My greatest apologies for grammatical mistakes, I'm fantastic at spelling but typos absolutely destroy me.


Also, received like 5 reviews from the same person saying my characters were OOC, and that I should have said this story was 'extremely AU'…. Please go to the FIRST CHAPTER, and read the damn WARNINGS, I put 'extremely AU', fucking idiots, I swear.

With that aside, please enjoy the next chapter—see you at the ending note!

Chapter Five

"Rosalie!" Lily exclaimed in disbelief, absolute dread forming on her pale face (if her face were able to get any paler than it already was). The redheaded vampire was in front of the blond now, her eyes narrowed as she had a staring contest with her niece, "how could you… why did you do that!"

"Didn't you hear the way he was talking to you? He was disrespecting you, Lily, I wasn't going to let him do that—" the pompous blond was interrupted by her brother, Edward,

"Rose, you are you stupid? Everything was going perfectly fine until you came along, now you've made him vanish and run away again. Stay out of this, before you end up ripping our family apart," he threatened, ignoring the look of insubordination on his sister's face as he furiously dashed to his room, if he were left in the same room with her for just another second he'd have flipped. The way she spoke to Harry was absolutely uncalled for.

Rosalie gaped, what the hell was wrong with Edward and why didn't he agree with her?

"You better fix this, Rosalie, or so help me I'll make you fix this," Lily sneered, her fists now clenching, "I finally get my damn son back, something you've known I've been waiting for, and you do this to me? Edward has a point, stay out of this,"

"But Aunt Lily, he said such awful things to you… he called us all monsters—"

Jasper stepped into the conversation now, his arms around Alice, "he regretted it, and as soon as the words left his mouth he hated himself for it. Think before you act upon something, Rose,"

Feeling horrible now, Rosalie frowned and looked to her aunt, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you talked, I thought he came back to make things worse for you. Lily, I worry about you, I would never want to hurt you… I was only trying to protect you,"

"I don't need you to worry about me; I'm perfectly fine doing things on my own. Now you've gone and chased my only son away and I have to suffer for that!" Lily was glowing red, her eyes narrowed tightly at her niece.

Esme gave sigh and went to stand beside her sister, hoping Lily would listen to her if she were to speak, "Lily, dear, I think we need to focus on other matters right now. Rosalie," she turned to her daughter who kept a hard face, "you and Emmett are dismissed, I need privacy with my sister,"

"But Esme!" Rosalie tried, but the tug that Emmett gave her made her lips thin and they obey their mother's sweet orders, they left the sitting room and headed upstairs.

Alice seemed bothered about something; Jasper noticed this and the two of them sat, "I have to tell you all something, but I think it should wait until Dad's home,"

"What about me?" asked a voice, and the vampires all turned thankfully to the compassionate member of their family, Carlisle, who came walking in with a blond brow raised and a rather curious expression, "how has everything gone with Harry? Sorry I wasn't home sooner, the hospital was rather busy,"

Jasper decided he would explain the recent events to his father, "Apparently everything was going fine, until of course... Rosalie came back with the rest of us and things sort of blew up…"

"Oh my, where is he then?" asked the doctor, "and where is Edward…?"

"We're uncertain. Edward went to be alone, I'm unsure why," answers Esme, her arms now comfortingly wrapped around her sister's shoulders, "things are a bit tense at the moment. Lily, do you have an idea of where Harry could have gone?"

Lily nodded, "he couldn't have gone far, wizards are unable to apparate intercontinentally. We have to look for him,"

"Lily," begins Carlisle, "I think you need to explain a few things to us before we go any further. I think Rosalie especially needs help understanding Harry- we can't keep repeating ourselves, this needs resolved,"

"I agree, I'll tell you everything there is to know,"

Half an hour later the family was listening intently to their youngest member, Lily spoke of how it all began. She told them of Voldemort and the kind of man the dark wizard was, she explained to Rosalie that Harry was forced to go through a life of stress, fear, and hurt because of his excruciating duty of stopping the evil man. Rosalie shrunk back, feeling so unlike herself at the moment for acting the way she had. She felt horrid, like the monster that Harry so easily called her earlier.

Now she felt that it was her duty to find Harry, find him and apologize for speaking that way to him. She understood now that she spoke out of turn without first understanding what the teenager was forced to go through, she should have never judged him without first understanding him.

Edward on the other hand, was rightfully mad. Listening to all that Lily was explaining made him bubble with anger as he listened to the pain and struggle that his mate had to endure without any help from him or Lily. It was something he shouldn't have had to go through, at least not without having his mother there for support. He instantly hated the man that had Lily changed, he instantly hated all that the wizarding world was- and he hated himself for not being there, he hated himself for not taking his side during the arguments that went on earlier.

"I'm going to find him," says Edward as he stood from his current spot in the sitting room, "we all acted very foolishly without first knowing anything about Harry. We all greedily jumped to protect Lily when Harry should have been our first priority. We've failed as a family; I failed as a mate,"

"Woah, what do you mean mate?" Emmett asked raising a thick brow as Rosalie wondered the same- they weren't present when Alice had explained to the others that Harry had been Edward's mate.

Edward looked to his brother, "Harry's my mate,"

"No way! You're kidding?" Emmett asked in astonishment as he stood to be level with his brother- though he has a much broader figure, "that's fantastic man,"

Rosalie scrunched herself back even more on the plush sofa, guilt striking her as her lips twitched into a frown- not only did she speak and treat Lily's son the way she did… she also treated her own brothers mate, her own family, that way. How much more guilt will she be forced to feel, "I want to help,"

Each set of topaz eyes turned to Rosalie, nervousness of her offer evident. Her face hardened as she crossed her arms, "Why are you looking at me like that? This is my entire fault, I should help fix things. I want to help Edward look for Harry, I want to make things better- especially for Lily,"

"You sure you won't make anything worse?" asks Carlisle, eyeing Rosalie with a bit of suspicion, "after today's incidents I don't think it's in Harry's best interest for you to go along to look for him,"

"I foolishly spoke without first realizing who Harry was, though I hate saying this, it's my responsibility to make things better, to apologize," Rosalie explains, shocking the whole family. She scowled when she noticed their looks.

From the other side of the room Alice froze and Jasper's attention was turned to the pixie-vampire, it was apparent that she was having another vision- they hoped it somehow involved Harry in one way or another.

"I know where Harry is," Alice whispered, and her eyes flickered to her analyzing family.

He couldn't believe he'd said that, he hated himself for it. Harry James Potter, the boy with a werewolf Godfather and nearly acceptance for everything had called his own mother and her family monsters. How was he going to pull himself out of this one?

Firstly, as he leaned against the stop sign that was located at the intersection which he assumed to be somewhere in the small town of Forks, he couldn't help but feel at his most vulnerable. And that alone was completely barbaric- because not even Voldemort had the capability to make him feel that way… but seeing his mother again, knowing she was alive and knowing that her own family (which he still burned with jealousy at) defended her over him had broken him in ways he couldn't even understand.

It wasn't like he was weak, that he was easily bent and molded into something he wasn't- but after all that's happened, he hasn't once been given a chance to take a deep breath. It seemed that no matter what he did or said, someone always expected more from him than what he could give- which was exactly what his own bloody mother was doing.

No, he hadn't hated her. Harry couldn't truly hate anyone, but seeing her have such happy family while he was stuck with the damn Dursleys made him burn- it felt like a slap to the face. And he understands that perhaps it wasn't entirely Lily's fault- but that damn Dumbledore's entire fault.

Harry felt alone right now, and for various reasons too. He wanted to go home, he wanted to be with Hermione and Ron, Luna and the rest of his friends. He wanted to be welcomed with the wonderful smell of Mrs. Weasley's cooking- and the smiling face of Ginny. He wanted to listen to Mr. Weasley go on about his latest muggle obsession- hell, he wouldn't even mind being asked about rubber ducks once more if he were given the chance.

He was so far away from them it hurt- he was so far away from his own support-system.

"Hey," a voice says that starts Harry into standing up straight and pushing away from the stop sign. Harry looked towards the direction of the voice and scowls- Rosalie. Of course it'd be her to come and fetch him, he so badly wished it could've been Alice again instead of this woman.

"Come to cause more problems?" Harry spits, the damp air nipping at his rosy cheeks, "look, I'm not in the mood for another row, could you just leave me alone please? It'd be well appreciated,"

The blond stepped closer, her lose curls bouncing along her shoulders as she made her way towards her aunt's son, her face twisted into that of a sincere expression, "I came to say sorry, actually, as surprising as that is,"

"I appreciate your attempts to make me come back, but I'm rather set on my decision at the moment. Tell Lily I don't need her to force you into apologizing. Once again she has people doing her dirty work-"

"Actually, it was my idea to come and find you. It was also my decision to apologize," says the blond, stepping even closer now as she stood just in front of the raven haired teenager, "trust me, it's not often that I say the word 'sorry', even if Lily asked me to I still probably wouldn't do it,"

"Ha," barks Harry in a sarcastic tone, "you wouldn't even apologize if your precious Lily asked you to? After what just happened I find that entirely hard to believe,"

Rosalie crossed her arms and shrugged, "you'd be surprised what I wouldn't do for Lily, but that's not what I came to talk about. Lily told us what she knew about your world and what you had to go through. I shouldn't have acted the way I did without first understanding,"

"Alright," Harry nodded, not sure what to say next- so he chose to let the vampire in front of him continue.

"And I shouldn't have said those things to you, but when it comes to Lily we're all a bit overly protective. I realize now that maybe we vindicate her far more than she's meant to be, Lily isn't perfect and I know that, but after everything we've all been through even you can sympathize with us- life can be pretty stressful, even for a vampire,"

Harry nodded, he agreed with the blond (surprisingly), "I think was angered me the most was when you told me that Lily deserved better. Don't you think I should deserve better too? If Lily explained everything about me to you, then you shouldn't be stupid enough to think otherwise,"

"I never said you deserved any less than your mother, you're the child and therefore you come before anything else. If I could have my own child I would, I'd choose a life like that over my current life in a heartbeat," explained Rosalie, "and Lily would too, that's all I was trying to explain to you,"

Harry could get used to this 'be civil' thing that was going on right now, it was nice to finally speak to someone who didn't expect so much from him like his mother or Dumbledore had, "If it helps any, I didn't mean what I said… about you being monsters-"

"I know," Rosalie said suddenly, a small smile gracing her pale face.

The wizard chuckled, "I suppose the empath told you that, didn't he?"

"Yeah, along those lines," Rosalie sighs and adds, "I don't blame you if you want to go back to London, but I don't think you should give up on Lily because of my silly actions,"

"I'm not one to run away from problems," Harry informs, almost a bit defensively, "I would have eventually come back, but I guess I just needed a bit of air. It's not like I'm able to go anywhere else at the moment,"

"It's alright if you don't want to come back, we don't blame you- we'd just really like to start over… again, you know? Not to mention we've got a bigger problem on our hands," she mumbled to herself, referring to Harry being Edward's mate- how were they supposed to break that to him? Harry already had it out for them, there was no way he'd accept Edward.

Harry yawned, it began to rain gently once more, "Well, I haven't got anywhere to stay dry, perhaps we should head back, I'll apparate,"

"Sounds like a good idea," Rosalie paused, "If it's at all believable, there was a time that I absolutely hated Lily,"

Shocked, Harry leaned forward to hear more, "There was a time when you hated Lily, oh, but that's impossible, your precious and loving Lily?" it was more teasing than it was rude.

Rosalie nodded with a small smile twitching at her lips, "Yeah, I'm a bit hardheaded sometimes, if you haven't noticed. Emmett likes to call me out on it a lot, but that's mostly when we're fighting,"

"I'll keep that in mind then," joked Harry in return, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Maybe you should," joked Rosalie in return.

There was a small pause in the conversation, Harry asked, "Why'd you hate her…?"

"I'm a bit cold to people who barge in on the family," explains Rosalie, "we're such a close knit family, you know? Kinda hard to share something like that, you know? Though, that wasn't the entire reason I hated her at first—Lily isn't a saint, I'd never make her out to be something of the sort. She's made mistakes, as I've said, mistakes that I didn't agree with. But that's her business to tell, not mine,"

"I understand, I'll meet you back at the house then," Harry says, giving a small and unsure smile.

"Okay," Rosalie nodded, and headed back to the house as a crack filled the air and Harry was gone once more.

"Let's get something straight," Harry began, once again in the familiar setting of the Cullen house- only this time he stood in the kitchen across from his mother- the rest of the family filling in and standing alongside each other, "We don't know each other, blimey, we're complete strangers,"

"I know. There's nothing more I regret than not being able to know my own son," whispers Lily softly, waiting for her son to continue with his words- not wishing to make him upset by thinking he isn't getting his own opinions out, because in reality Harry deserved to explain how he felt to her, no matter how horrid those feelings may be.

Harry crossed his arms and leaned against the counter beside him, he nodded to his mother letting him know that he heard her words, "Right. So, I say that if we're going to be at all successful, we're going to have to treat each other like the strangers we are and gradually get to know each other,"

"That sounds reasonable, quite a good approach," says Carlisle, impressed with the suggestion, "that seems to be the only way we're going to get through this it seems,"

"I'd like to begin firstly by saying that it wasn't my right to judge any of you, I'm more than sorry for the things I said earlier this afternoon," says Harry, probably a bit more maturely than he wanted to.

Lily looked to him sweetly, Esme and Alice doing the same at the sincerity of the wizard's words, Esme spoke, "It's quite alright, darling, and we're just as sorry for misunderstanding you as well,"

"Right then," begins Harry, almost a bit nervously, and he glances to his redheaded mother- he pushed himself from the counter he was leaning on and stepped towards her, "I'm Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you all,"

"Lily," says the vampire, feeling almost heartbroken that her son considered her a stranger, but she couldn't blame him, this whole mess was because of selfishness and the need to fulfill self-righteousness. All this time though, her son was left with the constant overbearing task of destroying a power man, an evil man, and she proved useless for him during those years- completely useless. She hated herself, absolutely hated herself for doing such a thing to her son, "I'm glad you're here, I truly am,"

Harry nodded and gave her a soft smile, surprisingly enough he made himself step even closer to his mother and reached forward for a small hug- it was quick, very quick, but it was enough to reassure both Lily and Harry that it wasn't too late, that good could come of this.

Then, he looked to Esme, guilt for taking his anger out on the vampire-mother flooded over him, "Esme, it's quite lovely to meet you, your home is fantastic,"

But something felt wrong as he spoke, something felt fake about it. He wasn't done being angry, he wasn't done with resentment- he found himself doubting if he could do this, how could he possibly do this? Esme spoke, her mouth moving but Harry couldn't hear the words as he was lost in his own self-thought.

Then, the boy from before, the bronze hair and topaz eyed boy stepped forward now- holding his hand out for Harry to shake as he gave a nervous smile, his mouth was moving too, but no words were heard once more as Harry's eyes blurred.

He was going to be sick.

Absolutely sick, he touched his head and gave a breath, "I'm sorry, I don't think I feel so well,"

"Are you alright?" asks Edward, concern dripping through his voice, this made Harry cock a brow to him in confusion—why had he even cared? "maybe you should sit down,"

"No—no, I'm fine, I suppose everything's catching up to me, you know?" Harry explained, removing his hand from his head and waving the concerned vampires out of their worry, "It's all a lot of handle, surely you wouldn't understand. After all, it's not every day your mother comes back from the dead,"

This made the room chuckle, and Harry gave a relieved sigh. He straightened, hoping to make the rest of the family believe that he was actually fine when he truthfully wasn't, "Right then, it's getting rather late—it's been a long day. Do any of you mind if I use your fireplace? I need to make a call to my friends, if you don't mind,"

Esme nodded, "Yes, of course, go ahead," she lead him to the fireplace in the lounging room and left him to privacy. The rest of the family gathered in the kitchen to talk amongst themselves.

Carlisle was the first, looking to his son Edward as he spoke, "I think we've managed to calm everything down now, hopefully he chooses to stay for a while. I'm not sure it's best to break the news of him being your mate until a later date—it might be too much,"

"I don't think he'll even accept me," Edward says honestly, "waiting is fine, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to wait though,"

Lily touched Edward's shoulder comfortingly, "It'll be alright, Edward. If we all put our share of effort into making this work, I think everything will turn out okay,"

"We can hope," says Alice, her voice chipper with excitement, "right?"

The rest of the family gave lopsided smiles to their pixie-like family member.

I apologize if this didn't suit your expectations, but this is build-up for next chapter, the next chapter is VERY important!

Sneak-peek! Next chapter the Cullens, Harry, and Lily all sit down for a little chat. Things slip out and confusion arises... Let's not forget to mention that Edward and Harry are given a chance to speak alone- but is that a good, or is it a bad thing?... Until next time!