Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Torchwood; it all belongs to the BBC and RTD

Summary: A grieving couple refuses to believe their son perished during a school accident, 10 years later proof shows up that he may have survived and is now a member of Torchwood

A/N: A continued chapter of Jack and Ianto's life, living within the hub. This is after the birth of their son Josh, the earlier years before they move out of the hub in my later stories. This chapter is beta by the awesome'J3d1M0nk3ySp0ck'



"Curious Wilfred"

Ianto sat on the park bench as he kept a watchful eye on his and Jack's one-year-old son, Josh. Every day after ordering the team lunch and setting everything up in the boardroom with freshly brewed coffee, he and Josh would leave for the park.

Ianto looked adoringly at his son who sat playing on a blanket with some of his favorite toys as he reflected back over past events. After the James and Gwen fiasco (Vengeance and desire) he had gone into labor while relaxing in their home in the hub. After two hours of painful labor and threatening to kill Jack if he ever touched him again, Owen had delivered their beautiful baby boy by cesarean.

Jack and Ianto had survived the toughest months with a few spats, adjustment and compromises; Ianto was able to do most of his work from the lower level of the hub in their home while caring for Josh. Jack would keep Josh with him in his office when Ianto had to work in the hub. With Ianto working from their home Jack enjoyed regular home-cooked meal with his family and their sex life was better than ever.

During Ianto time in the tourist office Josh would be in a small connecting office where Ianto could observe him. Tosh, Gwen even Rhys was always willing to help when needed. Hearing a familiar voice Ianto snapped back to the present.

Looking up, Ianto greeted the man with a smile "Hi, here to enjoy another beautiful day?"

"Yes I am, but I fear today will be my last day" the man sighed, "with my vacation ending, I'll have to return home tomorrow".

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that," Ianto said with sadness. "Josh and I have really enjoyed your company these last few days."

Ianto had met the man during his and Josh' regular visits to the park. They had become friends, each talking about their family. Ianto took a liking to the man after he'd revealed that he was married to Jack and Josh was theirs by a surrogate to which the man replied, "it's not who you fall in love with, the most important thing is you're happy".

Looking at his watch, Ianto knew it was time to get Josh ready to return to the hub. After giving Josh a gift of a plush teddy bear and a hug, the man helped Ianto gather Josh' toys as they prepared to leave. Ianto and his friend said goodbye with hope to meet again one day.

As Ianto drove back to the hub with a sleeping Josh in his safety seat, he realized that not only would he miss seeing his new friend, but also his trips to the park with Josh. Jack and Ianto had agreed that tomorrow Rhiannon would start caring for Josh while they worked, helping them as well as her financially.


Once Ianto and his son was gone the man removed two small plastic bags from his pocket, when he'd hugged Josh as well as Ianto, he'd cleverly removed a strand of their hair. Walking over to the trash bin he retrieved Ianto's empty water bottle that he had discarded, bagging it also.

Pulling out his mobile he placed a call to his friend Henry, who was aware of his investigation, to have a lab test performed on the items he had retrieved relating to his case.


Ianto had arrived back at the hub with a sleeping Josh, to find not only had Jack sent everyone home early, provided they kept their mobiles on in case of emergency. They had cleaned the hub before leaving, freeing Jack and Ianto to spend tonight with their son. Tomorrow Josh would no longer be in the hub while his parents worked during the day.

Jack watched Ianto carry Josh down to their home; he would join them later after making sure the hub was secure. Jack wanted tonight to be special, after a final check of the hub, his mobile rang letting him know his delivery from their favorite Italian restaurant was there and after collecting his delivery he made sure the tourist office and everything was locked and secured before going to his home in the lower level.

As the Harkness-Jones family enjoy a loving and happy fun filled night, ending with Ianto and Jack indulging in a bout of hot passionate sex after Josh went to bed. As Ianto lay happily wrapped secure and his husband's arms while their adorable son slept, he was blissfully unaware of the events that had occurred earlier after he left the park


Now back in Newport, the man sat at his desk with two files laid out before him, pouring himself a shot of scotch he studied the files and lab results again, which he had received two hours earlier: eighty-five percent chance of a match.

"Could it be him after all this time", the man frowned, but what if he's wrong, the damage could be irreversible.

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