((hey guys this a new story that i thought about this weekend, i hope you like it, sorry that it isn't very long but this is the first chapter, i hope you like it, please comment and rate my story, please please, it means a lot to me to know you guys like my stories)).

Emrys that was his name, the greatest warlock the world had ever known, Merlin had never known though that he would find out his legendary status, although it was all in his after the marriage of Arthur and Gwen when magic had finally come back to Camelot and he had been made court sorcerer and advisor, did people start to wonder about him.

As his king aged Merlin did not, he himself wondered and then the dragon was questioned, his answer was to look up the meaning of his Druid name. So Merlin did and was struck by a sadness, his name meant Immortal and it certainly seemed like he was, he had the mental age of a thirty year old while he was trapped in the body of a twenty one year old, why? Why did he have to be the one to out live everyone? Where did it say in his destiny that this was going to happen?

So he consulted Kilgarrah again, this time Aithusa was the one to give Merlin the answer, his destiny would never be finished, as well as protecting Arthur his destiny was to protect the whole of Albion later known to be a place called England, he would be the soul protector of the country and would never die until England died. What a great destiny was his sarcastic remark as he walked back to the castle, what could he say to his friends?

How could he tell them that he would have to watch them die? Although maybe he didn't need to, maybe he could run away to the forest and just wait it out, but then what kind of Advisor would he be then? He had to stay was the answer, he would just have to live out everyone's lives and watch as children were born and his friends died then the cycle would repeat every couple of decades maybe a little longer, but he supposed as Medicine got better people would live longer and that would make it harder for him, couldn't he just use his magic to preserve his friends lives?

Although then being stuck with the same people for all eternity would probably drive him mad, after all Gwaine was one of his friends. He put his head against his hands as he leaned against a tree, the threat of Morgana was still lurking and now she was even more powerful since she had Mordred on her side, he was the same age as Merlin now-well Mordred was the same age as Merlin's body-and his magic was less powerful but just as dangerous. It was all to much for the Warlock known as Merlin, why did he have to be immortal? Surely he could just be a great warlock and that was it? He shook his head as he made his way back to Camelot, if he was going to live forever he supposed that he would have to learn as many spells as he could to make his life worth the eternity.