Summary: A story in which Harry receives a letter from Dumbledore explaining that his mother was still alive, with the exception that she's a vegetarian vampire living with a family in America. He leaves London to reunite with her, and finds love in Edward Cullen during his stay. SLASH.

Warning: extremely AU, alive!Lily, homosexual slash, strong language, rating may change.

Chapter One

"I have something, from Dumbledore," spoke the new headmistress of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall. New construction was being done to the broken and crumbled wizardry school, with the help of many people from all over the world who were awed by the story told.

Harry was confused, he thought he received his gift left to him from Dumbledore—the snitch he caught during his first Quidditch match in first year. He sat eagerly and very impatiently across from the woman's desk (which pained him, because all he could see was the previous headmaster's face twinkling at him from behind the mahogany wood), "Okay,"

"Here, if you have any questions about the contents of this letter, Mister Potter, I was given direct orders from Dumbledore to explain and answer any of the questions you might have. I have a feeling you'll have more than a few questions, I'm sure," says the witch, her face even more aged due to the recent war.

Reaching forward, Harry gently took the aged envelope from the frail hands of his once transfiguration teacher. The envelope had a seal that he was far too familiar with, and a curved handwriting of his name spread across the front. Harry. Hands trembling, he unfolded the seal and pulled the neatly folded parchment from the envelope. His mind was racing with paranoia and excitement of what the words were on the thick paper, written by the man he admired more than anything.

What he read was certainly not what he was expecting though, and that's no exaggeration.

Mister Harry James Potter,

There are many things I regret doing and not saying before my imminent death. I assume that my suspicions were right and that I'm long gone and am unable to tell you this information face-to-face. Firstly, I hope you understand the reasons behind why I've kept such information a secret from you; it was an unbreakable vow, and not even you could have been told—that's how important this secret was. My child, whether you are relieved or whatever emotion you may feel when I tell you this, it's best that you are told the truth of your dearest mother: Lily.

The night Voldemort attacked Godric's Hollow; it hadn't surprised me in the slightest. I'm sure that if everything has gone to plan you were shown Severus' memories and know that he was there that night and found your mother lifeless. What I'm going to tell you next though, was Obliviated from Severus' memory for the sake of your mother's safety. Your mother is very much alive, Harry, or rather she's not dead for she has no capability of dying now.

When I arrived to the scene, I found Severus there. Horrified that two of my best students were laying on the floor dead by the hands of an evil man, I brought along a friend of mine. I'm unsure if your mother hates me for this, I'm unsure how she feels about it, because I wasn't allowed to speak to her over the seventeen years that she's been gone. The friend I brought along was named Carlisle Cullen; he was a good friend of mine—and a vampire. You must understand Harry, that Lily was so brave and a wonderful wizard; she was important to you. Her death, to put it lightly, had been a lot of strive for you to defeat the Dark Lord, but if there were any way for me to save the wonderful mother, I would, and so I did. I asked something of Carlisle, he owed me a favor. I'm sure you've already concluded that I ordered to have your mother turned into a vampire.

Please, understand the meaning behind this letter, my dear boy; this is a chance for you to be reunited with the woman that you've so longed to be with. This is your gift, your reward for doing the world a tremendous favor and killing Voldemort. Your mother has not been updated on the wizarding world, only that you were still alive and safe. She lives happily with a family in America, and you'll be pleased to know that she's vegetarian—she doesn't feed from humans, but the blood of animals. You can still see your mother, Harry, I'm begging you to go to her and let all the pain of your past vanish so that you can live a new life—the life of a carefree and solitary teenager, seventeen is such a young age to have to forego all that you have, and even if I am no longer breathing; I still hope that you do this for not only yourself, but Lily too.

Forever yours,

Albus Dumbledore.

"Is this," Harry swallowed, his voice breaking as he shook in anger, "is this supposed to be some kind of sick joke?"

The headmistress gave a tired sigh, "I'm afraid not, Mister Potter, your mother is very much alive today and well the last time I checked. She's awaiting your arrival to visit her, I was given permission by Dumbledore to visit her over in America to inform her of everything that has gone on in the past ten years—even your bravery against Voldemort,"

"But you decide to tell me now, all those years I was forced to live with the Dursleys!" shouted Harry, his eyes narrowed and his face red. Everything he's been told/read in the past ten minutes was too much for him to handle or even believe.

"I thought Dumbledore addressed in his letter that Lily's status was to be kept dire secret, that not even you, her son, had been allowed to know so her safety wasn't threatened," the witch leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table, "Potter, this is a big gift, probably the biggest gift anyone could have given you. Instead of risking your mother's safety Dumbledore did all in his power to keep her safe so that one day, like today, you'd be reunited without any worries of losing each other,"

Leaning back and absorbing all that the woman spoke to him, he remained still and quiet to gather his thoughts and think about his situation. Something bubbled inside of him that made his stomach turn and wave around at the notion of seeing his mother once more, to experience her love once more.

"What…" voice breaking once more Harry shifted on the plush chair, "What do we do next, then?"

The headmistress gave a thin smile, "you meet your mother once more, Mister Potter,"

"This is all a bit much, don't you think? Last month I went through what will probably be the greatest war written down in the history books, you can't expect me to just—just leave this and see a woman who is practically a stranger," Harry tried to explain, his voice strangled and hoarse.

Minerva nodded in completely understanding, "I was expecting you to be a bit more eager about this, jumping at the chance to meet your mother,"

"Being seventeen and growing through a war, as the savior of that war, tends to force maturity. I'm not that same naive little boy looking through a mirror believing his parents are still alive simply because he sees their reflections," said Harry, his face twisted in puzzlement, "You say my mother's been informed of everything?"

"That is correct, Mister Potter, and she's eagerly awaiting my reply on whether or not you agree to go and see her in America anytime soon," says the headmistress, peering over her moon-shaped glasses.

"Professor McGonagall, I don't… I've got so much to do here, the repairs of Hogwarts and auror academy; I haven't got the time for a holiday over to America. I understand that she's my mother, and I have missed her presence greatly but there is far too much to be done. Not to mention she's living with a vampiric family, surely there are precautions," tried the teenager, but failed miserably.

The ex-professor, forced to take head of Hogwarts, simply blinked a few times as she listened to and debated with herself over the savior's words, "I was afraid of this, Mister Potter. I'm not one to resort to begging, but I think this is something you really need to do. You've done your duty, you deserve this… Harry, you're still just a boy, you shouldn't have the weight of the world's problems of your shoulders; not anymore at least. I beg of you to just think about it, if you will?"

"I have a question, though, headmistress," speaks Harry, softly and gently, "why did Dumbledore take the time to save my mother by having her turned into a vampire and not my father also?"

A knowing smile crossed the lips of the aged witch, "Perhaps that's something your mother should tell you, don't you think? So, will you think about it?"

"Yes," answers the hero, "I'll take the weekend to think about it, I'll return Monday and give you my decision. Thank-you, Professor,"

Hope you enjoyed it, next chapter will be updated as soon as it's ready, x