So, prior word of warning - forget scenes of sexual nature, this is essentially one long scene of nothing but a sexual nature. Urgh, I feel so dirty.

Disclaimer: Well, pretty sure this is well out of the lines of anything Anthony Horowitz wrote. So yeah, obviously not mine.

There is a flurry of movement, and then calloused hands are running the length of his arms, fingers dragging over his biceps, and resting on his shoulders. He pauses, exhaling, and then drawing in breath again, before the hands move, cold on his chest now, pushing him back against the wall, nails biting into the skin. The hands move so that they are either side of his head, as a body, warm and solid, presses up against his.

For a moment, he panics, as he always does when trapped, but just as quickly, he relaxes, smiling lazily at the man whose embrace he is in. This is an attack, but one of a different kind, pressed up against a filthy wall with your belt undone, and your zipper as low as you can force it, the beat of the music rocking through the both of you, setting a rhythm for your ministrations. It is the only kind of attack that he seeks out now, ignoring the niggling guilt that reminds him of Sabina, at home, waiting for him.

The stranger moves, and he forgets about her, and propriety, and everything outside of him and this man, stubble rough against his as their mouths move against each other. He gasps when teeth bite against his lip, the man taking advantage of his open mouth, tongues added to the mix, as they press closer together. He moves his own arms, which have, until now, been hanging rather loosely by his side, so that they are wrapped around this man, urging his body as close as they can make it. Without knowing how it happened, his pants are undone, and he begins to mewl as the rest of him follows.

There is the barest of chuckles, as their mouths are disentangled, the scape of stubble against his cheek, and then there is the voice in his ear. "Should have called you Kitten," startled, blue eyes widen, not only at the nickname, but the softly breathed "Cub" that followed it. As the stranger's head moves again, into his line of vision, he picks out the familiar angles of a face he'd tried to forget years ago, a face that had hovered in his mind as he writhed, panting heavily between the sheets, only slightly guilty in the knowledge that he should be fantasizing about a girl.

He can feel his face begin to heat up, and panic floods him once again, as he comes to terms with the fact that the man he's wrapped around, the man who has his hand down his pants, was the first man that he'd ever wanted. Briefly, irrationally, he considers pulling away, melting back into the crowd, and trying to forget that he'd finally gotten the man under the least romantic, or acceptable of standards. He thinks of tracking him down again, after he's broken things off with Sabina for good, and doing it properly. Perhaps the man knows this though, because all of his planning is forgotten when he feels the sucking on his pulse point, teeth grazing the tender skin as he arches slightly, pulling the other to him once again. His eyes are only half open, fingers scratching gently at a broad back, and his voice strained as he replies, "Fuck you, Fox."

The man laughs against his neck, the feeling vibrating through his body, and he knows his words have backfired on him. That was the plan all along, after all, one that they were both after, before Alex even knew who he was, and it's a plan they'll both follow to the finish.

So, and this is a little sad to admit, but this basically began as my attempt at writing fluff, because all I had in my head was the Kitten line. And instead, I got this wank fest. Which... I dunno about xD But let me know what you think! And also if you'd like me to try extend it into some sort of plot, or just leave it as a stand-alone