Hey guys. New story! From Jacob`s POV and companion to Love will tear us apart. Really hope you like. So lets see. Happy reading.

"Seriously dude. I really think you should get over her. Have you ever thought about dating other girls?"

"How about you Quil? I mean, you have to wait another what? Fourteen years until Claire is old enough for you." I countered.

God I was sick to death of these conversations. Why couldn`t these guys just let it go? I mean...Bella was the only girl for me. I loved her. She even admitted she loved me too! She`ll come to her senses.

"Claire is my imprint Jake. I don`t mind waiting for her. I don`t care. I not even thinking about dating anymore. I can`t see any other girl that way." He argued, looking a bit pissed. He was right. Imprinting was different. It was a fucking nightmare if you asked me. Who would want that? What was so wrong falling in love the old fashioned way?

"I can`t see any other girl besides Bella."

"Bullshit! You are afraid to look any of the girls at school in the eye in case you imprint. You check out their butts and racks though and don`t fucking deny it."

"That`s different."

"I just don`t get what`s so special about her Jake. I mean, she`s good looking and all but... she`s dating a goddamn leech." Quil shuddered and looked grossed out. It was gross. How could she choose him? How could she even kiss him?

"Just leave it Quil!" I snapped, having enough of it.

"I won`t! When you think of it we have to fucking listen to it, to see it! She`s not going to choose..." Before he could finish I shoved him violently, sending him crashing into the side of the school wall, catching him totally off guard. He looked like he wanted to kill me. Brushing himself off he stalked towards me, getting right in my face. Readying myself for a fight I squared off with him.

"I`ve had it with you Jake. Your shit. Bella pisses all over you and you take it out on the rest of us? Get a life you fucked up loser." He pushed past me and headed into the school building. Eurgh Quil! Now I felt guilty. He was one of my best friends after all. Fuck sake!

"Hey Jacob!" Nooooooo not her again!

"Hi Ciara." I said unenthusiastically, turning to face her. Sure she was pretty but... her perfume was way too much, reminded me too much of leech smell. She was looking up at me expectantly.

"So...what`s new?" She smiled up at me.

"Nothing much." I said as I started towards the main door. Of course she had to follow me.

"Wait up Jacob!" She pulled at my t-shirt to make me stop. I could hear two girls sniggering behind us. I saw the backs of Bernie Littlefoot and Sonia Mara as they walked by us and into the school. 'How much you wanna bet he catches something from her?' Sonia asked Bernie, before they both laughed loudly. Eurgh!

"What Ciara?" I snapped. I saw her face fall and then harden with the sting of my rejection.

"Nothing! Gosh Jacob. You are such a grump." She said before flouncing away.

Glad to have shaken her off I made my way into the school and to my locker. I so didn`t want to be here. What was the point of still going to high school when I was going to end up just doing the same thing I was doing now?

"Jake dude." Paul greeted me. "You escaped Ciara`s clutches. Good thing. She`s a crap lay."

"Do you want me to tell Rachel that?" I grumbled. Why the fuck did he have to imprint on my sister? Life is one big cruel joke sometimes.

"Don`t be like that! There are way hotter chicks here than Ciara and Bella put together. You just have to open your eyes and take a look." He coaxed.

"I don`t care Paul!"

"Christ you need to get laid. Seriously. Blue balls is no laughing matter. You`ll feel better. You need to perfect your skills somewhere. You will die a virgin if you keep on waiting for Bella."

"Can it Paul..." I trailed off. Paul and I turned our heads in the same direction and down the hall a little.

Ciara Harris and her little gang were squaring off with Bernie Littlefoot just outside the girls bathrooms.

"Fucking take that back!" Bernie whispered dangerously. Ciara laughed.

"You know...there are cheaper places to shop than the thrift store...maybe your dad could spend more money on his booze that way."

"I said shut it." Bernie growled, getting right in Ciara`s face. At this stage Sonia had come out of the bathroom with a face like thunder. Standing beside her friend she looked like she was readying herself for a fight.

"And so it begins." Mumbled Paul. He used to hang out with Bernie and Sonia before he phased.

"It musn`t be easy having a scum bag alcoholic for a dad. I`m so sorry for..."

And it began. Bernie punched Ciara right in the cheek with a really good left hook. I sighed and left them to it. I was so over this high school bullshit. I had bigger things to think about. Hearing the bell ring I left Paul to watch the fight and headed towards Biology. I wanted to be out of here. In wolf form. I just wanted to be left alone to my thoughts. I wanted to figure out how to solve my Bella situation.

I spotted Quil over at his lab desk. He didn`t look at me once and was staring with an angry look at the whiteboard. I sighed. I needed to apologize to him later. I opened my text book and drew little wolves in the margin. My mind kept on wandering back to Bella. Her big brown eyes...so beautiful and innocent, like a fawns. She was so fair too, like a fragile snowdrop. She was my perfect woman. So different than what I was used to here. Why couldn`t I have imprinted on her. Then everything would be perfect. She would have to forget about that stupid leech then!

"Jake! You`re needed!" Paul said, bounding into the classroom. He turned to Ms. Nicks apologetically. "Mr. Reeves needs Jacob for something." Paul told her.

"Fine. Jacob you`re excused." Ms. Nicks told me. I sighed and followed Paul out of the classroom.

"What`s up?"

"Reeves is totally blaming Bernie for the fight. If you heard what started it then hopefully her and Sonia won`t be in too much trouble."

"Whatever help I can be of." I said, totally bored. At least it got me out of Biology for a while.

We rounded the corner and walked towards the little group. Ciara was holding the side of her face and her hair was a mess. Bernie looked murderous and Sonia was leaning against the lockers looking at her boots.

"Mr. Black, can you please put an end to all this nonsense and tell me what happened or what you heard that started this fight." Mr. Reeves looked at me hopefully. He was trying to get Ciara off the hook. I smiled inwardly. No way was I going to let that happen. Maybe then it would put an end to her ideas about me.

"I heard, as did Paul, Ciara call Bernie`s dad an alcoholic who`s too broke to buy clothes for his kids or some shit like that." I said evenly.

"LIAR!" Ciara screamed at me. I heard Sonia try and stop a snort of laughter.

"Well..then. There is the matter of who threw the first punch." Mr. Reeves said. The guy was obviously still trying to find a way to blame Bernie for the whole thing. It wasn`t her fault. I would have done the same thing if I were her.

"I threw it. No matter denying it." Bernie said.

"Suspension." Mr. Reeves said a bit joyfully. "And you Miss Harris. I`m afraid I`m going to have to give you a weeks worth of detention for what you said." Just detention? If anyone deserved suspension it was her. Oh well.

"That`s not fair!" Sonia shouted at Mr. Reeves, she sounded furious.

"I haven`t forgotten you Sonia. Two days suspension for taking part in the attack." Mr. Reeves turned his wrath on her. "Both of you come with me to my office so I can call your parents. And no more lip Sonia or you`ll have a couple more days at home as well."

"Unbelievable." Paul muttered to me. I looked in sympathy at Sonia now. She so didn`t deserve this shit. She was just sticking up for her friend.

Then it happened. With one glance. One little look into her eyes and my world as I knew it came crashing down around me and rebuilt itself again, around her. Those dark brown, almost black eyes held mine with such an intensity that I lost myself in her. Such beauty...It was indescribable. Her soul...her heart...her...she sang to me and it was the most heavenly tune I had ever heard in my entire life. She was mine...mine...and I was hers.

Fuck! I was never going to be the same again. I kept on looking, kept on searching those eyes. Sonia...my soul mate. My imprint. Whoever saw that coming? I sure as hell didn`t.

I was broken out of my initial imprinting shock by a sharp nudge in the ribs. Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to try and break me out of his glorious moment?

"Jake? Dude?" Paul`s voice sounded far off...distant...like he was calling me from the other end of a tunnel. But it did the trick. It brought me back to reality a little. I hesitantly broke away from those beautiful eyes and looked at Paul.

Oh man...the reality of what had just happened hit me like a full speed train. I had imprinted! Oh Sonia freakin Mara! Oh my God...

I loved Bella though...Guilt and anger battled it out inside of me for dominance. NO! NO! This is going to fuck everything up. She is going to ruin everything! Bella...I was so close...

But it felt like that didn`t really matter any more. I had Sonia...NO! I LOVE BELLA! Sonia, Sonia fucking Mara! Of all the girls it had to be her didn`t it? My life must be one cruel sick joke. Sure, Sonia was pretty, she was beautiful actually, but...but what? She wasn`t what I wanted in a woman. Bella was everything I could ever want or dream about. Bella was wholesome, she was an angel. So feminine, so ladylike. Smart and beautiful. Sonia was...Sonia. She kept to herself with her little gang of misfits and stoners. She was trouble. Plus...she was a slut if the rumors were to be believed.

I felt a sudden rage build up inside of me, my wolf screaming to be released at the thoughts of someone else touching her. She was mine! Oh crap I sound like a crazy lunatic!

I knew what I had to do. I need to break this! She had to hate me, to reject me, then I would be free of this curse and so would she. Crap! Could I really handle it if she really did hate me? What if I hurt her? I`d never forgive myself. The thoughts of hurting her emotionally...screw that! If there`s one part of my shitty life I`m going to control it was my love life! I want to actually choose the woman I`m going to spend my life with. Not get stuck with one! I steadied my nerves.

I made eye contact with her again. Forcing myself to fight against the urge to drop to my knees in front of her and bask in her beauty. Instead, I channelled all of my anger, all of my bitterness at her. Feeling a strange sense of satisfaction at the look of confusion on her face as I turned to leave.

She was the last fucking straw in my shitty fucked up life. I didn`t want her! No fucking way! It actually hurt walking away from her...now...now that I was so...aware of her. Shit...it hurt cause...I hurt her...how could I turn away from her? How could I deny what had just happened? What I had just felt? It had left me so changed that I didn`t want to leave her side. Steady yourself Jacob! Keep in mind what you really want. It`s Bella. The girl of your dreams.

Remember to review. I want to know if I should continue on with this. Besos.