I am running through this series of corridors.

He is running away from me again.

I do not understand. Why must he do this to me? I have showered him with lavish gifts, love, care, my attention and affections. But he still treats me coldly.

In the past, I hated him, I hated him so much. Because I loved another.

But then, never would I expect, my affections turned to him. Initially, I was sick to my stomach. How could I love a man? Especially a vampire hunter.

Those thoughts consumed me, took over my whole life. I obsessed over those thoughts and every time I saw him, I took in the sight of his beauty, which I discovered. His silver threads of hair and his eyes which could not be compared to ametysts. His skin shone ; it reminded me of diamonds. And then I thought, how wonderful it will be to hold such a rare creature of beauty in my arms.

Then started the open shows of my love for him.

I patted his head, something which he responded with a snarl and a declaration to kill me with that gun he carries around.

I caressed his cheek, feeling the softness of his skin, to which he responded by slapping away my hand and his eyes turning a bloody red.

I nudged my elbows against his body on purpose, to which he responded with an annoyed expression on his face.

I loved it all, then I grew more bold.

I left white roses on his bed, to show that I wanted him to be pure and innocent, until he became mine.

I left cards, all ending with declarations of love.

I left expensive presents, which may have cost me my whole life savings.

I didn't care, all I cared about was obtaining your love.

I watched you pick up those gifts, you blushed, my love. Your lovely face was tinged with a lovely pink. It was so adorable, I wanted to see more.

Then again, as days passed by, I saw that girls took an attraction to you as well. It disgusted me. They clinged onto your arms. They giggled like wild hyenas. They laughed as if to taunt me, saying that Zero was closer to them and not to me. I hated the way they caked their faces with makeup and polluted the air with the amount of perfumes they were using. Such vain, vile creatures should not be allowed near my Zero.

Then, came the series of murders.

I wonder who it was. The murderer that is. I do not know, all I know is that I would black out occasionally whenever I feel intense rage. Only to wake up, staring at corpses of those vixens and blood splatters all over my clothes. Looking at my bloodied hands, and the organs that I have ripped out laying on the ground.

I don't know anymore, all I know is I still love my Zero.

But he found out. I thought that when he knew, he would be proud.

But why was it that instead of pride on his face, it was the look of utter horror and disgust.

I called out to you, you ran.

I could only stand up calmly and run after you.

It must be a shock, for you to see me drenched in their blood. You must be angry at me for tainting myself with their blood.

Don't worry, my love. I will wash them off. Don't run away.

Then, I caught you in my arms. You began shouting hysterically.

''Let me go, Kuran!''

''You are crazy, Kuran!''

''Fuck, what did you do!''

''Go away, leave me alone, stalker, bloodsucker!''

I was not angered by your accusations, I cradled you gently in my arms to comfort you, to calm you down. You pounded my chest, begging me to let you go.

But then, Zero, I can never let you go.

I closed the distance between our lips, enveloping your soft lips with mine. I moaned softly and bit your tongue with my canines. You flinched, so I ran my hands down your sides, making you shiver. I tasted your blood, I loved it.

Then, you bit my tongue, in an attempt to escape from me, expecting me to flinch and let you go.

But oh, my love, that was a wrong thing to do.

Unbeknownst to you, we created a blood bond when you tasted my blood too. We are connected in heart and mind now.

I hugged you tighter to my chest. I put my lips close to your ears.

''I love you.''

And that was it.


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