Sorry it has been so long since I have updated take note my updates will be slow but they will come. They will not be as slow as it has been. You all have a lot of questions but be patient; they will be answered in the story. It will be worth the wait so now on with the story.

Naruto gets a hard look on his face and unstraps his sword pointing it into the crowd of people saying "my name is Naruto Uzumaki the demon of the hidden leaf; and I am going to beat every one of you." While releasing a good amount of killer intent making many in the room look away, while the fellow rookies look at Naruto in slight shock.

In the crowd Kankuro says "that's the same kid as before"

"Oh, the cutie is pretty brave" Temari says

While Tenten says "what a jerk"

"He sure hasn't lost any of his spunk" Neji says

"He has passion" Lee says

"No matter it is his destiny to fail"

Yet over to the side of the room were the three that were in the tree, one of the boys says "you heard what he said about the hidden sound village. He called us little, a mystery"

"I heard" the guy rapped in bandages says

"I say we teach this guy some manners" the female said

"Yeah time to clear up some of the mystery for him update his information let him know that if you insult the sound ninja you better be ready for the consequences"

The three then start running towards the rookies at high speed only a few people in the crowd able to see them. The one in bandages pulling up his sleeve showing some metal contraption on his arm, the boy without the bandages appearing above in the air throwing kunai at Kabuto which were blocked by Naruto who appeared before him; causing all three of them to stop in front of him glaring at him.

Smoke all of a sudden blasted from the entrance to the room a deep booming voice shouting "alright you baby faces degenerates pipe down and listen up." The smoke cleared showing a man with scars on his face standing in front of a bunch of ninja "it's time to begin. I am Ibiki Morino and from this moment your worst enemy"

Many of the people in the room looked scared and worried "first you candidates from the village hidden in the sound who told you you could fight do you want to be failed before we have even began" Ibiki bellows out.

"Sorry it's our first time guess we're a little jumpy, sir" the one covered in bandages says

"I will say this once so listen up there will be no combat between candidates, no attacking each other without permission of your proctor and even then the use of fatal force is strictly forbidden" his eyes narrow as he finishes "anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately got it"

"No fatal force that's no fun" the other male sound genin said

"Now if you're ready we will proceed to the first stage of the chunin exam, hand over your paper work in return you will each be given a number, this number determines where you will sit. We shall start the written test when you are all seated"

Naruto's eyes got wide as he whispered "written test"

Everyone was now seated while all the people who joined the proctor were all sitting along the edges of the room watching over everybody.

Naruto was banging his head on the table mumbling "this is a disaster the one kind of test I suck at"

"Everyone eyes front, there are a few rules you need to be aware of and I won't answer any questions so you better pay attention the first time around" Ibiki starts writing on the chalk board saying "rule number one the written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system you all begin with the perfect score of ten points. One point will be deducted for each wrong answer. Rule number two teams will pass and fail on the total score of all three members"

Sasuke and Sakura's eyes were boring into the back of Naruto's head

"Rule number three the ninja's you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating for each time caught two points will be subtracted from the culprits score. Caught five times and you will be disqualified. The final question won't be given till fifteen minutes till the end of the testing period you will have one hour total begin"

As the test continued on team after team was getting disqualified having to leave the room. Naruto just kept staring at his paper mumbling "I don't know any of these"

"Hmm why is it only two points, usually cheating is ground for immediate dismissal of course the object is to cheat and not get caught" Naruto silently whispers "but how can I cheat without getting caught" Naruto's eyes suddenly widened and he grinned.

Slowly mist started to form in the room blocking everyones vision, naruto quickly snuck under table and swapped tests with the one sitting in front of him and returned to his seat, just as the mist was blown out of the room. The guy in front of him froze, but then for some reason started filling out the form without making a fus.

"Alright listen up here is the tenth and final question. These rules are unique to question ten so listen carefully and try not to let them frighten you. Very well rule number one each of you is free to choose to not be given the final question it's your desicion"

"Wow so what's the catch let's say we decide not to do it what happens then" Temari asks

"If you choose not to take the tenth question regardless to your answers to the the other nine you will get a zero in other words you fail and that means of course both your teammates fail as well"

Murmurs of "of course we'll do it then" raced through the room

"Not so fast you didn't let me finish, if you do accept the question and answer it incorrectly you will not only fail you will be barred from taking the chunin exam ever again"

"Hey that's bull man, that's ridiculous what kind of bogus rule is that. There's lots of people here who have taken the test before" Kiba shouts

Ibiki starts laughing "I guess you're just unlucky I wasn't making the rules before, but I am now. Of course if you don't want to take it you don't have to. If you're not feeling confident then by all means skip it you can come back and try again next year. Now then if you're ready those who don't want to take it raise your hand you're number will be recorded and you're free to go"

People started all raising their hands then procceeded to all leave. Naruto then slammed his hand on the table and shouted "don't underestimate me, I don't quit and I don't run you can act tough all you want you guys aren't going to scare me off no way"

Everyone in the room looked at Naruto and all of their resolve hardened

"Well I admire you for your determination, so for all of you that is left there is only one thing left to do and that's for me to tell you that you all have passed the first exam"