Summer Fun
By: Another one of those bozo authors.j/k.~*starflower*~ a.k.a Mizuriu
Disclaimer: Ok, I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Just this pointless plot of a fic. Anyways, I'm taking a break from all those agnsty fics, and since it's almost summer, I'm going to hold off my other stories and not do them for a long while. Hello! We are all anxious for the summer already, right? So, with these few little words, I bring this fic to you! The name says it all! Oh, even though this is a romance fic, it is not yaoi. It's straight. This maaay have some relation to another author who has almost the same idea as me. If you know someone who goes by the name LadySaturn that does Heero and Relena Gundam stories, then you should know that she's my sis, so I'll use her idea. Anyways, here's the first chapter. It may not be much, but I'm getting' there! ^-~* Oh another thing, its kinda AU (alternate universe), so don't ask me about it. AND another thing, I'm putting a new character in. See if you can figure out who the person is! ^-~* Here ya go!
"Yes!" A girl with shoulder length brown hair cried out ecstatically as she burst through the wooden doors of her school with other equally excited classmates that was eager for the days ahead that they would enjoy. By this time, the final bell was still ringing, and the teachers watched from the windows above, looking down at the kids that were running and chattering about. To say the least, they were also happy to be rid of the nusciences.
"Oh yeah! Finally! The break I've been waitin' for!!" Téa Gardner cried along with the other students. This wasn't an ordinary day, this was the day where they would finally start their summer break!
'' She thought as she hurriedly ran down the steps, careful as not to trip on her feet, 'What to do.what to do.I know! I'll call up Hoshi! She lives in Hawaii, and she'd often ask me if I could spend some time with her there. And since it's summer, heck, will she get a surprise!! It's been a long time since she and I have been together.I wonder.'
Téa was so caught up in her thoughts about her friend, Hoshi, that she didn't feel herself slip on the last step of the stairs.
She gave a small yelp before tensing her body for the fall, shutting her eyes so she would not see the site she was to endure, but it never came. Instead, the only thing she felt were small slender but strong arms wrapped around her stomach, preventing her light tanned skin from connecting with the hot stoned cemented pavement.
"You should be more careful, Téa." The young voice chuckled.
The girl took in a breath, turning to look at her savior, a smile spreading over her face as she met a pair of innocent purple eyes,
"Thanks, Yugi." Téa nodded as the boy, Yugi Moto helped her back up to her feet. In reward, the boy received a brief hug with an encirclement with her long, slender arms. In return for her actions, she got a childish blush from Yugi. Téa chuckled at this, 'Oh're so easily embarrassed.'
But now a question came into the girl's mind, despite the hustles and bustles of adolescents, she managed to ask,
"Hey, Yugi, can-"But she was interrupted by another voice of that of a Brooklyn accent.
"Hey! Yug! Téa!" Who was that? None other than short haired blonde, Joey Wheeler of course!
"Tone it down there, Joey! We're not deaf!" And that would be Tristen Taylor.
"Ya wanna make so'm of it!?" Joey retorted, making a fist at the other boy Tristen. And there goes another one of their growling contests with a twist of a staring contest.
"Come now, guys. Let's not start." A slight British accent put in. A flash of white hair was all needed to be seen for this male. Ryou Bakura. A slender sweat drop could be seen going down his head.
Upon hearing this, two more pairs of sweat drops could be seen going down Téa and Yugi's head.
"Uhh.right. Hey, guys?" Téa suddenly butted in politely, halting the two fighters. Finally getting the all's attention, she couldn't resist but grin at them. A light of her own dancing in her eyes, knowing that of what would be planned ahead for them if she asked. School was finished until the end, so, if there were no plans, then what she had in mind would be perfect. This grin was playful, and it made the boy beside her, smile a little himself. All the while, wondering what she was thinking.
"If you all have no plans, how'd you all like to go a summer vacation with me?" Téa finally asked.
"I have nothin'." Joey had long forgotten his anger with Tristen and faced the girl with curiosity of what she would plan.
"I don't have anything." The boy, Ryou replied with a polite smile of his own.
"Not busy." Tristen said, adjusting his backpack.
"Same here. Where to, Téa?" Yugi asked, looking at they're female companion.
At this, Téa's smile widened, giggling a little. Her blue eyes shinning happily in the sun's heating light. The feeling in her stomach churned with excitement at her replies from her friends. 'This'll be so much fun!'
"How about we go to Hawaii for our break!" She finally cried.
The others stared with their mouth hanging slightly open at this girl.
"Y-you mean it?" Joey's brown eyes lit up with his own happiness. 'If this is true and Téa's not pullin' my leg, this'll be a great time to take Serenity! I promised her that I'd take her to see the beach.' It was true. His younger sister, Serenity, had managed to get her eyes fixed, and had often tried convincing Joey to take her back to the beach. Maybe now would be a good time to take her. But he wondered what it would be like in Hawaii.
"Téa? Can we really go?" Ryou asked, a little hope was lingering in his voice as he looked to the brown haired, blue-eyed girl.
With a big smile, Téa nodded, "Sure! I'll just ask my friend if we could stay with her! That reminds me!" She gasped, but the grin never wavered as she started to walk away from the group while putting a hand in the air, waving as she went,
"I need to call her!! I'll call you guys later!" And with that, she hurried on home, the thought of seeing her long lost friend again was more than enough to get her in the mood for summer.
Yugi, Tristen, Joey, and Ryou were left, watching the girl off for a few moments as she disappeared down the streets and then lost within the crowds of people. A warm wind blew passed before the three young males could look at each other with a wide-eyed look for a few long seconds, letting the reply sink in. But not even a minute, did they begin to move their lips into a grin and then into a large smile, and then Tristen and Joey jumped into the air laughing,
"Oh yeah! We're going to Hawaii!!!"
/Of course they can come, Téa! I'd be happy to have more company!/ The feminine young voice laughed at the other end of the phone.
"You sure? I wouldn't want to ware you down." Téa asked politely, twirling her fingers in the blue spiral cord as she looked out the window to see a tree blowing gently in the wind. Making her smile.
/The more the merrier! You're not a burden, Téa! Don't worry so much. It's your summer vacation. And at least I get to see you. It's been such a long time!/ The voice chuckled.
"Yeah, it has. Say, knowing one of my friends, he would like to bring his younger sister along, is that ok, Hoshi?" The brown haired girl asked.
/Oh, Téa.of course! Actually, I had a feeling you were going to ask me about this whole thing. How many of your friends are you planning to bring?/ The voice, Hoshi questioned.
"Let's see.1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.about 7. Number 8 and 9 is kinda juggling it. I'm not sure if I want to even ask him, but I'm sure his little brother will agree."
/You mean this Seto Kaiba guy you told me about?/
"Yeah." Téa sighed, knowing a little of what Seto Kaiba would say, but knowing full well of what his brother, Mokuba would say. In the aftermath of the Duelist Kingdom, they had befriended the elder Kaiba a little to say the least, but at least they reached to some agreements and talk a little, getting something out of the stereo type boy. He was the total opposite of her friends, especially Yugi.
/It wouldn't hurt to ask. After all, even the silent guys need a break./ Hoshi replied.
"I guess." Téa trailed off.
A sigh was heard on the other end before a little giggle was sounded,
/Maybe you should let.what was his name? Yugi? Yeah, maybe you should let Yugi ask. After all, he is your boyfriend!/ The other teased.
"Er-HEY! Hoshi!" Téa gasped, feeling her face get hot with a deep blush as she fiddled with the telephone cord more nervously.
/Haha.just jokin'! Don't get so worked up!/ Hoshi apologized a little.
Téa laughed along a little, shaking her head to try and take the blush away, "Oh, Hoshi.what am I gonna do with you.?"
Another giggle, /If your asking me, don't. Anyways, I had a prediction of the people you'd ask, so tomorrow, expect a mail from me. I bought you guys 9 plane tickets for the trip. Sorry, I have no more time now, gotta go! See ya then! I'll see you in 2 days!/
Téa blinked at her friend's words, "Uhh.Hoshi! Wait!"
/I'm sorry Téa! I really gotta go now! Can't wait to see you! Remember, 2 days! Bye now!/
"But, Hosh-"
*click* Was all that was needed to be heard that signaled the end of the conversation.
Téa stared at the phone in her hand. How can Hoshi have known how many tickets to send? And she bought it for them. Looking up to her window again, she pondered, 'How did she know about how many of my friends I was planing to take?'
"Maybe Yami might come along, since he can still hide in the puzzle." Téa suddenly said, smiling again before putting the phone back down, and then jumping into her bed, laying face up, her mind wondering how her friend has been doing all this time. Then she suddenly sat up,
"Oh what the heck, I gotta call the guys!" Then she suddenly stopped from reaching the phone,
' the heck are we suppose to ask Kaiba?'
"This calls for a meeting!!" Téa's hand moved and grabbed the phone while her other dialed a number.
*Ring!* *ring!*
*Ring!* *ring!*
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" The boy cried out as he extended a hand to the phone.
*Ring!* *R-!*
"Hello, Moto residence."
/Yugi?/ The other voice asked, the voice was that of a female.
"Yes, this is he." Then the young purple eyed boy blinked, recognizing the voice, heat spreading over his face, remembering the event that happened on the stairs at school. But he then shook it off, "Téa?"
/Yeah. Hey, Yugi?/ Téa asked, something lingering in her saying.
"What's the matter, Téa?"
/I need you to round up the others. My friend said it was ok, but then she got 9 tickets for us./
"Your friend bought the tickets? Wow, that was nice of her, but, why do we need to meet? And why is there 9?" Yugi questioned.
/Details later, Yugi. Can you please call the guys?/ Téa asked.
"Well.okay, sure. Where should we met?" The young boy asked, his mind suddenly paraded with questions.
/At Aisukurimu's Malt shop, k?/ The girl replied.
"All right. See you then." Yugi nodded.
/Thanks, Yugi. You're a real pal. Bye!/ And with that, she hung up the phone.
Yugi stared, the heat gathering at his face again, a feeling jolting through him.
\\What's the matter, abiou?\\ A voice asked, who was none other than,
\I-it's nothing, Yami. Don't worry.\ Yugi replied to the other, shaking his head again to try and clear his nervousness and the blush.
\\..all right.\\ And with that, the conversation ended.
Yugi stared out his window. He could feel the uncertain feeling emitting from his partner, and who could blame him? Even Yugi didn't even know what he was feeling. It was a new emotion that he did not know. But right now wasn't the time to think about it. Right now was the time to do what his friend, Téa, had asked for. And with that, he reached the phone's number dials.
"So, my friend said it was all right. And we can go stay with her." Téa smiled at them as she took another bite of her chocolate mint ice cream.
"Oh yeah! We're goin' ta Hawaii!! Oh yeah!!" The blonde, Joey said as he punched his fists into the air.
"But, it was nice of your friend to buy the tickets for us. We should thank her." Ryou leaned a little over the table to drink his soda.
"But, why did you call us here, Téa?" Tristen asked, looking over at the girl.
All Yugi could do was just look on while he took a sip of his cream soda, wondering himself of what the girl would say.
Téa paused for a moment, "Well, she bought us 9 tickets. One is for all of us, which is 5. The other is for Mai,"
Joey grinned at the name as the brown haired female continued,
"And the other is for Serenity."
At this, Joey's smile broadened and he cried out again with excitement, "YES!! I can take Serenity!!" Suddenly the blonde reached across the table and grasped Téa's hand gratefully, "Oh, thank you, Téa! Thank you!!"
At this, Tea giggled and merrily nodded as the brown-eyed boy let go of her hands.
"But, Tea, who are the other tickets for?" Yugi looked to her, the others eyes also focused on the girl.
Téa bristled and tensed, not really wanting to tell them, but she had to eventually let them know. They had the right. Looking into each and everyone's eyes, she took those into consideration, knowing full well what Joey would say. Finally sighing regretfully, she spoke,
"Mokuba and." Téa began, but then trailed off.
".and.?" Tristen pushed along, wanting to know as much as everyone wanted.
There was a long pause before she blurted out in a whisper,
"Kaiba.Seto Kaiba."
To Be Continued..
Hehehe.and I'll leave it off there. ^^* Review please! Good? Bad? STUPID? Say it in the reviews and I'll get back to ya in the next chapter. I'm still trying to work on how this story'll work out. ^^* But I'll give you a hint: It involves with Duel Monsters (typical, but, yeah) and the Millennium items. Until next time! Ja!
~*starflower*~ a.k.a Mizuriu
P.S: Sorry if it was so short.
Disclaimer: Ok, I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Just this pointless plot of a fic. Anyways, I'm taking a break from all those agnsty fics, and since it's almost summer, I'm going to hold off my other stories and not do them for a long while. Hello! We are all anxious for the summer already, right? So, with these few little words, I bring this fic to you! The name says it all! Oh, even though this is a romance fic, it is not yaoi. It's straight. This maaay have some relation to another author who has almost the same idea as me. If you know someone who goes by the name LadySaturn that does Heero and Relena Gundam stories, then you should know that she's my sis, so I'll use her idea. Anyways, here's the first chapter. It may not be much, but I'm getting' there! ^-~* Oh another thing, its kinda AU (alternate universe), so don't ask me about it. AND another thing, I'm putting a new character in. See if you can figure out who the person is! ^-~* Here ya go!
"Yes!" A girl with shoulder length brown hair cried out ecstatically as she burst through the wooden doors of her school with other equally excited classmates that was eager for the days ahead that they would enjoy. By this time, the final bell was still ringing, and the teachers watched from the windows above, looking down at the kids that were running and chattering about. To say the least, they were also happy to be rid of the nusciences.
"Oh yeah! Finally! The break I've been waitin' for!!" Téa Gardner cried along with the other students. This wasn't an ordinary day, this was the day where they would finally start their summer break!
'' She thought as she hurriedly ran down the steps, careful as not to trip on her feet, 'What to do.what to do.I know! I'll call up Hoshi! She lives in Hawaii, and she'd often ask me if I could spend some time with her there. And since it's summer, heck, will she get a surprise!! It's been a long time since she and I have been together.I wonder.'
Téa was so caught up in her thoughts about her friend, Hoshi, that she didn't feel herself slip on the last step of the stairs.
She gave a small yelp before tensing her body for the fall, shutting her eyes so she would not see the site she was to endure, but it never came. Instead, the only thing she felt were small slender but strong arms wrapped around her stomach, preventing her light tanned skin from connecting with the hot stoned cemented pavement.
"You should be more careful, Téa." The young voice chuckled.
The girl took in a breath, turning to look at her savior, a smile spreading over her face as she met a pair of innocent purple eyes,
"Thanks, Yugi." Téa nodded as the boy, Yugi Moto helped her back up to her feet. In reward, the boy received a brief hug with an encirclement with her long, slender arms. In return for her actions, she got a childish blush from Yugi. Téa chuckled at this, 'Oh're so easily embarrassed.'
But now a question came into the girl's mind, despite the hustles and bustles of adolescents, she managed to ask,
"Hey, Yugi, can-"But she was interrupted by another voice of that of a Brooklyn accent.
"Hey! Yug! Téa!" Who was that? None other than short haired blonde, Joey Wheeler of course!
"Tone it down there, Joey! We're not deaf!" And that would be Tristen Taylor.
"Ya wanna make so'm of it!?" Joey retorted, making a fist at the other boy Tristen. And there goes another one of their growling contests with a twist of a staring contest.
"Come now, guys. Let's not start." A slight British accent put in. A flash of white hair was all needed to be seen for this male. Ryou Bakura. A slender sweat drop could be seen going down his head.
Upon hearing this, two more pairs of sweat drops could be seen going down Téa and Yugi's head.
"Uhh.right. Hey, guys?" Téa suddenly butted in politely, halting the two fighters. Finally getting the all's attention, she couldn't resist but grin at them. A light of her own dancing in her eyes, knowing that of what would be planned ahead for them if she asked. School was finished until the end, so, if there were no plans, then what she had in mind would be perfect. This grin was playful, and it made the boy beside her, smile a little himself. All the while, wondering what she was thinking.
"If you all have no plans, how'd you all like to go a summer vacation with me?" Téa finally asked.
"I have nothin'." Joey had long forgotten his anger with Tristen and faced the girl with curiosity of what she would plan.
"I don't have anything." The boy, Ryou replied with a polite smile of his own.
"Not busy." Tristen said, adjusting his backpack.
"Same here. Where to, Téa?" Yugi asked, looking at they're female companion.
At this, Téa's smile widened, giggling a little. Her blue eyes shinning happily in the sun's heating light. The feeling in her stomach churned with excitement at her replies from her friends. 'This'll be so much fun!'
"How about we go to Hawaii for our break!" She finally cried.
The others stared with their mouth hanging slightly open at this girl.
"Y-you mean it?" Joey's brown eyes lit up with his own happiness. 'If this is true and Téa's not pullin' my leg, this'll be a great time to take Serenity! I promised her that I'd take her to see the beach.' It was true. His younger sister, Serenity, had managed to get her eyes fixed, and had often tried convincing Joey to take her back to the beach. Maybe now would be a good time to take her. But he wondered what it would be like in Hawaii.
"Téa? Can we really go?" Ryou asked, a little hope was lingering in his voice as he looked to the brown haired, blue-eyed girl.
With a big smile, Téa nodded, "Sure! I'll just ask my friend if we could stay with her! That reminds me!" She gasped, but the grin never wavered as she started to walk away from the group while putting a hand in the air, waving as she went,
"I need to call her!! I'll call you guys later!" And with that, she hurried on home, the thought of seeing her long lost friend again was more than enough to get her in the mood for summer.
Yugi, Tristen, Joey, and Ryou were left, watching the girl off for a few moments as she disappeared down the streets and then lost within the crowds of people. A warm wind blew passed before the three young males could look at each other with a wide-eyed look for a few long seconds, letting the reply sink in. But not even a minute, did they begin to move their lips into a grin and then into a large smile, and then Tristen and Joey jumped into the air laughing,
"Oh yeah! We're going to Hawaii!!!"
/Of course they can come, Téa! I'd be happy to have more company!/ The feminine young voice laughed at the other end of the phone.
"You sure? I wouldn't want to ware you down." Téa asked politely, twirling her fingers in the blue spiral cord as she looked out the window to see a tree blowing gently in the wind. Making her smile.
/The more the merrier! You're not a burden, Téa! Don't worry so much. It's your summer vacation. And at least I get to see you. It's been such a long time!/ The voice chuckled.
"Yeah, it has. Say, knowing one of my friends, he would like to bring his younger sister along, is that ok, Hoshi?" The brown haired girl asked.
/Oh, Téa.of course! Actually, I had a feeling you were going to ask me about this whole thing. How many of your friends are you planning to bring?/ The voice, Hoshi questioned.
"Let's see.1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.about 7. Number 8 and 9 is kinda juggling it. I'm not sure if I want to even ask him, but I'm sure his little brother will agree."
/You mean this Seto Kaiba guy you told me about?/
"Yeah." Téa sighed, knowing a little of what Seto Kaiba would say, but knowing full well of what his brother, Mokuba would say. In the aftermath of the Duelist Kingdom, they had befriended the elder Kaiba a little to say the least, but at least they reached to some agreements and talk a little, getting something out of the stereo type boy. He was the total opposite of her friends, especially Yugi.
/It wouldn't hurt to ask. After all, even the silent guys need a break./ Hoshi replied.
"I guess." Téa trailed off.
A sigh was heard on the other end before a little giggle was sounded,
/Maybe you should let.what was his name? Yugi? Yeah, maybe you should let Yugi ask. After all, he is your boyfriend!/ The other teased.
"Er-HEY! Hoshi!" Téa gasped, feeling her face get hot with a deep blush as she fiddled with the telephone cord more nervously.
/Haha.just jokin'! Don't get so worked up!/ Hoshi apologized a little.
Téa laughed along a little, shaking her head to try and take the blush away, "Oh, Hoshi.what am I gonna do with you.?"
Another giggle, /If your asking me, don't. Anyways, I had a prediction of the people you'd ask, so tomorrow, expect a mail from me. I bought you guys 9 plane tickets for the trip. Sorry, I have no more time now, gotta go! See ya then! I'll see you in 2 days!/
Téa blinked at her friend's words, "Uhh.Hoshi! Wait!"
/I'm sorry Téa! I really gotta go now! Can't wait to see you! Remember, 2 days! Bye now!/
"But, Hosh-"
*click* Was all that was needed to be heard that signaled the end of the conversation.
Téa stared at the phone in her hand. How can Hoshi have known how many tickets to send? And she bought it for them. Looking up to her window again, she pondered, 'How did she know about how many of my friends I was planing to take?'
"Maybe Yami might come along, since he can still hide in the puzzle." Téa suddenly said, smiling again before putting the phone back down, and then jumping into her bed, laying face up, her mind wondering how her friend has been doing all this time. Then she suddenly sat up,
"Oh what the heck, I gotta call the guys!" Then she suddenly stopped from reaching the phone,
' the heck are we suppose to ask Kaiba?'
"This calls for a meeting!!" Téa's hand moved and grabbed the phone while her other dialed a number.
*Ring!* *ring!*
*Ring!* *ring!*
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" The boy cried out as he extended a hand to the phone.
*Ring!* *R-!*
"Hello, Moto residence."
/Yugi?/ The other voice asked, the voice was that of a female.
"Yes, this is he." Then the young purple eyed boy blinked, recognizing the voice, heat spreading over his face, remembering the event that happened on the stairs at school. But he then shook it off, "Téa?"
/Yeah. Hey, Yugi?/ Téa asked, something lingering in her saying.
"What's the matter, Téa?"
/I need you to round up the others. My friend said it was ok, but then she got 9 tickets for us./
"Your friend bought the tickets? Wow, that was nice of her, but, why do we need to meet? And why is there 9?" Yugi questioned.
/Details later, Yugi. Can you please call the guys?/ Téa asked.
"Well.okay, sure. Where should we met?" The young boy asked, his mind suddenly paraded with questions.
/At Aisukurimu's Malt shop, k?/ The girl replied.
"All right. See you then." Yugi nodded.
/Thanks, Yugi. You're a real pal. Bye!/ And with that, she hung up the phone.
Yugi stared, the heat gathering at his face again, a feeling jolting through him.
\\What's the matter, abiou?\\ A voice asked, who was none other than,
\I-it's nothing, Yami. Don't worry.\ Yugi replied to the other, shaking his head again to try and clear his nervousness and the blush.
\\..all right.\\ And with that, the conversation ended.
Yugi stared out his window. He could feel the uncertain feeling emitting from his partner, and who could blame him? Even Yugi didn't even know what he was feeling. It was a new emotion that he did not know. But right now wasn't the time to think about it. Right now was the time to do what his friend, Téa, had asked for. And with that, he reached the phone's number dials.
"So, my friend said it was all right. And we can go stay with her." Téa smiled at them as she took another bite of her chocolate mint ice cream.
"Oh yeah! We're goin' ta Hawaii!! Oh yeah!!" The blonde, Joey said as he punched his fists into the air.
"But, it was nice of your friend to buy the tickets for us. We should thank her." Ryou leaned a little over the table to drink his soda.
"But, why did you call us here, Téa?" Tristen asked, looking over at the girl.
All Yugi could do was just look on while he took a sip of his cream soda, wondering himself of what the girl would say.
Téa paused for a moment, "Well, she bought us 9 tickets. One is for all of us, which is 5. The other is for Mai,"
Joey grinned at the name as the brown haired female continued,
"And the other is for Serenity."
At this, Joey's smile broadened and he cried out again with excitement, "YES!! I can take Serenity!!" Suddenly the blonde reached across the table and grasped Téa's hand gratefully, "Oh, thank you, Téa! Thank you!!"
At this, Tea giggled and merrily nodded as the brown-eyed boy let go of her hands.
"But, Tea, who are the other tickets for?" Yugi looked to her, the others eyes also focused on the girl.
Téa bristled and tensed, not really wanting to tell them, but she had to eventually let them know. They had the right. Looking into each and everyone's eyes, she took those into consideration, knowing full well what Joey would say. Finally sighing regretfully, she spoke,
"Mokuba and." Téa began, but then trailed off.
".and.?" Tristen pushed along, wanting to know as much as everyone wanted.
There was a long pause before she blurted out in a whisper,
"Kaiba.Seto Kaiba."
To Be Continued..
Hehehe.and I'll leave it off there. ^^* Review please! Good? Bad? STUPID? Say it in the reviews and I'll get back to ya in the next chapter. I'm still trying to work on how this story'll work out. ^^* But I'll give you a hint: It involves with Duel Monsters (typical, but, yeah) and the Millennium items. Until next time! Ja!
~*starflower*~ a.k.a Mizuriu
P.S: Sorry if it was so short.