Chapter 12
"Hotch what do you mean Andy escaped?" asked a very worried blonde Agent.
"The police officer that was watching him got attacked from behind. Andy was able to get his gun and shoot the officer. While he was running out of his room he ran into a nurse and shot her to."
"Are they okay?" asked Reid.
"The officer was D.O.A. and the nurse is in critical condition."
Just then everyone looked up and saw JJ walking away. "I'll be right back." Emily told the team as she went after JJ.
Emily found the blond sitting outside. She could tell that she had been trying not to cry.
"JJ what's wrong?" a concerned Emily asked.
"It's all my fault."
"What do you mean?"
"He killed because of me." Said a very sad JJ.
"JJ it's not your fault. You didn't do anything."
" I know but why does he keep calling me his dove?"
"I'm sorry sweetie but I don't know." Just then Emily saw a confused look on JJ's face.
"What is it JJ?"
"It's probably nothing."
"tell me JJ. It could be something."
"Ok." JJ paused for a minute before she continued. "Before you guys found me he called me his dove for the first time and I remembered an old case but I don't think it's related."
"What case?" Emily now sounded anxious.
"Do you remember The Angle Maker case?"
"Yeah an obsessed fan had the guys baby but lost the baby so she starting killing to keep a piece of him with her. But she killed herself and were looking for man and she was a woman."
"I know but in the beginning of the case we profiled the UNSUB as male."
"Yeah?." JJ could tell that Emily was confused.
"We original interviewed a few males that had fit the profile remember?"
"Yeah." JJ could tell that Emily was still confused."
"Thinking back to that case I think I know him. Emily I think I interviewed him as a possible suspect."
"Hang on let me call Gacia."
Emily pulled out her cell and dialed her friends number. "Hey Garcia. It's Emily."
"Hey Sweetness. What can I do for you?"
"I need you to find a case file for an old case of ours."
"Sure thing. What case."
"The Angle Maker."
"Hun may I ask why."
"Garcia, please just find it and I'll explain later."
"Okay Emily. Talk to you in 5." Garcia then hung up the phone.
JJ and Emily headed back inside. Once inside Emily's phone rang.
"Hey Garcia did you find the file?"
"of course I did. It's in your Email." Responded a chipper Garcia.
"Thanks." Said Emily. Then she hung up the phone.
JJ and Emily went through the file together. "JJ I think I found what your looking for. On January 23, 2013 you interviewed an Andy Cyrus at 6:15 P.M."
"Do you have his statement?" asked a very curious agent.
"yeah here you go."
JJ read the script of the interview.
(Agent Jareau ) Sir what is your full name?
(Cyrus) Andy Shaw Cyrus.
(Agent Jareau) And how old are you Sir?
(Cyrus) I'm 30 years of age. Why are you interested honey?
(Agent Jareau) Do you know why you are here today?
( Cyrus) hey if you want to go out with me Just ask already.
(Agent Hotchner) The Agent asked you a question and I suggest that you answer it.
(Cyrus) No I Don't.
( Agent Jareau) Where were you last night at 9 P.M.?
(Cyrus) I was at work till midnight
(Agent Jareau) is there anyone that can verify your statement?
(Cyrus) Just ask my boss.
(Agent Jareau) You free to go for now just don't leave town.
(Cyrus) For you I will do anything.
Emily was still confused. "how does him calling you dove tie into this?"
" I think he wanted me to remember when we first met."
"But how did he know about the UNSUB's nickname?"
"He could have heard it from the news."
"well lets go tell Hotch and the team what we found." Emily told the blonde.
Once the girls told the team about what they found Garcia walked in
"JJ ive been trying to call you."
"Oh I'm sorry Garcia. I must have left my phone in my car. What did you need?"
"I was just wanting to know if you found anything new about the case?"
"can you guys catch her up im gonna go get my cell from my car."
"Sure thing JJ." Responded Reid.
JJ had ben gone for about four minutes when Emily's phone rang.
"Prentiss." Said once she answered her phone.
"Hello Emily." Emily knew who it was so she put him on speaker phone. "Emily?" asked the man.
"yeah I'm hear."
"Did you put me on speaker phone? Oh well all the better. Anyway Jennifer is mine. I have my dove again. You may have found us last time but this time I'll make sure that you don't." Once he finished his sentence the line went dead.
The team (including Garcia) all ran outside to look for JJ. They had a very bad felling.
"Guys she's gone." Said a very said Garcia.