Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does~
Ok, so here's my first fanfic! This story is a love triangle! I can't tell any spoilers about how this'll turn out in the end~ so that it'll be more fun xD
But it's either gonna be NaLu or NaLi in the end! So~ what do u think?
*-Current Situation-*
-FT Guild-
Lucy sighed while sitting away in the corner of the guild, thinking…
"Lu-chan…" a voice said…
Lucy looked up to see who the person was and said "hi Levy-chan…", then looks down again…
"What's wrong, Lu-chan?" Levy asked.
"…N-nothing…" Lucy said, still looking down, unable to face her best friend…
Levy sits next to her and hugs her… "I know that something is wrong with you, Lu-chan…" she said.
Lucy then nodded and still kept looking down.
"Lu-chan… tell me… what happened?" Levy asked, still hugging her.
Lucy's eyes began to get filled with tears, but she kept looking down so that Levy won't notice.
"Lu-chan…" Levy said, as she grabbed Lucy's hand and asked her to stand. "Come on… Let's talk somewhere else, shall we?" she continued.
Lucy then nodded and still kept her head down.
Then the two girls both went at Lucy's Apartment.
-Lucy's Apartment-
"Now…" Levy said, still holding Lucy's hand, "tell me, Lu-chan… What happened?" she continued, as they both sat on Lucy's bed.
Levy can clearly see that Lucy's eyes were filling up with tears.
"Lu-chan… It's ok to cry… Crying won't mean that you're weak… There are times when we have to cry in order to release some of the pains that we feel…" Levy said to Lucy, and hugged her again…
Lucy wasn't able to hold up the tears in her eyes anymore and started to cry.
"It's all so fresh… I still remember everything… As if it just happened yesterday…" Lucy said, while crying…
"What was it, Lu-chan? What happened?" Levy said, worried of what happened to her bestfriend…
"I still feel it… I remember it well… The scenery, the moon, the stars, the trees, the park, everything… A few days ago..." Lucy said as she tried to stop her tears from flowing and continued with her story.
-Magnolia Park-
"Aww, the moon and the stars look so amazing tonight!" Lucy said, while sitting under a tree.
"It sure is!" Natsu said, grinning, then sits beside her.
Then there was suddenly a moment of silence between them.
'Should I tell her? Is this the right time to tell her? While we're alone together?' Natsu thaught to himself while staring at Lucy nervously.
"Is something wrong Natsu?" Lucy asked, as she noticed that something seems to be bothering Natsu.
"Lucy… there's something I need to tell you…" Natsu said, feeling nervous.
"What is it, Natsu?" asked Lucy.
"Well… how do I put this… err… I…" said Natsu, nervously.
"Just tell me what it is." Lucy said.
Then Natsu suddenly kissed her.
Lucy was shocked, unable to move and speak.
"I love you, Lucy…" Natsu said.
"…." Lucy was still left speechless. 'I like you, but… I'm… afraid… afraid to get hurt…' she thought.
"Do you… love me back?" asked Natsu, nervously.
"Natsu… I… I can't… I don't like you that way…" Lucy said.
"….." Natsu was left speechless.
"I… I need to go home now… see ya…" Lucy said, wanting to avoid talking about it, as she ran towards her apartment.
-Lucy's Apartment-
Lucy was shocked when Natsu kissed her, and when he told her that he loves him.
She wasn't able to sleep the whole night, thinking about it.
"I don't like him that way…" Lucy said, trying to convince herself with that.
"And even if I do… No, I really don't… I don't wanna get hurt…" she continued talking to herself and trying to convince herself.
"I'm afraid that he'll hurt me someday… So it's better like this…" she whispered, before falling asleep.
*-Current Situation-*
After the flashback, Levy's eyes widened in shock her best friend's flashback.
"Then what's wrong with this, Lu-chan? You should just tell him now that you love him…" Levy said.
"I-I want to… but… It's too late now…" Lucy said, as tears started flowing from her eyes again.
"Why? What happened after this, Lu-chan?" Levy asked her, worried.
Lucy continued with her flashbacks as she was crying.
-After a few days of Natsu's confession to Lucy (also the current day)—
She was walking along the park, then she accidentally saw Natsu talking to Lisanna. Out of curiosity, she went behind a tree and spied on them.
"Natsu, I…" she heard Lisanna say.
"What?" asked Natsu.
"Remember back then when we were still kids?" Lisanna asked him.
"Yeah… why?" said Natsu.
"I told you that I'll marry you when we grow older, right?" Lisanna asked.
"Yeah… But we were just kids back when you keep saying that!" Natsu said, smiling while scratching the back of his head.
"No… It's not just that…" said Lisanna.
"What is it, then?" asked Natsu.
"I love you, Natsu." Lisanna said.
Natsu was shocked when he heard what Lisanna told him.
"Do you… wanna be my boyfriend?" Lisanna blushed as she asked this to Natsu.
"I… err… uh…" Natsu responded.
Lisanna frowned and got her eyes teary for she knows that Natsu really loves Lucy. But still, she tried to make him wanna be her boyfriend.
"Sure." Natsu said, smiling.
Lucy then started to cry and ran off as when she saw both Natsu and Lisanna kissing.
*-Current Situation-*
"And that's what happened… I ran off inside the guild and then I realized some things…" Lucy said, still crying. "I realized how stupid I was…" she continued.
"Lu-chan…" Levy said.
To be continued~! I hope u liked it! Please feel free to give some reviews and such :D