A/N: Hi! I decided to write this one now instead of later as planned because the translation of my main fic is taking longer than expected... For those of you waiting for that one, have patience. Check back in about two weeks or so, it might be up by then (Trust, me, or rather my reviewers, it's really good!).

Well this story isn't to long, but still its longer than my last one. Hope you enjoy it. For those of you who liked my fluff-stuff (Hm... "Nice. Rhymes." Come on, guess which movie in your review! Please... *makes puppy face, and then stops because of looking ridiculous*), I'm really sorry because there isn't much of that in this story. It's more of a humor-fic, if any genre. It's about Lynn Walsh's (my own character, aka my dear little sister) trip to, and first day at, Hogwarts. You'll find that some things don't match with the books. I've just taken a bit of artistic license, for the good of the story.


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does. Don't sue, I beg you. But I do own the Walsh family.

Entering a new world

Chapter 1. The Secret

"This is madness, you can't go trough a solid wall," thought the girl who stood about ten feet from the wall between platforms nine and ten at Kings Cross station in London. She had neck-long brown hair with strokes of bronze and was a bit taller than normal height, but not by much. She usually was happy, but now she was slightly irritated. Her brother had just told her that she would go trough a solid wall, and she didn't think that it was a especially smart idea. She closed her eyes and sighed. "I shouldn't really be surprised, not with what's happened the last month..." she thought to her self.

The girls name was Lynn Walsh. She'd always thought that she was an ordinary girl with two parents, two brothers, and one sister, she herself the youngest child. Although, since her oldest brother Michael had gone of to some private school up in Scotland, things had started to become a little weird at holidays. Michael had seemed to have some big secret during the Christmas and summer holidays that he'd been aching to tell.

"Come on, Mike," said Joanna, Lynn's, the day before school started (Joanna was also a bit taller than normal height, and had neck-long dark blond hair). "What's your big secret?"

"What secret?" said Michael and looked like he didn't have the slightest idea of what she was talking about (Michael was tall and had short brown hair). But Joanna never gave in easily.

"The secret that you've been wanting to tell all summer, and don't you deny it!"

"Dear sister, you've got the wrong idea. I have absolutely no secrets." He was obviously lying.

"You don't, huh? Well, I'll know it some day…" And with that Joanna gave up. For now, at least.

One year later, when Michael was going to start his third year at the private school, Joanna also seemed to have some sort of secret. It probably had something to do with the fact that Joanna was also going away to the same private school.

"Come on, tell us!" said Kevin, Lynn's youngest brother, to Michael and Joanna the day before school started. Kevin was also tall and had short dark blond hair.

"Yeah, tell us!" said Lynn.

"Nope," said Joanna.

"Pleassssssseee!" said Lynn and Kevin and made puppy faces.

"Not a chance," said Michael. This went on and on until Lynn and Kevin grew tired of trying to get something out of Michael and Joanna.

A few years later, when Lynn was nine years old, Kevin also seemed to have a secret, and he also was going away to the same private school. Michael had now finished studying at the private school, and whispered about something with Joanna and Kevin. Lynn was now growing EXTREMELY irritated about this.

"Can you please stop whispering," said Lynn. She had given up on trying to find out what it was they were talking about. They weren't going to tell, no matter what she said. "It's really annoying. And if you have something secret to talk about, then do it in a normal tone of voice and SOMEWHERE ELSE!"

"Okay, okay, relax…" said Joanna, and she, Michael and Kevin went up to Michael's room.

Two years later something odd happened, or at least Lynn thought it was odd. The family was sitting eating breakfast in the garden out back, when an owl swooped down and dropped a letter besides Lynn's plate. This startled Lynn a bit. She looked around the table to see if someone else had reacted. Her dad, Thomas (who was tall with hair that had once been brown, but now was turning a dark grey), was reading the newspaper, her mom, Kathryn (who was of normal height and had brown hair, with spots of dark grey appearing here and there), was reading another part of the newspaper, and Joanna and Kevin were arguing about something. Michael wasn't there, but since he'd moved out about a year ago it was quite obvious why he wasn't there. Lynn was surprised to see that she was the only one who'd noticed the owl.

"Eh… Mom?" asked Lynn.

"Hm?" her mom answered, still reading her part of the newspaper. "What is it?"

"Didn't you notice something just now?"

"Like what, dear?"

"Well…eh… An owl flew down and dropped a letter to me." Her mother looked up from the newspaper with wide eyes.

"An owl?"

"Yes, an owl," said Lynn, thinking that her mother must think that she was completely mental. But now Joanna and Kevin stopped arguing and looked at Lynn, and her father looked up from his newspaper and looked at Lynn also.

"What does it say on the letter? Who's it from?" asked her mother, sounding very excited. Lynn looked at the letter.

"It says 'To Ms Lynn Walsh', and it's from…" Lynn stopped because she really didn't believe what she thought she'd just read. She blinked to clear her eyes. It still read the same thing. "It's from…" Her parents, Joanna and Kevin held their breaths. "From something called 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'?"

"Yes!" Kevin exclaimed.

"I knew it!" said Joanna.

"Our little daughters going to Hogwarts!" said her mother happily to her father.

"I'm going where?" Lynn said, very confused by the whole thing.

"Oh yes…we better go inside," said her father smiling.

"Okay…" said Lynn. The family went inside.

Once they were inside her father started talking.

"Lynn, there's something you should know," he said. "Well the thing is…

"You're a witch!" said Kevin.

"Fine, and you're an idiot," said Lynn.

"No, I'm not being mean, I'm saying that because…well… You ARE a witch."

"What are you saying? Why did an owl drop a letter to me? What's Hogwarts? And why is the idiot-"

"Hey!" said Kevin, but Lynn ignored him.

"-Calling me a witch?" Her mother looked at her father, who nodded. Then her mother took something out of her pocket. I looked like a smooth stick of some sort.

"Lumos," she said and a bright light began to glow from the end of the stick, lighting the room. When she had made sure that Lynn had seen this she muttered something and the light stopped glowing.

"So? A voice controlled light. Cool, but is that all you have to show me?" said Lynn. Her mother and father looked at each other again and then her mother raised the stick again.

"Accio bread," she said. Nothing happened.

"So, what's supposed to…" began Lynn after a few seconds, but stopped herself when a piece of bread came flying in from the back yard and her mother took it out of the air. "…Happen…? How did you do that?"

"She's a witch," said Kevin.

"Can't you stop calling people things?" said Lynn, irritated by her brother.

"He's right," her mother said. "We're all witches, wizards in you brothers and your fathers case. The whole family, including you."

"Huh? What do you mean we're-" began Lynn, but stopped when she thought of something. "The secret…" she looked at Kevin and Joanna. "The secret. It's this, isn't it? This is yours and Michael's secret."

"Yes and no," said Joanna. "Our secret was that we went to Hogwarts, but we didn't make the choice not to tell you about it."

"We did," said her father.

"What?" said Lynn. "Why did you do that?"

"We had our reasons," said her father.

"I'd like to hear them," said Lynn, a bit angry that she hadn't been told this sooner. Her mother and father looked at each other. And then her mother began talking.

"I was born in a muggle family-"

"Muggle?" asked Lynn.

"People without magic powers, ordinary people in a sense," said her mother. "As I said I was born in a muggle family, so when I got my letter from Hogwarts it was a complete surprise. I went to go at Hogwarts and after a few years there I met your father, who was also went there. The thing about your father is that he's family thought that he was a squib."

"A squib? What's a squib?" said Lynn, who was getting more and more confused.

"A squib is a person who's born in a family consisting only of Wizards, but who doesn't have any visible magical powers," said her father. "Although, I'm not quite a squib. I've learned later that if I really were a squib, I wouldn't have gone to Hogwarts. But I don't have as much magical powers as other wizards. The magical powers I do have I've trained hard to develop."

"Since your father had such low magical powers, and because I was born in a muggle family, we couldn't be sure that our children was wizards and witches. There was a pretty big chance that at least half of you would have no magical powers at all." Now she smiled. "But luckily, that isn't the case. We asked your brothers and sister not to say anything to you others until they've got in at Hogwarts."

"Okay…" said Lynn. "So… I'm a witch then?"

"Yes, since you got a letter from Hogwarts," said Joanna. Lynn tried to take it all in. She? A Witch?

"What about Hogwarts? I know it's a school for witches and wizards, but can you tell me more?" said Lynn. Her family told her about Hogwarts, about the headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and about the four houses. As it turned out her mother had been in Rawenclaw, her father in Hufflepuff, Michael in Gryffindor, Joanna in Rawenclaw and Kevin was going to start his third year in Hufflepuff.

During the week that came Lynn knew that things would never be again as it had once been at the Walsh home. Everyone except Kevin, who wasn't allowed to, kept doing magic things, like washing and cleaning with magic. The smooth stick that her mother had used turned out to be a wand, a thing that witches and wizards used to do magic. One thing that Lynn really liked though was that you sent mail with owls. It was more reliable (and more fun) than the muggle mail system.

Although, something she didn't like was the floo network. Lynn got queasy every time she used it. Luckily for her the family only used it when they went to Diagon Alley and bought things for school. Lynn was amazed of all the things in Diagon Alley, Gringott's (where the Walsh family had a reasonable amount of money), Madam Malkin's, and she also got her very own wand at Ollivander's. Plus her very own owl, a barn owl that she named Brent.

"Why Brent?" asked Kevin, who had bought a falcon (for his savings) named Robbie.

"Why not? I think it's a nice name," answered Lynn, while stroking Brent's feathers gently. "Why did you buy a falcon? Besides to show of?"

"I didn't buy it to show of! I've always wanted a falcon, I think they're cool."

"Yeah, sure you didn't buy it to show of... Since you asked me about my birds name, why Robbie?"

"Falcons are cool, and I think Robbie is a cool name. Simple as that." Lynn was satisfied with this answer, and continued stroking Brent.

The day school started they all had gone to King's Cross station and get to the Hogwarts express. Lynn was surprised when she saw that they were supposed to go to platform 9 ¾, but even more surprised when Kevin had told her how to get on to the platform. She was supposed to go straight trough the wall between platforms nine and ten.

A/N: Well, this chapter was mostly explaining things. The next chapter will be better, I promise.

Lynn's owls name, Brent, is a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation. He who plays Data (one of my favourite Star Trek-characters) in that series is called Brent Spiner. So I named the owl in honour of him. Plus it's a nice name.

Kevin's falcon, Robbie, is of course named after all our favourite Hagrid, Robbie Coltrane.

The next chapter will be up a.s.a.p. We're changing things at our house so I've got to use the school's computer for about a week… I'll try in hurry it up.

Have a nice day and review, review, review!
