Books, books, and more books. There must have been a million different books all scattered across the floor of the library. Within the mount of books sat a violet unicorn, obviously quite exhasted. Twilight stayed up all night reading on the species of ponies and how they all work. Ever sine the Best Young Fliers Competition, she had been determined to figrue out a more stable way of making wings. So far she found lots of books on how to switch the species of ponies, but that wasn't exactly what she wanted. However, in the mitts of her studies, she did find a way to give a pony a horn and magic for a couple of hours. Now, she just needed a test subject.

Rarity was already a unicorn, so giving her an extra horn wouldn't exactly be helpful. Who wasn't busy. AppleJack had apple bucking, Fluttershy taking care of animals, Pinkie working Sugar Cube Corner, and Rainbow. Rainbow was probably sleeping though. Rainbow would probably be a good test subject, but she was Rainbow Dash, so anything could happen. Well, at least it wasn't Pinkie Pie. Great, now Twilight only had to find the spectrum hued mare.

As the gifted unicorn strolled around Ponyville she examined a scroll of parchment and checked stuff off with a quill. She had to make sure she got the spell right, otherwise there was no telling what could happen. Lucky for Twilight, Rainbow actually did a really good job when it came to clearing the skies. Not a cloud in the sky, that made everything a lot easier. She knew that Rainbow always saved a single cloud for herself to sleep on, so all Twilight had to do was find that cloud. Lucky for her, Ponyville was very petite, so the cloud she'd been looking for was found pretty fast.

A streak of six different colors hung from a single cloud in the sky. Good. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called. She waited for the mare to stop moaning and snorting before calling her name once more. "Rainbow Dash!" This time the groggily pony sat up and turned her head towards Twilight with her eyes still shut in annoyance.

After rubbing her eyes for a moment she finally reveled the magenta orbs that occupied her face. "Oh hey Twi! What brings you here?" she answered with a question.

"Well you see, I was doing some research when I found a new spell that..." Twilight began to ramble. However, with a mind like Rainbow's, she picked a few words and put the together. "Well, research species ponies magic, you help," For that was the sentence that went through the pegasus' ears. Not knowing how to respond to the words she heard, Rainbow tilted her head up and down with a smile.

"Sure thing, I can do that," she said not knowing what she was getting herself into.


Once the two mares got into the library, they were greeted by the young dragon that occupied the library more than half the time. "Oh hey guys, I just finished cleaning the mess Twilight made, so you can get back to... whatever you're here for," Spike said before walking of the the upper level of the library.

"So, mind running me through what we're doing again," Rainbow requested. Twilight responded with a quick nod. She began using a piece of bleach white chalk to draw a perfect circle on the wooden floor.

"Well, to put in simple terms, I'll be using my magic to create a horn on your forehead that will also give you the ability to use magic for a short period of time," Twilight explained.

"Oh okay, that sounds kind of cool," the other mare nodded.

"Alright, now if you'll just step into that chalk circle, I can commence the ritual."

"Okay then," Rainbow said as she hopped into the circle Twilight pointed at.

"Now. I'll have to use a special magical beam on you for exactly sixty seconds and then you should be an alicorn for roughly three hours."

"Wait will this hurt?" Rainbow asked a little concerned.

"Um, the books don't really say, but you should be fine. This is my first time using the spell so just hold tight alright," Twilight said oblivious to the problems this could cause. Rainbow took a audible gulp and braced herself for the magic beam that began to approach her.

Twilight first used her magic to make a timer appear. Once she started the timer, she blasted her cyan friend. Rainbow cinched at the touch of the beam and grit her teeth while closing her eyes tightly. It didn't hurt too much, more like a harsh pinch or a mild indian burn.

Fifty seconds past and everything seemed to be going well. Twilight might just be able to pull this off. But of course, moving to Ponyville had both its ups, and sadly, its downs.

"Hey Twilight!" a bubbly voice erupted from her front door.

"Pinkie I don't have time!" Twilight responded quickly while still casting her spell. Fifty five seconds.

"I brought you cupcakes! The Cakes said they wanted ponies to taste test so I just had to volunteer my bestest friends!" Pinkie exclaimed. Luckily she was a fast talker. As she began to ramble about trying to find her and Rainbow Dash, Twilight finally snapped. Fifty nine seconds. Twilight turned around quickly, while still skillfully casting her spell.

"Just go put them in the kitchen!" she yelled at the party pony.

"Okey doki loki!" Pinkie said cheerfully as ever. Twilight turned back to her timer quickly and gasped at the sight. Sixty two seconds. She stopped the blast that was aimed at Rainbow Dash as quick as possible and stopped her timer as a bunch of smoke appeared from the recoil of the magic. Uh-oh, sixty three seconds.

A/N; Look up rule sixty three if this doesn't make since to you yet. This has been sitting in my "My Stories" folder for three months now, just needed to finish my first story or at least be really close to done. Anyway, rates and reviews always make me a happy tomColt so that would be nice :)