Hey everyone, I'm REALLY sorry that I haven't updated. This chapter didn't want to be written until a few days ago, and I've been really busy with college and stuff. Hope you all enjoy this chappie, and accept my apology for the delay!

Chapter 6

The day that Sam left New York to go back to Kansas was a sad one. It had been awhile since Dean had seen his younger brother, and he didn't know when he would see him again. Castiel was also sad to see Sam go. He was a good kid, and Dean loved him, therefore Cas liked him as well.

Only a few days were left in winter break, Dean had to go back to school, and on the morning Sam left Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean's waist and said,

"Can we go out tonight?" Dean smiled and responded,

"What's with the pouty face Cas?" His boyfriend blushed before shrugging and saying,

"Whatever. We're going out. Wear something hot." Dean snorted and said cheekily,

"Don't I always look hot?" Castiel rolled his eyes and swatted him before he muttered under his breath,

"I don't know why I put up with you. Honestly." Dean smirked and smacked Cas' ass playfully before he walked upstairs to shower.

Later that evening Dean was sitting on the couch, idly flipping through the TV wearing dark jeans and a tight black t-shirt. Hearing a noise from the stairs he looked up to see Castiel walking down wearing skintight black jeans, and a black vest with a fedora on his head.

Dean licked his lips slightly and pulled Cas onto his lap by his belt loops, mouthing his neck greedily. Castiel hummed and said jokingly,

"If you don't stop we're never going to make it out." Dean squeezed his ass and murmured,

"Your point? Who cares?" Castiel laughed and pulled away saying,

"I care. C'mon Dean." His boyfriend pouted slightly but consented, allowing Cas to pull him out the door and down the porch steps to the sidewalk. Dean stutter stepped before saying sadly,

"We're not taking baby?" Rolling his eyes Castiel replied,

"No Dean. Although your weird love affair with your car should concern me, we are taking the subway tonight. Trust me; I know where I'm going. He laced his fingers through Dean's and ignored his grumbling as they walked to the underground.

They got weird looks on the train, but it was only until they reached the inner city, where their outfits would be considered tame. Cas pulled Dean to a neon sign that read "Woody's" and the stood in the line that was full of people trying to get in. Dean looked around and saw all the men in line, with very few women. He made a face and said quietly,

"Cas, are we at a gay club?" Castiel laughed loudly and said,

"Your observation skills astound me as always Dean. Yes, we are at a gay club. Not an issue, is it?" Dean rolled his eyes and said,

"No, not an issue. I just would've liked to know. I'd have worn something sexier." Cas smirked and pulled Dean to his body by his hips and kissed him lightly before saying,

"Trust me, you are plenty sexy enough. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you, or someone might try and take you." Dean rolled his eyes and said,

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just go inside." Cas smiled and they paid, walking up a flight of stairs to get to the club.

It was freezing cold inside, but with the amount of people filing in it would soon heat up. Castiel pulled him to the bar, where they ordered drinks and sat for a few minutes until Dean heard a familiar Scottish drawl say,

"Dean? What're you doing here?" Turning suddenly Dean came face to face with Crowley, who was sitting next to them and sipping his drink. Castiel had a look of recognition on his face as he said,

"Crowley? What are you doing here?" The Scot smiled and poked Dean on the shoulder before replying,

"Dean, how do you know Cassy? Oh…..are you two here…together?" Castiel scowled and snarked,

"Yes, we are here together. I'm allowed to go out with my boyfriend if I want. And it isn't any of your business." He got up and walked away, presumably to cool off. Dean wanted to go after him, but first he had to deal with Crowley. With a fire in his eyes he growled,

"First of all, what the fuck are you doing here? Second, how the Hell do you know my boyfriend?" Crowley held his hands up in a placating gesture before he said smoothly,

"I'm here because I wanna be. Didn't know that I needed to tell you when I go out. I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, and I'm fine with being out in public. I know Cassy from a past hookup. Like over a year ago. No big deal." Dean narrowed his eyes and studied the other man before saying,

"I'm sorry for freaking out on you. Please Crowley, I'm begging you, don't tell anyone that I'm gay. Az and the gang would kill me if they found out." Crowley patted his shoulder and said reassuringly,

"Of course Dean. I'd never do that to someone. And here comes your beau, so I'll be taking my leave. See you when I see you." He slid off his stool and walked away as Cas walked up. Sitting down again he took Dean's hand and said,

"Sorry. I just wasn't expecting to see him here. Took me by surprise, that's all." Dean shrugged and let Castiel pull him to his feet and out to the dance floor. Somehow they managed to get completely in the center, where Cas turned and pushed himself against Dean's front.

Dean wrapped his hands around the other man's hips and pulled him tighter to plaster him against Dean's front until they were grinding on each other. Cas ground his hips and whole body on Dean to the rhythm of the music. It was erotic and insanely hot to watch, let alone be an active participant in, and Dean was getting hard just watching his boyfriend.

A hand slid beneath Cas' waistline told him that he was getting hot as well. Dean pulled Castiel around and slotted their hips together, kissing him fiercely. Their erections brushed together through their jeans, and when Cas threw his head back and moaned the music was so loud that no one but Dean heard it anyway.

Cas' mouth went to Dean's ear and he whispered huskily,

"Goddammit I want to fuck you so bad right now." Dean wrapped his lips around Castiel's collarbone and sucked, leaving a bright red mark which would fade to a hickey later. He moved his mouth to kiss Cas before he said in his ear,

"Bathroom. Right the fuck now." Cas nodded and pulled Dean along behind him. They crammed themselves into a tiny stall, Dean falling to his knees and unzipping Cas' pants. Pulling out his cock Dean gave him a few preliminary strokes to get him to full hardness.

Tangling his fingers in Dean's hair Cas pushed his head down to get his cock in the other's mouth. Dean willingly obliged, wrapping his lips around the tip, lapping the precum dribbling from the tip. Castiel moaned and thrust his hips, pushing more into Dean's mouth.

His boyfriend let him, hollowing his cheeks out and letting Cas fuck his mouth. It was so hot, knowing that anyone could walk in on them at any time. Cas was moaning like a porn star, and it was turning Dean on so much that he thought he might come in his pants like a teenager.

Using one hand he unbuttoned and unzipped his own jeans, pulling his dick out and stroking it harshly as he felt Cas getting closer and closer, hitting the back of his throat every time he thrust forward. Saliva dribbled down his chin and he knew he was getting close to coming. Looking down at him with lust filled eyes Cas growled roughly,

"God, you look so good on your knees, my cock in your mouth. Taking it like a good little slut." His dirty talk set Dean off, and then he was coming, painting his fist and moaning around Cas' cock. He moaned when Castiel came down his throat, making sure he swallowed all his cum.

Pulling away he leaned back on his heels as wiped his chin on his sleeve. Cas buttoned his pants back up and hauled Dean to his feet, taking his hand and licking away the evidence of his orgasm before kissing him thoroughly. Dean smirked and kissed back sighing as he said,

"Okay, we've had our club experience. Let's go home and have some really hot, really raunchy sex, yeah?" Cas nodded and pulled Dean out of the bathroom saying playfully,


All done. I hope everyone liked it, and I'm sorry it's been awhile. Review for me, and I'll try to get the next one up soonish.


ps. there's only like two, maybe three chapters until the end. And no, there will not be a sequel. Sorry.