AN: LOL, that chapter was a bit cliff hangy, sorry. I just had to break up the ride down and the whole dissecting the snake deal. So if you hate biology and gory detail this might be the chapter you skip. I won't go too far into it, but let's just say I'll mention removing internal organs. Ew right? Anyway I love it when you guys and gals review~! PM me if you have any suggestions, or anything you want to ask! I also would love suggestions for reads! Creature fics people! Lol, but seriously, read and respond!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, he's cool but I ain' his mama. That belongs to JK Rowling and her publishers or whatever. I just own this plot bunny idea. No plagiarism. Seriously.

Chapter 5

I watch Potter stride forward and disappear around the rubble and shed skin which I'm avidly studying. It's a gorgeous piece, no tears practically, and my mind is already wandering to the different potions that could be made from it.

"Are you coming or not?" I hear him call and I glance around realizing I've been stroking the shedding like a loving maiden does to a particular fine piece of silk. Embarrassed I stop and stride around after the group only to stop and stare at the large door in front of us. A proverbial wall, it has an intricate carving involving snakes. Potter once more hisses something in parseltongue, and the silken tones cause my blood to heat once more. I watch in fascination as the door's snakes moves in a luxurious and delicate fashion before swinging allowing it open. Potter leads us through and it isn't before long til we're in the long marbled chamber lined with serpentine pillars and a massive snake laying dead in front of the glorious head of my house's founder.

"Jesus, Harry, that thing is massive..." I hear Longbottom mutter. I can feel my blood turn to ice. As much as I am overjoyed at the chance to get rare and expensive materials at their freshest the idea of a much smaller and frailer little boy battling such a monster... Truly the stuff of nightmares. I glance at Potter closely and see his pale pallor and curse myself silently. I watch him pull himself together, stride to the edge then climb down a ladder to the main level. I move swiftly and I am the next one down.

"Are you okay Potter?" I ask quietly before the other three can catch up. He glances at me, and smiles wistfully.

"That is the million galleon question isn't it?" He murmurs to me, "Come let's see about you getting some much desired potion supplies. Lord knows this must be exceedingly rare. It's after all, over a thousand years old. Thank God Salazar isn't around anymore, I'd hate to think what kind of revenge he'd try to sick on me for killing his familiar," he finishes with a mutter and wince. I merely cock an eyebrow and follow him down the length of the hall. I pause by the beast and study it's ruined eyes.

"What happened to the eyes?" I ask softly and he glances over at me then studies the snake once more.

"Fawkes attacked it when it was helping me survive the encounter, it made it less deadly... Though not much, it was a massive, highly venomous snake under the control of a revengeful, insane, and very evil Dark Lord." He looks at it with pity, "Yet, after everything was said and done... I wish I hadn't had to kill it. It deserved better." I merely shake my head at his kindness and turn back to studying the beast.

"Cor... It's humongous..." Longbottom mutters coming to stand by my side. "Wherever are you going to start Snape? It'd probably be best to remove the eyes, fangs, tongue than move onto the skin and muscle removal right? Or are you removing the internal organs first?" I cock another eyebrow at his rather correct options and he flushes. "Had to master a few skills in material retrieval, there's several useful body parts that can go into compost to make it stronger or is required for certain plants. There's one that requires the stomach acids of cows on a regular basis to be milked out and mixed into the soil. Something about it's digestive tract liquid makes for stronger seedlings." I nod in understanding and realized Potter's wandered farther down the hall to stand in front of the head studying it. Longbottom sees the direction of my gaze and frowns curious as well. "Harry!" He calls and the man looks back, "What are you up to?"

"That's where the snake came out of, I was wondering what else is in there, and if it was left here to guard whatever might be in there if there is something." He calls back. I ponder that and have to agree with his logic. Longbottom wanders over and I shrug it off. I can always look later, maybe badger Potter in a return trip, this massive snake already looks like it would take more time than I had at this instant. Maybe tomorrow and another few weekends. I hear the snap of a camera and glance back to see Minefield taking pictures.

"Could you stand closer to the head Professor?" She asks. She adjusts the the flash and I cock my head at her.

"Why?" I ask surprised.

"I want to have a standing reverence to the size of the snake, with your height one can demonstrate the size of the creature. So please stand by it." Minefield says firmly and I shrug nonchalantly before padding over. I let her take a few pictures and then we both stand back to stare at it in amazement. I glance at Minerva who has been silent this whole time. She's deathly pale and a slight tremor can be seen. I frown and approach her.

"Minerva what's wrong?" I ask her softly.

"Harry faced that down when he was twelve years old..." She stutters. "How ever in the world did he survive?" Ah, the question I had often asked myself late at night after each one of his foolish encounters, nights that had been filled with liquor and curses. Prayers for safety and forgiveness from a woman long dead. However, this meant it was something I could handle.

"By being brave," I say gripping her shoulder warmly and comfortingly, albeit awkwardly, I truly wasn't the best person at comfort and kindness. "By being a true Gryffindor." She nods and she's no longer shaking though she is pale. We turn and study the man, who is currently in deep discussion about something with Longbottom, both glance at the monument which leads Longbottom to asking a question and Potter shrugging in response.

"And what is that mischief maker up to now?" I grumble and Minerva laughs like it was meant to do.

"Probably trying to figure out the best way to do something brave." She responds with a grin.

"Potter!" I call out. He glances and comes when I wave him over.

"Yes?" He asks after a short jog. "What is it?"

"I am just confirming I have permission to take from this creature." I say with a touch of disdain. He frowns.

"Permission?" He asks, "Why do you need my permission?" I roll my eyes in exasperation.

"It's your kill, so it's your animal, so you get to decide what happens to it. Why wouldn't I need to ask your permission?"

"Doesn't it belong to the school?" He asks curiously. Both Minerva and I shake out heads. He glances at it then glances back at us, "Sure I guess, why would I need a dead giant snake?" Minerva snorts in amusement and I roll my eyes.

"Well, what kind of payment would you like for it?" I say through clenched teeth, seriously the man was frustrating without meaning to far too often for my liking. He blinks owlishly at us again.

"I dunno? What kind of payment would you you be up to?" He asks curiously. "I've never sold a basilisk before."

"And you've sold rare animal parts before this?" I say dripping with sarcasm. He smiles at me.

"I spent a year while raising Meredith in Romania when she was a babe before getting my hospital job, I ended on the wrong side of a wyrnn and had to defend myself. Ended up selling parts of it and a few Acromantulas that tried to steal some young nestlings and a few goats. I returned to Britain after Meredith decided that riding dragons at the age of two would be a good idea." We all collectively wince since we can all see the rambunctious youngster trying exactly that, and then he refocuses. "Well.. What say you?"

"I too have no idea. I truly don't have the money or all the potions for such a large beast." I say studying it closely. "Though it is truly of great use, it's used in numerous potions far too advanced for school work and would only be used in personal use." He blinks at me then studies the beast once more.

"How about you handle the sale of the animal, and any part of it you may need to use is your payment for handling the sales? If you can't use all of it, I'm sure you have contacts or such that could." Potter ponders, and I consider the idea.

"That thought does have it's merits," Minerva mutters to me. "You could barter for ingredients as well with it, I would consider this carefully Severus, do not let old prejudices play against you when you are being gifted with something so fortuitous." I nod reluctantly. Minerva does have a point.

"That would be acceptable Potter." I say fingering the edge of long sleeves. He smiles at me and offers me a hand.

"Then it's a deal," he says with a smile. I look at his hand, back at his arched eyebrow expression, sigh and clasp it. Feeling a bolt of pure pleasure at the simple touch I shake his hand for only a few seconds. He smiles at me then glances back at the other two. Both Minefield and Longbottom are in deep conversation and Potter smirks. Longbottom is a light pink while Minefield has taken to twisting her copper hair girlishly. Dear Merlin, they were flirting. Or as it appeared Minefield was and Longbottom was just going along for the broom ride.

"They'd make a cute couple," he whispers to us. I arch an eyebrow and Minerva glances at him with a twinkle.

"They would..." She says and both look at them cunningly. I suppress a laugh and mentally wish them luck in their plotting.

Twenty minutes later the other three are more than ready to leave, Minefield convincing me to give her a piece of both the dead skin, shed skin and one small inner tooth. Potter takes them back out and I miss his animagi form but don't really regret it as I go to study the massive statue at the end. I nearly jump when he returns.

"You know the mouth opens." He says quietly and I turn to stare at him surprised.

"Really?" I ask, "how unusual."

"I guess so. It's where the basilisk slipped from." He goes to stand at the edge of the silvery moat and studies the stone face with me. "How would you like to handle the harvesting of the beast? Will you need help? And how long do you think it'll take?" He asks.

"It'll probably take several weekends to be honest. However, I'll just take what I need or want first, so maybe a month or two of Saturdays and Sundays. Why?" I say distracted, my mind currently on an advanced potion used in an advanced transfiguration potion I'd been itching to try, now for the Acromantula venom...

"Because I have to be down here with you." He says gazing into my eyes. I feel a blush creep up my neck and mutter a soft, "Oh." He grins and I feel my blood surge again, "Don't worry Snape, I'll take care of you." Feeling myself flush darker I try to ignore the double entendre but I'm sure that tonight I'll be dreaming of his emerald eyes, just like I have for the past two weeks.


After several more minutes of quiet discussion Snape and I have agreed to regular meetings to enter the chambers. Every Sunday, and every other Saturday to be exact. He says he won't do too much extensive work until he gets in contact with a rare material seller. We reach the tunnel opening and I pause by it. He glances at it then back at me.

"How exactly are we getting back up?" He says warily and I grin at him.

"I'm carrying you." I say cheerfully. He gives me a look and I snicker. I'm much shorter than him and I can almost hear, 'Don't be a dumbass.' Well, he would have said it without the expletive and in a more degrading fashion, but heh, that what the looks means at least. "Trust me Snape, I won't drop you." Then I begin the transformation. I feel my body slowly shift into my animagus form. I stretch my wings experimentally, loosening bunched muscles and huff in amusement at Snape shocked look.

"A jade Celestial Dragon?" He murmurs. I poke my nose at him and he reaches out timidly to touch me. I huff a few times and nudge him which encourages his touch, his gentle strokes and scratches. It feel nice, especially when he reaches a spot where my scales are itchy. I internally laugh at his starstruck features, I know exactly how I must look to him. Slender like a snake covered in pale, nearly clear jade scales and thin delicate bat like wings with almost translucent membranes. Slender limbs with sharp silver spikes poking out at my elbows and eyes that were an even richer green than they were in my human form and small silver horns sprouted from the top of my head to form a near heart shape around the edges of my eyes, around the edge of my sharp cheekbones to the delicate lines of my muzzle. My claws are silver as well and my tail has a few spikes in silver at the end. Seeing his dazed expression I am reminded of Charlie's look when I first turned into it. He nearly fainted. I nuzzle the professor and he blinks a few times. Arching my neck I push him towards my shoulders. He just scratches me and I sigh internally and nudge him again. When he fails to get on I grab the back of his shirt and carefully lift him on ignoring the indignant squawk of surprise and irritation. I glance at him, my only warning and I slither up the pipe, careful not to bump him into anything. I can hear his mutter of surprise and then we're out. He slips off on his own this time and I puff some sweet smelling smoke at him. He scratches my nose in an almost affectionate manner and I step back. I shift back to human form and stumble a bit, tired. He catches me by my shoulders and I blush faintly. "Thank you, sorry for being such a klutz... It's just tiring climbing up and transforming." I say softly. He steps back and nods a little jerkily. I rub my arms and sigh. I move past him with a mumble goodbye.

"Potter," he calls as I reach the door, "We are still announcing the joint class tomorrow aren't we?" I smile and nod. "Good, then good night." He says after a momentary pause. I glance at him once more before leaving the bathroom and the man garbed in black.


Potter confuses me, I thought for the umpteenth time today as I harvested the skin around the basilisk's head. His ruined eyes and tongue have been already moved and placed in specialized glass containers that would not tip over, break, and had a special stasis spell on that was similar to the one in the chamber, merely on a smaller scale. Sitting back I stretched my shoulders slightly as I folded the skin delicately and carefully. Eying the head I cannot decide if I want to attempt to remove the brain as of right now, or after I remove the flesh around it. It was a quandary I had to consider carefully. Hearing faint footsteps I glance over my shoulder to see Potter returning a food sack in his hand.

"How's it going Snape?" He asks me setting the bag down carefully, out of the way of my work space and the specimens. Giving him a thin, and tight lipped smile I say, "Very well, Potter. It is a truly phenomenal creature."

"Yeah, it was pretty mind blowing, I mean, who wouldn't want a sixty foot snake with eyes that kill and teeth that excrete the deadliest and most painful venom known to snake kind? Makes you want to find it's nest and become a breeder if it laid any eggs." He mutters.

"I do not believe basilisks breed in that manner Potter," I say with a muted chuckle and he cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, something about a chicken egg raised under a toad if I remember correctly. Strange thing that. Though if Hagrid had an egg of this monster, well... It'd be the dragon all over again." He says cheerfully and I feel my eyebrow shoot up.

"Dragon? Hagrid had a dragon when you were a first year?" I deadpan, not particularly surprised that Hagrid would have such a dangerous creature, he raised cerberus pups and crossbreed highly volatile creatures after all.

"Yeah, Quirrell got to Hagrid one night down in Hog's Head, liquored him up, got him talking and let him win the egg off him. A Norwegian Ridgeback he later named Norbert, however it was Norberta. We snuck it out and sent it to Ron's older brother Charlie who worked at a Romanian Dragon reserve. Useful having so many siblings and family members with all sorts of jobs that." He says approaching the monument at the end. "I wonder if I'll ever get in this bloody thing." He grumbles.

"Why have you not been able to?" I ask him curiously, standing and cleaning my hands with a dry towel after sealing the skin away.

"I haven't been able to remember the password to be honest, it was over twenty years ago. Though maybe if I looked through my pensieve and memory bottles I'll find the event." He says scratching his head.

"You have acquired a pensieve?" I ask surprised moving to his side and glancing down. He nods absently.

"I got one around the time I finished Auror training, I was having horrible nightmares about the war and the mind healers I'd been going to had little help to offer. I even fully learned Occlumancy but in the end I had to remove some of the worse things to make space for good. Thankfully I retired not long after, got some psychological help and then Merry. You can't wallow and be miserable when you have a baby. It's just not possible. You'll be sad for one moment then she'll do something amazing, or adorable, or down right frightening and you can't think on it anymore, the child just takes all of you." He mused a look of fondness crossing his face at the memory of his niece.

"Well, I must say I understand, I do believe the headmaster did the same, he had over a hundred years of memories. Some of them very terrible. He lived through both the World Wars, the Depression, and the First war, as well as the beginning of the Second." I tell him and he nods with a smile.

"Yes, I guess I'll have to review my copies of my encounters with Voldemort, a lot of it has dimmed over time and it is no longer fresh." He said. Studying his drawn, and slightly frustrated expression, I hesitantly touch my hand to his shoulder.

"It will be fine, even if you never open the chamber. Who knows maybe we can use your Gryffindor tendencies for violence and explosions to simply blast our way in. Merlin knows Salazar Slytherin was the greatest founder of the four and it reflects in his house and those of his house." I say with a sneer trying to distract him. A look of even greater consternation crosses his face then it brightens.

"That's it! That's it! It was, 'Speak to me Slytherin, the greatest of the Hogwart's four!'" He says with a bright smile. I incline my head and motion him forward.

"Then open it," I tell him dryly and he grins at me. Striding forward I listen to his sibilant hisses, and stand amazed when the mouth actually opens.

"Blood brilliant!" He says excitedly before striding towards it. Stopping at the moat edge he glances back inquisitively. "Are you coming as well Severus?" Smirking I glide forward.

"Really Potter, do you think I'd let a dunderhead like you go in alone without seeing the full glory of my house's founding glories? Really, the youth these days." I snipe, that is, until I slip on a bit of wet at the edge and land in the shallow moat circling the statue. Glancing up at his wide eyes though partially soaked hair, I bite out, "Not a word."

"I wouldn't dream of it, I'll just make a copy of the memory when I go home and hide multiples of it for future blackmail." He says giving me a smirk back.

"Bastard." Is all I can say.

A/N: OMG I am sorry that it took so long to update and that's it's so short! I'll have to add on some more soon! Thanks for being so patient!