Author's Note: WHOLY CRAP! It's been a long time since I updated this story and I'm so, so sorry! I've been extremely busy and had lost all my writing inspiration. I didn't like my planned ending for this story, so I pretty much gave up on it. However, I have written a new ending that has a better future for this story, so I'll hopefully be updating frequently! Of course, reviews are greatly welcome and will keep the story alive. The next chapter promises lots of action and maybe some crazy turns. I'll try to reply to all reviews! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the story.(:

Jade West was standing in a very large, empty room. The ceiling was high, the walls bare and white, and the floor a polished metal. She moved to the center, as she had been instructed, and looked around, awaiting further direction.

"Now Jade, remember, if you ever feel uncomfortable, just shout 'End Program'. This is merely to see the extent of your abilities, not put your life at risk. Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah, can we start now?"

She didn't get an answer, but instead the room hummed to life. Light danced down from the ceiling, orange figures emerging and taking a fighting stance. They started to advance towards her. With a deep breath, she raised her palms. She felt the steady rise of energy build from her stomach and work its way to her fingertips. When the orange figures were but a few feet away, she released her breath and with it flew a dozen shards of glass. The glass tore through the figures, causing them to flicker then evaporate into the air. Only two more remained.

They circled her like sharks, their lifeless faces empty. One lunged at her quickly, his hand turning into a knife. He tried an upward slice, but Jade was quicker and jumped out of the way, sending a rain of small glass shards down on his face. The figure flickered and evaporated.

"The last one will be the hardest," said Tasha to Reed, who were both standing in the overhead viewing room, watching Jade below them. "She's done a decent job though. She's quick, knows how to bring on her powers."

"Agreed. She also seems very angry, and don't forget that emotion plays a vital role in maintaining control over one's abilities," said Reed, his eyes still fixed on the last orange figure. "Emotions can ruin someone," he said, glancing to Tasha, his stare hard and knowing.

"But of course," she whispered, her eyes lingering on his another moment longer before turning back to Jade.

Jade was dodging attack after attack, her feet continuously threatening to fall out from under her on the slick floor. This last figure was hard to beat, and both of his hands were fashioned into blades. Jade tried several times to stick him with glass, but he worked too fast, his legs never ceasing to move. With a quick sweep, he knocked Jade's legs out from under her and she hit the floor hard, the wind leaving her lungs. The orange figure raised a bladed hand, throwing it down towards Jade's head. Jade tried to catch her breath, her feet scrambling to roll her out of the way. She panicked, her hands seeming to be tied at her sides. The blade descended down on her as if in slow motion.

"Program ended," came the computer voice, the orange figure suddenly evaporating before Jade's eyes. She took in a few short breaths before rising from the floor.

"What the fuck, I could have finished it!" She yelled, throwing her hands into the air.

"Jade, it was just an evaluation. I wasn't going to have you at risk. The program ended, enough said. Now walk from the room, we'll be waiting in the conference room."

Jade just rolled her eyes at Tasha's voice, her hands clinched into fists at her side as she strode to the doors. The hallway was silent, the lights bright as she walked to the door at the end of the hall. She found everyone inside already, save for Tasha and Reed. She took a seat next to Andrea, not meeting anyone's eyes. They all sat in an awkward silence for several minutes, each looking at the plain tan walls or fidgeting with the zipper on the front of their magenta jackets that Tasha had issued them earlier that morning.

The door glided open and Tasha walked in. She placed a stack of manila folders before her chair at the head of the table. She didn't sit down though, instead braced against the table and looking at the expectant faces around her.

"You all did well with evaluations. Your abilities are outstanding, as expected. We still need to pursue the mental tests, which will take place tomorrow morning. In the meantime, feel free to look over the notes Reed and I took," she said, sliding the folders to the center of the table. Each teen rose slightly and grabbed the folder with their name on it. Tasha gave them a moment to flip through the few pages before speaking again. "The foes you faced today were made of holograms, but they are fully functional when it comes to causing damage. The last one you faced was the hardest, as seen by all of you, and we didn't expect any of you to best him. So congratulations Trina, you were the only one who did so."

All eyes shot to Trina, who seemed to sink down into the large office chair. Tasha smiled at her and gave a polite nod, Jade looked angry, Cat looked excited, and everyone else looked utterly shocked.

"Don't seem so surprised, she has a black belt in karate and was able to assess her situation and act on instinct," Tasha said, focusing on a certain Jade West. "The super strength helped too of course." Jade just sent Trina a glare before turning her attention back to her folder.

"Do we have any more tests today?" asked Andre.

"No. You are done for today, and have free range of the house. There's a common room, kitchen, and library upstairs in the main house. Subarea 1, which is the floor your rooms are on, has a gym at the end of the hall. Subarea's 2, 3, and 4 are off limits, as they contain our research and our scientists do not appreciate being disrupted," smirked Tasha, who stood to her full height. "And please, do not step outside. We wish to be able to keep an eye on you. Dinner will be served at 5pm, I will see you all there. Oh, and your friend Robbie can be found in the library. We've given him computer tasks since he doesn't have any super abilities." With that, Tasha smiled and left the room. Jade gave a final glare to Trina before also rising and exiting.

"Well, I think I'll go find Robbie, we're going to color!" squeaked Cat, jumping from her seat.

"I'll come with you," said Tori, following her out.

"I think I need some lunch," said Beck, Andre close at his heels as they too left, leaving only Trina. She reread the notes in her folder, her mind reeling. Her powers had made her feel empowered and invigorated in the large room earlier that morning. She had bested her holographic foes with ease and grace. Which was odd because Trina was never good at anything. At least, that's what everyone told her. And though she would fight back their snide remarks with her confident and snappy replies, their words still seeped under her skin and worked through her body, boiling her blood and rattling her brain. But today, she had defied even herself. She found something she was good at, and it gave her a new sense of mind.

Rising from her seat, Trina left the empty room and headed for the elevator. The halls were empty, as was the elevator, so instead of heading to the kitchen, she selected the button for Subarea 1. The same computer voice that had been in this morning's evaluation echoed through the cab, "Subarea 1, standard clearance. Trina Vega; Approved." The doors slid open and she stepped out. Tasha had said the gym was at the end of the hallway, so she walked briskly, passing the living quarters and coming to a large glass door that read "Classified Genetics Team Training Gym."

There was no one in the room. Expensive looking equipment sat idle and sparkly clean. Trina's eyes fell on the weight bench. Her legs moved on their own accord until she stopped right next to the rack containing the weights. The question that had been on her mind the whole morning danced around in her head; how much weight could she really lift?

She picked up one of the 50 pound barbell weights. It felt like nothing but a small rock in her hand, so she grabbed another one. No change really. She held out her hand and continued to stack the weights until she had some odd 320 pounds of weights sitting on just her left hand. She didn't even feel exerted, the weights no problem. She lifted her left arm up and down, the muscles not even tense. She gave a small chuckle and started putting the weights back. When she was done, she sat down on the rubber matted floor and laughed some more. Tilting her head back, she looked up to the ceiling. "Watch out Superman, I'm pretty sure I can kick your ass!"

5pm came quickly, the group gathered around the large dining table in the dining room, which was in the main portion of the house. Sunlight leaked through the floor to ceiling windows, the table appearing to be set for a fancy dinner party. Trina took her spot between Tori and Cat, and noticed that tonight both Agent Cole and another agent whom she hadn't met yet joined them at the table. The dinner the night before had just consisted of the gang, Tasha, and Reed. Before Trina could question Tasha about the agent's presence at the end of the table, the dishes were set down and dinner began. Chatter and the steady clinking of silverware drowned out Trina's thoughts, the topic of her defeating all the holographic foes being brought up often over the course of the meal. As the dessert of peach cobbler was being served up, Tasha stood from her chair at the head of the table and addressed the group.

"Now, as mentioned before, your mental examinations will take place tomorrow morning. Each one of you will be paired up with one of our very qualified scientists, and the tests are to start at promptly 4:30am." A series of groans followed her statement, but Tasha just quirked a perfectly arched eyebrow and continued. "The mental tests are not easy, they are going to be a lot harder than what you faced today. Your body will endure several levels of fatigue, both mentally and physically. Do not be frightened though, as your designated scientist will be sure that nothing bad comes of your health. The purpose of these examinations is to test the mental effects your powers have had, and how they may shape your future actions and decisions. The tests should conclude at roughly 8am, and you are welcome to go back to sleep after. In fact, we advise that you do so as you will have received a sedative prior to your test. Once again, no harm will come to you, and these tests are mandatory. I just want you to all be prepared. And as for you, Robbie," Tasha gestured to Robbie, his head snapping up from his dessert, spoon halfway to his mouth. "You are welcome to sleep in. Agent Cole will collect you at 10am for more computer tests." Robbie nodded, a solemn expression on his face. "And oh! Pardon me, but allow me to introduce you all to Agent Stoddard, he is now a part of our observations and will be working alongside Agent Cole."

The man at the end of the table who wore the nice suit and had his graying hair slicked back nodded his head, his eyes cold and free of any emotion. Agent Cole though, who sat next to him, wore a small smile, his hands resting before his empty plate.

"Don't mind us though, most the time you won't even know we're there," said Cole.

"Well then, I think it best we all head back to our rooms and rest up, you all have an early day tomorrow. Dismissed," said Tasha.

Everyone gave a nod and rose from the table, walking to the elevator, leaving Tasha, Reed, and the two agents in the dining room.

Once inside the elevator, Beck spoke up. "I feel a little unsure of these 'mental tests.' What if they're drilling into our brains or something?"

"Oh please Beck, Tasha said no harm will come to us. I trust her. I think our abilities will just be pushed a tad bit more. Let's see what else they have to offer," said Trina.

"And if anyone fucks with my head, I'll send small pieces of glass flying into their fucking eyes," piped up Jade.

"Jade, that's not nice!" giggled Cat.

Tomorrow was going to be a long and very interesting day.