What Hurts the Hikaru The Most?

Honey: Hi! Roch let Takashi (Mori) and I take over with intros and disclaimers

Mori: Yeah…Roch doesn't own Ouran High School Host Club

Honey: Enjoy the story of Haruhi and Hikaru! BTW, it's NOT A SONGFIC! And this story came from Roch's best friend, Dani and Fallout from Memily: A Songfic Collection.

"Haruhi, what were you doing with Kyoya-senpai?" I ask my girlfriend, jealousy raging inside of me. "I was just helping him with the club's savings, Hikaru. God, I can't believe you're being so selfish." Haruhi yells at me. "Well, it didn't look that way when you two hugged." "He's JUST A FRIEND!" Haruhi yelled even louder causing the whole Host Club to hear. "Well, then, maybe you're better off with him than me!" I yelled. This took Haruhi aback a bit. But she sighs. "Fine, if you want it that way." Haruhi walks away, tossing her pair ring to the ground and walks away, leaving me shocked and becoming the biggest idiot next to Tamaki.

*Months Later*

What have I done? I miss Haruhi way too much. Now she's dating Kyoya. What does she see in that cool, calm, smart, savvy, glasses wearing geek? I shouldn't have yelled at her that day. If I hadn't, then Haruhi would've been back in my arms. "Hey, Hikaru are you ok?" Kaoru waved his hand in front of my dazed face. "I'm fine. I feel like I'm free! Ever since Haruhi and I broke up, it's like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders." I lie to him, but being my younger brother (by two minutes), he knows I'm lying. "Hikaru, I know you're lying. You're thinking about Haruhi again, aren't you?" I shake my head in disbelief. "NO! I mean no…" "Right…I'm going to get dress in today's cosplay. You coming?" "I shake my head. "I'll join you guys later." I waved him away and he left. I sigh and look at the cherry blossoms outside falling to the ground. And then I remember that one moment when Haruhi and I shared our first kiss; under those cherry blossom trees. It was last spring. Kaoru set up yet another date with me and Haruhi. At first, I was too nervous to go, but I slowly warmed up to her. On our date, we went back to the market and just hung out. I knew that I had unsure feeling for her, but then…it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in love with Haruhi Fujioka. That's what leads us to the cherry blossom trees. I told Haruhi straight up I was in love with her, and she reciprocated the same feelings. Before she can say anything else, I leaned forward and kissed her. I bet Tamaki saw that, for I can hear him scream in Music Room #3.

I shake off that memory when I look at the time. I better get going for the ladies to arrive and show my "brotherly love" to Kaoru and make those girls squeal with delight. I get dress in today's cosplay, which is Sailor Moon. God, when I get my hands on the boss… I put on my Sailor Mercury suit and wig and walk out of the change room, filled with shame and embarrassment. I don't want a repeat of the Lobelia incident. Once I walk out, I see Haruhi as Tuxedo Mask, talking to Kyoya. It really disgust me to see them like that; having all that jealous rage inside of me instead of out there on Kyoya's face. What does she see in that hypotensive evil lord? All I see is him in a Sailor Mars outfit. "Hey bro! How do I look?" I turn to see Kaoru, looking as girly as ever in his Sailor Venus outfit. "You look almost like her!" I commented, before I become distracted when Honey comes in as Chibi Moon, Sailor Moon's future daughter and Mori as Sailor Jupiter. But what makes me crack up the most is the boss as Sailor Moon herself. Kaoru and I couldn't help but to start laughing.

"What?" Tamaki-senpai questioned. "You look RIDICULOUS!" I laugh. "Not as ridiculous as you!" Tamaki defended. "Guys! Stop fighting! And Senpai why the hell did you choose this cosplay?" Haruhi asked angrily. "Well, my WONDERFUL idea came to me when I had a dream one night…" "Ok, no need to explain." I cut him off, knowing he goes to great lengths about the great things he does. "They're about to come in!" Kyoya interrupted, still looking at his black binder. "PLACES EVERYONE!" Tamaki sits in his normal seat, while we all get into our positions. The doors open and the ladies enter, looking confused and excited about today's get up. "Welcome ladies." Today is going to be tough.

Ever since Hikaru and I broke up, it's like he didn't even care that we did. He's been totally ok and cool about it. It kinda makes me sick. After our break up, Kyoya and I took the chance and now we're dating. But Kyoya has been a bit overprotective over other boys that talk to me, like the rest of the host club. It gets really annoying, but yet again, Hikaru has always been that way. Oh, Hikaru. Why did we have to break up? All I see him do now is act like he's the big man on campus and more like an idiot than Tamaki-senpai is. "Kyoya, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask my boyfriend, who is busy writing in his "little black book". Sometimes, I'm thinking that it's his death note, if you know what I mean. "What is it, Haruhi." Kyoya looks up from his "death note". "Well, I…" before I can continue, Hikaru walks up to us. "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but can I talk to you, Haruhi?" I stare at him, and hesitate. "But, Kyoya and I were just about to talk," "I know, but I just need a few minutes of your time." Hikaru adds. I sigh and turn to Kyoya. "I'll tell you later." Kyoya kisses my cheek and leaves. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Hikaru hesitates for a moment, and then sits next to me. "Look, about what happened between us…" He starts. "Look, I know you get really angry and overprotective. But I actually regretted it. But now that Kyoya and I are going out, I've never been happier." I smile at him. "Oh, that's good to hear." He lies to me, I can tell in his tone of voice. "Look, how about we just stick to being friends?" I ask. Hikaru nods in agreement. "That sounds good." Hikaru is about to stand before the unthinkable happened. He slips on a banana peel (I don't know where the hell these come from) and he accidentally his lips against mine. For the first time since we broke up, this kiss felt more… good. There were actual sparks in our kiss. Whenever I kiss Kyoya, I feel NOTHING. Hikaru lets go awkwardly. "I, uh." He fled the room, leaving me in shock.

AN: This is part 1. Part 2, you'll just have to wait and see what happens. Until then, adieu!