I humbly bow before all writers of the 39 Clues series, whose work I will never own in my wildest dreams.


Me: Evan, get here and do the disclaimer!

Evan: NO!

Me: If you do Amy will take you back

Evan: WickedWickedMe does not own the 39 Clues.

Amy: I won't take you back. (*walks away and hugs Ian*)

Evan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Jumps down a building)

Amian fans: Yay!

A/N: This is my second fic and it revolves around Natan/Danatalie. For those who have not read my first fic, mercury poisoning, do check it out! As for this story, "I take it with extra cream", I hope you all enjoy it.

Natalie's POV:

A sneer made its way to my face when Ian told me what I had to do. He assigned me a mission from the Lucian Headquarters which required me to be a waitress. In America. A waitress. In bloody America. That meant I had to leave England and our mansion, to go to America, to act like a poor peasant, so desperate for money that they resorted to serving people!

"Must I really do this?" I whined. "Can't you pick someone else?"

"Yes, sister. You have to go. I apologise, but I cannot trust anyone else to do it. It would be absolutely horrible if somebody else tried to complete it and ruined the whole operation. The Cahill's could be in danger. On the plus side, the café you will work at provides cute French maid outfits for its waitresses."

"But Ian!" I wailed," I have to go to Boston! Boston! And leave England!"

"I will be coming with you, Natalie. I too do not want this but it is for the Cahills'."

Actually I knew he wanted to go. He hadn't gotten over Amy.

"I'll only go if the uniform is Prada."

"No worries, dear sister. I will have a uniform tailor made for you.

***** "Lovely" –Ian, the 39 Clues *****

A day later, Ian and I were seated comfortably in their private jet, sipping Perrier mineral water. They ONLY drank Perrier. The rest of the brands were consumed by mere, common, peasants. Kabra's settled only for the best, the best, and nothing but the best.

"Sister, I shall now brief you on your assignment."

I mumbled something intelligible as I bit into my caviar on crispy toast, lightly buttered. God knew when I would next be able to taste caviar on toast again.

Ian continued, "Sister, we suspect that the café owner is a Vesper. Therefore, you are supposed to try and find out as much as you can. Pry, eavesdrop, steal documents, anything so long as we can prove whether he is, or isn't, a vesper. If he is not a vesper, you can quit your job and we can go back to England. If he is," Ian paused, "you can take care of him. Knock him out with an amnesiac and take him to the Cahill Command Centre. "

I nodded, savouring my toast. God knows when I can next taste caviar.

"I shall be staying at our villa in America, but you are staying in an apartment provided by the café to its employees. It will be more convenient and easier for you."

I nearly spat my toast out, which would be a pity as God knew when I would next taste caviar on toast. Stay in an APARTMENT? Like a common, poor PEASANT? That was so BENEATH me! This was utterly ridiculous!

Angry, I threw my toast at Ian, aiming for his face. Ian inclined his head and my toast splattered on the aisle, which was a total waste, because God only knew when I would next taste caviar on toast.

"Carrie, clean that up." Ian ordered our air stewardess.

"Yes Mr. Kabra." She began to clean up the toast and caviar.

Three words. Her life sucked.

A lot.

"Natalie, that was perhaps unneeded. But do bear in mind that the sooner you finish this assignment, the sooner we get to go back. It will just be for a while." Ian soothed.

"Now, your tailor made uniform is in the luggages. I had Martha iron and press it for you."

Ian did have a point.

I wanted more toast.

"Carrie, more caviar on toast."

"Yes, Miss Kabra."

Her life really, horribly, utterly, absolutely sucked.

"But Ian, I get to go shopping right?"

"As often as you want to, during your free time."

I was visibly relieved.

"When you end work, Amy and Dan will pick you up. I will meet you at their house where you can give me the information you have gathered for the day."

Those orphans? And I had to see Daniel? Five years have passed since the Clue hunt and still I found him irritating.

"Natalie, I know what you are thinking. We are in league with the madrigals to complete this assignment."

I scowled at him. He just wanted to see Amy.

*****"Executor? He killed her?"- Dan, The 39 Clues*****

When the plane landed, Ian and I stepped out of the plane and into the waiting limousine. The chauffeur piled our luggages into the boot. We had arrived at bloody America, where God knew when I would next be able to taste caviar on toast. If they had no Perrier mineral water… I would dump a bucket of water on Ian and made sure that it hit.

"Relax, sister. I know what you are thinking," Ian laughed, "they have Perrier mineral water here. I'm pretty sure they have caviar on toast too." Ian grabbed a bottle of Perrier out of the limo's mini fridge and handed it to me. I took it gratefully.

The chauffeur dropped me off at the apartment provided for me, and after changing into the tailor made uniform (which was REALLY cute, even I had to admit), I was ready to start work after meeting my boss. The sooner I completed this crappy assignment, the better. Heck, I already missed the caviar on toast already. I patted my ever-handy dart gun containing sixteen different Lucian poisons (it used to be Ian's but he gave it to me), in my pocket, and ensured that my stiletto heels were still filled with poison (arsenic in the right, lead in the left. If the heel was twisted a certain way, both poisons would be easily accessible for me.) Brushing off a fleck of dust at my shoulders, I was ready to complete the mission.

A/N: Did you like the stories? Again, reviews would make my day but you are not obligated to do so. I hope you all enjoyed it, and do leave suggestions, comments and constructive criticism by pressing the blue button down there. It will be much appreciated. This chapter is dedicated to RoselleAutumnSunrise, for being RoselleAutumnSunrise. I am not able to update so quickly because of school issues (CAMP!), but give me ten days max. I PROMISE it will be up by then.

A side note: Reviews= Good mood= faster updates.

Till the next chapter!
