A/N: Here you go, the fourth and FINAL chapter!

Disclaimer: J.K. owns Harry, I own the Walsh family.

4. The Meeting

"Wake up, sleepy head!" said Hermione, making Lynn wake up. "Time to get up!"

"Whaddimeisit?" said Lynn, having not woken up yet.

"It's half an hour to breakfast, that should do at the moment." Hermione was already fully dressed and ready. "I'll wait down in the common room." Hermione went out of the room. Lynn got out of bed and got dressed, and then got down to the common room. Besides Hermione there was some other students there. It was students from all years, most of them waiting for people. Lynn and Hermione went down and ate breakfast. While eating they looked at their schedule, and went to class when they were done eating.

The first week passed without any major problem. By now Lynn had had all her classes, and had formed an opinion about the teachers. She had been right about Professor McGonnagall, who had started her first class by telling everyone that she wouldn't take anyone fooling around in class. Among the other teachers, Snape, the potions master, was her least favourite one. He was always biased to the Slytherin students, and was always coming down on the Gryffindor students, especially Neville. And he really seemed to hate Harry Potter, with that meaning that he REALLY HATED him.

It was Tuesday of the second week of school, when Lynn was running down one of the corridors. She was on her way to the great hall to eat lunch with Hermione, who was waiting for Lynn in the great hall. Lynn was late because she had forgot one of her books at the last class. She was running because she didn't want to miss that much of the lunch. This was a mistake, since Hogwarts was not exactly known for being an ordinary school. Now Lynn had reached the stairs, and went down one. But she forgot that this stair had a false step. She put her foot on it, but she didn't fall through it, but instead pulled her foot back instinctively, trying to reach the next step. But she failed, and lost her footing, tumbling down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she hit her head and passed out.

A while later, Lynn came to by someone shaking her. She felt her head pounding with pain. She opened her eyes a bit. She saw a couple of green eyes.

"Green eyes...Michael has green eyes...what's he doing here?" Lynn thought. She opened her eyes a bit more. Now she saw that it wasn't Michael leaning over her, but Harry Potter.

"Are you all right?" he asked. Lynn sat up, clutching her forehead.

"Yeah...I'm fine..." she said. "Could use a painkiller though..."

"You must've fallen down the stairs," said Harry. "Bit of a nasty fall."

"Yeah, the false step tricked me," said Lynn.

"You're sure you're fine?" Harry asked. Lynn nodded.

"By the way, I don't think we've met, I'm Lynn. Lynn Walsh," she said. "And you are..?" Lynn already knew his name, but they hadn't been properly introduced.

"Harry Potter," said Harry. "First-year also, right?"

"Yeah, I'm haven't got used to it all yet." Suddenly Lynn felt a sharp pain in her head, and she clutched her forehead again. "Ow..."

"You don't look to good. I'm taking you to the hospital wing."

"No, really I'm fine, you don't have to-"

"No, come on now, you're in pain, were going to the hospital wing."

"Okay..." Lynn started walking, but she was too dizzy still to walk properly.

"Here, lean on me." Harry took Lynn's right arm and moved it so that Lynn could lean on his shoulders.

"Thanks." They began walking to the hospital wing.

Lynn and Harry was sitting in the hospital wing, waiting for madam Pomfroy to finish fixing some other students, who had been the victims of some kind of prank. They weren't seriously harmed, but Lynn thought she heard the hissing of snakes, and suspected that Kevin had had some kind of involvement in the prank.

"You said that you hadn't 'got used to it all yet'," said Harry. "What did you mean with that?"

"Well, I first found out that I was a witch when I got my letter," said Lynn. "So I've tried to take in as much as possible about the wizarding world during the past few months."

"Same here. I didn't know that I was a wizard until I got my letter. So I'm also still learning."

"I was rather shocked though when I found out, because then I got to know that my entire family was wizards and witches."

"Why did they keep it a secret?"

"Well, my dad have always had a rather low amount of magical power, and because of that my mom and dad didn't know if all their children would have magical powers. So they didn't tell me until they were sure, when I got my letter. How was it for you? Something like that?"

"No, I didn't know it because my uncle and aunt hadn't told me. I live with them, since my parents are dead..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." But Harry shook his head.

"It's all right. They died when I was very little, not more than a year. That's why I live with my uncle, aunt and cousin. They didn't tell me that I was a wizard, because they're muggles and they don't like wizards and witches. They think it's odd and strange, something dangerous. On the bright side, I'll be able to scare my cousin next summer." Harry smiled at the last part. Now madam Pomfroy came out from behind the curtains which the other patients were behind. Lynn thought she heard her muttering something about "That damn Walsh boy..." Now she reached Lynn and Harry.

"So, what's the matter?" madam Pomfroy asked.

"I-" Lynn started, but she was interrupted by Harry.

"She fell down the stairs," he said. "Hit her head. She says it's nothing but I don't believe her."

"The stairs? Let me guess: the false step?" said Madam Pomfroy. Lynn nodded, but stopped as this only caused more pain. "Doesn't surprise me one bit. We've had some incidents with that one before." She now examined Lynn's head. "It's good you brought her here, she's got a nasty bump. What's your name, dear?"

"Lynn Walsh," said Lynn. Madam Pomfroy paused her examination for a second, but then continued.

"You don't happen to be related to Kevin Walsh, do you?" said Madam Pomfroy, a bitter tone in her voice. Lynn sighed.

"Unfortunately, yes," she said. "He's my brother."

"My condolences..." said Madam Pomfroy. She stopped the examination. "You've got a light concussion. It could've been worse if you hadn't come here, so thank this young man for that." She took out a wand. "Stay still." She muttered something and the pain in Lynn's head vanished. "Feeling better" Lynn nodded. "Good. Here." She wrote a note. "Give your teacher in your class this, it'll explain your absence. By the way, what's your name young man?"

"Harry Potter," said Harry. Madam Pomfroy wrote a bit or on her note, tore it from the notepad, and gave it to Lynn.

"Now, of you go!" said Madam Pomfroy. "Don't be more late for class then you already are! And don't fall down any more stairs!" Lynn and Harry hurried of. And Madam Pomfroy got a sudden feeling that she was going to see a lot of Harry Potter, not knowing how right she was.

"Thanks for taking me to the hospital wing, Harry," said Lynn, as they walked in the school corridors, on their way to the common room, later that afternoon.

"Any time, Lynn," said Harry and smiled.

"No, really, I can be...a bit stubborn at times, and I'm just glad you insisted in taking me there."

"It was the least I could do for a fellow Gryffindor. Just don't make a habit of getting yourself hurt." Lynn gave a quick laugh.

"Now THAT I can promise you." They continued towards the common room.

And that is how Lynn Walsh came to become friends with Harry Potter. But our story doesn't end here, keep reading.

About two weeks later Kevin was waiting for Lynn outside the great hall at dinnertime.

"What do you want now, Kevin," said Lynn tiredly.

"I need to talk to you," said Kevin. Lynn raised an eyebrow, suspicious of her brothers intentions, a thing she had learned to be over the years (and often being right, for that matter). "Now."

"All right, all right. I'll be right back Hermione," said Lynn. Hermione went into the great hall. "Now, what is it?" Kevin waved to her to come with him. They walked out of earshot of the great hall. Kevin now turned to Lynn.

"How the did you become friends with Harry Potter?" he said, a bit of amazement in his voice.

"Oh, come on, now you got to tell me one thing," said Lynn.


"What's so special about Harry?" Kevin looked at her like she was completely insane.



"Oh, that's right!"


"Oh, God, we never told you?"


"Sorry, it's just that...well, everyone knows, and I guess we forgot to tell you, that's all." Kevin then told her about Harry. About his parents being killed by Voldemort (he wrote the name on a note), who he also told her about. How Harry survived, mysteriously, and Voldemort being gone since then.

"So, basically your saying that Harry's so special because he's the only one who Voldemort-" said Lynn, but Kevin hushed her.

"Don't say it!" he said.

"Oh, come on! It's not like its dangerous saying a name! That's ridiculous!"

"Just...don't say it, all right?"

"Yeah, whatever... Just so you know, Harry's a nice person, and that's why I'm friends with him. Besides, I really don't think that you should judge people just because they're famous." Lynn looked at her watch. "I got to get back to the hall, I have a dinner to eat." Lynn walked of towards the great hall.

At Christmas that year, Lynn got a card with her presents. It read:

Thank you,

for being my friend because of who I am,

not because of who everybody think I am.

Merry Christmas,


Lynn just read the card and smiled.

A/N: DONE! Tell me what you thought in your review! And please, please, please, please, please, pleaseeeeee, review! It really gives you a self- esteem boost! On other matters, my main fic will probably be even further delayed. For that I am sorry. It will be up as soon as the first chapter's done. But don't be too sad by that news, since I'm putting up a Harry Potter/Star Trek: The Next Generation-crossover fic within the next few days. It's great for all those of you who love Harry Potter and Star Trek. And it's not to bad for you others too! I'll probably write it faster if you review...so do that, review! I'll still write if you don't but I would REALLY like some reviews!

Greetings, Emher (aka Michael Walsh)