Mako watched wearily as the car sped away, turning towards the dock. They would either need Korra's Waterbending, or have to wait for the next ferry.

Either way, Mako didn't want to watch what happened next. Especially because he couldn't be there with them.

Ikki whined, burying her face into the crook of Mako's shoulder. The Firebender realized what she had just heard on the radio had probably terrified her, and he was glad for the distraction- he needed to get her somewhere else.

She pulled away from him, lifting her head to face him. "Are Korra and the others gonna stop Amon?"

"Of course." Mako promised. He gave her a gentle smile, despite his own worries.

Mako began to walk, hiking Ikki onto his hip as he went. Her arms were tight around his neck, but she was staring ahead with a determined look on her face.

He was suddenly glad that she had his scarf. If it had helped him, it certainly couldn't hurt her.

He made his way into the Temple, off of the grounds outside and away from the radio. It was surprisingly silent, Mako noticed, in the hallways. While they walked, they didn't run into Jinora or Meelo, and no Air Acolytes passed by.

Maybe they had all heard the radio broadcast.

Or they're just asleep, Mako thought. There was no reason to get so worried when it really was late, and his friends were on their way to fight Amon.

Mako scowled at the thought, silently cursing his injuries. Sure, he had saved the people he loved from the Triad, but now most of those people were running into even more danger. What he wouldn't give to be able to go with them.

Ikki suddenly tugged on his ear, and before he could ask what was wrong she pointed to the kitchen. He figured it was where she wanted to go, and he pushed open the door.

"Oh, Mako! Thank goodness." Before he could blink, Mako and Ikki were gathered into a hug.

The person pulled back, holding one of their hands on both Mako and Ikki's shoulders, and a grin broke out on Mako's lips when he saw who it was.

"Pema," he greeted, placing Ikki onto the counter and adjusting the scarf. It was good to see a familiar face.

He leaned against the counter next to her, facing the woman standing in front of them. When he looked around, he saw that she had been in the middle of doing the dishes.

"Did you-" Mako took a breath, looking over at Ikki, who had distracted herself with the hem of his scarf. "Did you hear the broadcast?"

Pema nodded, frowning. "I was so worried. I didn't know where anyone was and Tenzin's at a meeting. Jinora and Meelo just ran by a few moments before you two got here." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Where is Korra? The others?"

Mako looked away uncomfortably. Pema was incredibly sweet, but the way she was glaring at him, he knew that there was no good answer to her question.

"They went to confront Amon."

"What?" Pema exclaimed, beginning to pace around the kitchen. "How could they think that was a good idea?"

"Pema, please calm down." He stood suddenly from where he was leaning, grabbing onto her shoulder and bringing her to a stop. "Please, they'll be okay."

"How do you know?"

He couldn't know. She wasn't looking for an answer; that much he could tell by the way her shoulders slumped.

"Korra's the Avatar," Mako told her gently. "She can handle anything. And Asami, Bolin, and Lu Ten are all there to make sure she doesn't do anything too rash."

"I guess you're right." Pema sighed, stepping out of his hold. "Nothing left to do but wait, huh? I hope they get home soon."

"Mommy, can I have some Lychee Juice?" Ikki cried, jumping to the floor. After Pema nodded, she eagerly ran to the fridge, accepting the glass Mako held out to her.

Pema stood back in front of the sink, holding a few dishes in her hands as she got back to work.

"Do you need any help?" Mako offered, standing to her side.

"No," She waved his suggestion away. "You just do something to- Ah!"

The dishes she was holding clattered back into the soapy water, disappearing as a small wave of water fell onto the floor.


"The baby!" She croaked, her hand clutching her stomach. She was doubled over, one of her hands braced against the edge of the counter. "The baby's coming!"

Mako's head was spinning. Now? The baby was coming now? But Tenzin was gone! And he didn't know where any Acolytes were! Who knew if the family was even ready for the child to get here yet?

"Ikki!" Mako exclaimed, turning the face the young girl. Her glass was forgotten on the table, and she had her face buried in his scarf again. "I need you to go find a couple Acolytes, and tell them your mom's going into labor. Can you do that?"

She nodded, a fierce determination masking her features. Without another word, she ran off through the door.

"Okay, Pema." He said, trying to maintain his calm demeanor. "Can you make it to your room?"

Pema let out a cry, but nodded nonetheless.

Mako secured his arm around her shoulders, gently guiding her from the kitchen. It felt like they were walking forever before they reached their destination, but it was only because Pema had to take frequent stops to catch her breath.

There were two Acolytes waiting in the room, and both of them surged forward to help Pema to her bed. Her cries of pain were becoming more frequent, and Mako soon found himself dreading when the next one would come.

She may have done this three times already, but he could see that it hadn't gotten any easier.

The door slammed open again, and Ikki charged in, followed by four more Acolytes- one of whom Mako recognized as Pema's mother.

"Hey," Mako said, touching Ikki's shoulder. "Can you call your dad? He's at City Hall right now, but I think this is a little more important."

She nodded, slipping his scarf from her shoulders and flinging it at him before leaving the room.

Jinora and Meelo poked their heads into the room, but the Firebender quickly blocked their view. "Not now," he admonished, shaking his head. "You can come back when it's over, okay?"

"I told you!" Meelo yelled, chasing after his sister.

Pema let out another loud shout, and Mako shut the door before quickly making his way to her bedside.

He took her hand, flinching slightly at how hard her grasp was.

Mako had only been present at one birthing before, when he was fourteen and had to help deliver a baby on the streets. He had to make due with what he had, and left quickly before the cops could take her to the hospital. He couldn't sleep for a week.

"That's right, Pema. Just breathe." The Acolytes were working quickly, a lot more efficiently than Mako could have.

It didn't take long to set everything up, and soon Pema's mother had joined Mako at her side. The Acolytes were gathered around the edge of the bed, finalizing a few things.

"Are you ready?" One of them asked, but the only reply she got was a loud scream of pain.

"Okay, Pema," Another said, an encouraging smile on her face, "Push!"

Mako felt the room begin to spin. Pema's labored breathing, occasional scream, the praise of the Acolytes, and the grip on his hand were all making him extremely uncomfortable. He should have left when he had the chance.

"I see a head!"

And just like that, Mako felt his nausea begin to pass. Instead, he focused on Pema, whispering encouraging words and squeezing her shoulder.

He felt his anticipation rise, and that was when he finally understood what was going on.

A baby was being born.

It didn't matter that a mysterious man was terrorizing the city, nor was it important that Korra was off somewhere he couldn't follow, or that Tenzin was at a Council meeting. Life kept going. Babies were born, lives were lost, and laughs were shared. Life didn't stop for anyone, and Mako decided that he wouldn't miss this event for the world.

Another life was beginning.

A sharp cry echoed throughout the room, and Pema sighed with relief. She dropped his hand, and he brushed her hair away from her face. Mako leaned down to kiss her forehead, matching her grin.

"Congratulations, Pema. It's a boy."

Her arms were then filled with a tiny bundle, orange and yellow blankets blocking her chest as she sat against the headboard.

"Pema!" Tenzin burst into the room, looking around frantically. When he saw the Acolytes, and his wife safe on the bed, his entire face softened.

She looked up, a smile spread against her lips. "Dear, come meet our new son."

He walked slowly to the bed, dropping down into the chair next to her. His large hand cupped his son's tiny cheek, and the young boy let out a sigh.

"What are you going to name him?" Mako whispered, gesturing for Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo to come from where they were in the doorway.

They all clambered onto the bed, staring happily at their new brother; Jinora even stroked a finger across his head.

"Rohan," Tenzin murmured happily, sharing a glance with his wife.

It only took a little while for the Acolytes to clean the room, chatting happily while they worked. They left soon after Rohan was born, telling Pema they'd be back the next day to check on both of them.

Tenzin had only left once, and that was to put his children to bed.

While he was gone, Pema had placed Rohan into Mako's arms, giving him up when she was too tired to hold him any longer.

"Mako," she had whispered, lying back down. "Thank you." She had curled to her side, and had soon fallen asleep.

Now he was leaning against the wall, cradling the young boy in his arms. Tenzin was back in his seat, a hand always present on his wife's shoulder.


"Yes?" He answered, looking up from the baby. Rohan was asleep too, but to Mako, it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Thank you for helping Pema while I wasn't here." He hadn't looked up from his wife's sleeping form.

The Firebender smiled, understanding why he wouldn't turn. "You're welcome."

"Tenzin? Is everything alright?"


Korra burst into the room, the door very close to slamming against the wall. Asami, Bolin, and Lu Ten were behind her, all looking around anxiously.

Mako kept his attention focused on Rohan, cooing a little when he squirmed. He had nearly woken.

"What's his name?" Mako recognized Asami's whisper.

Tenzin looked back to his baby, another grin stretched across his face. "Rohan."

Mako looked up, then, and his gaze connected with Korra's. She looked so happy, with a warm smile and wide eyes as she observed him and the baby.

"You want to hold him?"

Korra's smile fell. "I-" She looked nervous, and Mako understood that she was afraid of hurting him.

Mako chuckled, giving her a gently smile. "It isn't difficult, Korra," he urged.

He knew she was agreeing with him when she took a few steps, stopping about arms length away from him. He stood from the wall, maneuvering the bundle into Korra's arms. Mako made sure to place Rohan's head into the crook of her elbow, before letting his hands drop.

Her expression lit up again, and he couldn't help but grin back at her. She didn't see of course, because she was so engrossed with the baby.

"See?" His grin widened. "I told you it wasn't hard."

Korra laughed lightly, biting her lip as Rohan mumbled some noises. "Yeah, yeah. You're always right." She brushed a finger lightly down his cheek.

A thought suddenly occurred to Mako, and he glanced over Korra's shoulder to face the other three teenagers, "What happened? Did you guys find Amon?"

Bolin nodded. "Yeah, he and a bunch of other Equalists were at this super creepy warehouse. We all fought for a really long time, and then they just disappeared."

"That's our fault," Korra said quickly, nodding back to Asami. "We chased Amon out of a window. He must have given the order to leave soon after."

As soon as the words left Korra's mouth, Asami surged forward, pushing past the people in her way to grab Mako's wrist. "Come with me," she demanded, dragging him to the door and ignoring his whimpers of pain.

"I wonder what that's about." He saw Bolin stick his head out of the door, shooting him a sympathetic glance.

Mako finally regained his footing, but he still stumbled slightly with Asami's quick pace.

"Asami, what's going on?"

For a moment she didn't answer. He realized after a few more seconds passed that she had stopped walking, and that they were inside her bedroom.

Asami turned to face him, crossing her arms over her chest.

And suddenly Mako knew exactly what she was going to say.

A:N: I am so, so sorry that this reply took so long! I hope you guys can forgive me, look I gave you MakoxRohan feels. Does that help?

Sorry again! I lope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think!