make sense. However, if you've ever read a good novel before (something that isn't on FFN and a real book), then you'd know that as the story goes on, more of the back story does. And that's what I'm going for. I'm not going to reveal the entire plotline in chapter 1 because then no one will read it. I'd rather have people read the story through it's entirety than anything.

And please criticize another story because I won't have it here. Most of the people who have reviewed this story understand that it's much harder to write than you think it is. I've written an original story for my senior project and it's taken me three months to even get up to chapter 2 of it. And it's still unfinished.

I'd really like for you to try and write a story, not a one-shot fanfic, a real, mutli-chapter story and see how "easy" it is to write it. I can tell you straight up that it's harder than it looks.

Okay. Rant is over.

To the Guest (1) and OwenSandraWrites: You can think she's a Mary Sue all you fucking want. Because, like I said, I'm proud of her. I'm proud that I had created her. After all, have you tried creating something unique and different? And, after you came up with your new character, have you tried giving her a backstory? You try it and then come talk to me about it. With a character that you have created, any backstory is possible. The one I stick to most for Rose, in the present day, is that her father would physically and sexually abuse her and she has a really shitty self-esteem when she hits high school. My advice to you is to go bother someone who cares about your shitty "opinion."
And, another thing, I'm really in no mood to up with anybody's bullshit. Read someone else's story if you don't want to tolerate my stories. So... GO FUCK YOURSELFIE!


Chapter 6: Escaping


I've been up since Atem was here. And that was hours ago.

I'm worried. Actually... That's an understatement… I'm very worried.

I wish it wasn't so far away. I asked my servant, Ashley, not to say anything until I'm out of the royal palace.

Mainly because i don't want my adopted father to marry me off to someone I don't even love. It goes against what Yugi taught Heba and I. I should marry out of love and not because someone told me to.

And I realized this when Atem left: I fell head over heels in love with him.

When I woke up and saw him beside me, I couldn't call my guards on him. He means a lot to me, but I only know some things about him. Not enough, but it's love at first sight.

He is sweet. Almost as sweet as chocolate. Almost. He holds so much warmth and love in those crimson eyes. I knew he wasn't a monster like the deceased Upper Pharaoh.

I want him to be the father of my children, my husband and best friend.


In Upper Egypt, Atem informed Seth that he has to go back to Lower Egypt to bring Rose back.

"I cannot," Seth said, pulling out a scroll. Glanced at it then put it back.

"But you must!" Atem cried, outraged. "If not, then she must marry another man! A man who wouldn't treasure her! A man who would hurt her by cheating on her with other women!"

Seth sharply turned toward Atem, frowning. "And why do you care so much about the Lower Egyptian Princess?"

"Because I fell for her."

"How did you fall for her? You barely know the Princess."

"She told me something. A secret that only a handful of people know about."

"So?!" Seth roared at Atem, furious that he's not thinking logically. "She could've lied about it!"

"She would never lie! Ra would never let her lie to me!"

"But, she could've! Think reasonably!"

"Silence!" Atem screamed, glaring at Seth. "I demand that you bring Princess Rosalie back here."

With that said, Atem left the library. Knowing that Seth can't object to his commands.

Seth just sighed, leaving after several minutes. He was heading for the stables, planning to ride on his horse. Departing for Lower Egypt.

It's going to be a long journey, he thought, sighing. Climbing on his horse, he set out for the other Egyptian kingdom.

Meanwhile, Rose was standing out on her balcony. Gazing up at the starry sky.

"I wish for your safe return, Atem," she whispered, her voice a gentle summer breeze. "I hope you come soon, High Priest…"

She placed a hand over her heart, smiling softly to herself. "For I have complete faith in the both of them…"

Eventually, Seth got through the palace walls. Looking for the said Princess's room. He found Rose on her balcony, her hand on her chest and the soft smile gracing itself on her face.

"Princess Rosalie?" Seth asked. She is beautiful, he thought, mentally stunned at her beauty.

Rose looked down when she heard a male voice say her name. I do not know this voice, she thought, curiously. But he must be the High Priest that Atem sent!

Seth approached the balcony so Rose could see him.

"Are you the High Priest?" She asked, giggling softly.

"I am Pharaoh Atem's High Priest. My name is Seth, your majesty." He kneeled before her.

She had on a highly amused smile. "Rose is just fine, Seth. I maybe a princess, but I wish to be treated like your friend."

He looked up at her, stunned.

"I will be down shortly. I must ask Ashley to bring around my horse."

"But, there is no time!"

"Don't be silly. I had my horse prepared for me hours ago."

Seth groaned, but stopped when he saw a blonde haired and green eyed woman walk up to him. In her hand was the reins to a horse. The horse was pure black, eyes the bluest of blues.

"That is Black Beauty, my precious horse. Release the reins!"

The woman holding the horse's reins let go and left.

Seth looked up at the princess. Then his eyes widened.

For she jumped off the second story balcony.

When Seth went up to catch her, Black Beauty galloped until she was under Rose. Landing perfectly safe on her horse's back.

"You scared me!" Seth cried.

"Shh!" Rose hissed, frowning. "I would never have done that if Black Beauty wasn't here. I trusted her that she would catch me and she did. Moving on."

She took Black Beauty's reins and softly trotted to the palace gates.

"Coming?" She asked him, turning around to give him her warmest smile.

Without knowing what he did, he began to walk through the gates. Mounting on his own horse. They fled Lower Egypt at a fast gallop.

Meanwhile, Atem was in his room. Waiting on the palace guards to inform him that Seth and Rose are heading into the palace.

I do hope she likes her room, Atem thought, smiling at the mention of her.

Here's Chapter 6. I really hope you like it. Chapter 7 will be awhile because I am still in the process of writing it. I only have about five and a half pages completed. And I'm not even finished with it, either.

Hopefully, I'll have it completed before I move and uploaded.