So some one-shots because they always appear suddenly in my mind and then end up, lonely and un-read on my computer, so I just put them here.

Sorry for grammar and spelling, this chapter is not beta-ed!

I don't own PJO

Annabeth was just before a nervous breakdown as she looked out the window of the little side room of Grace church in Manhattan.

Silently she was annoyed about her own stupidity to make it right in the mortal world and not behind the safe borders of Camp Half-Blood but she knew she'd never doneit since she wanted her father and of course Sally here.

Yet she was annoyed as she looked at the sun outside. The windows of the skyscraper sparkled in the light and the yellow taxis were gleaming as they rushed down the streets in an insolent tempo.

With her finger she ran through the soft, white fabric of her dress and gazed lost in her thoughts (mostly thoughts like Why? Why always us? and Stupid Seaweed Brain) at the wall as the door opened and her maid of honor walked in with a stern expression on her face.

Her gaze softened a little as she saw Annabeth.

"You look beautiful," Thalia said with a small smile but Annabeth just huffed, "And pretty stupid if I walk down the aisle without a groom waiting for me."

Thalia chuckled as she sat down on one of the chairs. She was wearing a pretty grey dress but everybody could see how uncomfortable she felt in it, even if her main hate is directed at her black pumps which matched the black ribbon around her waist.

Her hair was braided to a long raven pony tail and she still wore the tiara marking her as the first lieutenant of Artemis.

"How is the state?" Annabeth asked like in a war meeting.

Thalia sighed. "No sign of them till now. The gods are relaxed, so far."
Annabeth's hands itched as she thought about the gods' reaction of waiting for another two hours or even longer. Why must this happen today?

She threw back her hands and lay down on the soft couch. Thalia patted her knee which she almost didn't feel because of the thick fabric which was encasing her.

"At least you don't have problems with something else. The flowers are beautiful, the guests are all here and I wear a dress."
Annabeth cracked a smile. "I'm seriously stunned how long Piper had to charm speak to get you in this thing."

"You really don't want to know," Thalia said and grabbed both of her hands. "Come on, let's check your hair again or whatever we need to do to distract you a little."

Annabeth stood in front of the big mirror and didn't recognize herself in it. She wasn't Annabeth Chase anymore, she was a princess wrapped in beautiful, white fabric, extra made for her by Aphrodite. The fabric shimmered in the bright sun light as Annabeth span around a little. The dress was long and fitting to Annabeth's skinny figure.

The strapless top felt like a second skin while the skirt felt like a thick blanket, she loved to wrap herself in when it's winter. Her shoes, property of Lady Aphrodite were also white and elegant while the heel wasn't high since nobody could see them anyway.

Around her waist, Piper fixed a ribbon in the same color as her and Thalia's dress. Annabeth's hair, she and her mother, who helped with the preparation (with numerous Aww! and Isn't she beautiful and My gods this is so romantic!), just let it as it is. The soft curls hung on Annabeth's shoulders and the only special thing was the diadem on her head.

Aphrodite had placed it and told her that it was the diadem of Andromeda and that she wore it as she was getting married to Perseus who saved her.

Annabeth thought it was nice of her to give her that diadem since Athena liked the Ancient Perseus and even helped him.

She was still surprised how her soon-to-be husband managed to convince her mother to come to the wedding even if she has to deal now with Poseidon, but maybe Athena didn't hate Percy as much as she always says.

Thalia started to brush her hair again even if it looked already perfect and just stopped as Grover's head appeared in the door frame.

"Oh dear gods, Grover," Annabeth took the seam of her wedding dress to walk up to her groom's best man. "Please tell me you have good news otherwise I'm going to have a heart attack."
He bit his under lip and Annabeth immediately knew he had definitely not good news.

"Well, we have another problem," he said after a long pause and looked on his black shoes. He was wearing like the other groomsman, Nico, a black suit and so polished shoes that you can see your reflexion in them.

Annabeth groaned and sat down on the chair right next to the door as Thalia walked over to them and asked Grover to explain what happened.

"The pastor means we have to hurry up since there is another couple in one hour," he said nervously with quick glances at Annabeth who had buried her head in her hands.

Thalia patted her back. "Something else?"
Grover shook his head and Thalia asked him how much time there was left until they needed to cancel the whole thing.
"Twenty minutes, he said. If they aren't back then, we need to cancel," Grover sighed before he put on a positive smile. "I'm sure they will be back in time, Annabeth."
Annabeth sat up and leant against the wall, her eyes closed. "We will see."
With that Grover left the room and she got up, walking restless through the room while Thalia leant crossed arms against the make-up table.

Minutes past and ten minutes later Thalia opened a little cupboard in the back of the room before she tossed a glass with whisky to Annabeth who drunk it in one go before she poured another glass full.

As fifteen minutes have passed, Annabeth reaped her dress and walked to the door.

"I go and cancel," she said shortly and Thalia didn't even protest, she just followed her into the church.

The filled hall was breath-taking, the architecture impressing and the decoration beautiful but Annabeth couldn't care less as she walked to the end of the aisle where her father was standing. She could see all of her friends from camp, her parents and even the gods, the entire Olympic council was sitting in the front rows.

Some Ohh! and Aww!'s were heard but Annabeth cut them off.

"Like you may have heard is my groom and his groomsman missing because of a monster attack and that's-"

Suddenly the front portal of the church was opened and a tattered Percy and a dirty Nico behind him stumbled in the hall.

"Sorry! We are late, I know," Percy and Nico made shaky steps to the front but after half of the way, Percy turned around and walked up to Annabeth.

He kissed her cheek mumbling a quick: "Sorry," before he added: "You look beautiful," and

then he headed finally to the front where Grover put a black jacket on him and like a mother he twitched at him until Percy had to slap his fingers away.

Annabeth sighed and rolled her eyes as Piper and Thalia appeared behind her.

"Well seems like there is no way back then, Mrs Jackson," Thalia smirked and oddly somehow Annabeth enjoyed the sound of Mrs Jackson.

If you like more check out my other one-shot: One family.

Please review!