Moments We Run Into: By MewLuna

Disclaimer: I don't own YJ or its characters.


I've decided to do a multi-chaptered Spitfire series. Each chapter are unrelated, and it takes place during different times in the series. I'm going to try and shoot for ten chapters, okay? Let's just see how this goes... hopefully you'll all like! :)

Chapter One: Morning After

Takes place within the five year skip between the 1st and 2nd season.


"You're not even eighteen yet and you're moving out to go be in an apartment all by yourself. Isn't that scary?"

Artemis released a heavy sigh, twisting a strand of golden hair between her fingers. "I guess so," she replied. "But you know me, I'm not the 'scared' type. It's a nice place in Palo Alto. Wally can run here from his home in Central City and be here five minutes flat."

On the other end of the phone, Zatanna laughed. "Wow. I forgot how convenient super-speed can be for you and Wally. How is he doing? He turned eighteen not too long ago himself, right?"

"Sure did."

"What did you get him?"

"Are you kidding me? I spent nearly eighty-five dollars on food to cook him a birthday dinner," Artemis snorted.

Zatanna laughed. "Aw, how sweet. How does he feel about you living on your own?"

"He's insisting I lock my doors and wants to be the one to set up my TV." The young woman sat down on the wooden floors of her apartment. There was not one stick of furniture in it, except for a fold-up futon with a throw-blanket. She didn't feel bad about moving away from her mom, Paula Crock managed to find a boyfriend-turned-fiance who was a gentleman and really good to her. Artemis had her own life and she was living it.

She talked to Zatanna for another thirty minutes, until the clock read 10:03 P.M. "I should let you go to bed," the magician yawned. "And get some sleep myself. We need to hang out sometime, you know? I hardly see you anymore."

"I know," the blonde agreed. "I think it's been a full week since I've put on my mask and held my quiver in my hand."

"Kid Flash seems to be doing buddy-work with Nightwing."

"Yeah, Wally likes double-teaming with Dick."

"I'm sure we'd make an even better combo."

"Ha, yeah. I'm sure we would. Goodnight, Zatanna."

"Take care, Artemis."


She hung up her cell phone and set it on the empty counter. Her hair was still long and out of its ponytail, making a golden waterfall of softness that cascaded down her back. She stared at her kitchen clock.

Being alone in her new apartment wasn't as scary as it was... lonely. Oliver told her she was trying to grow up too fast, but she insisted to Green Arrow that she would be fine. Well, she was fine, technically. But she was also... lonely. And this was only the first night of many to follow. Oh well. As soon as she gets more furniture, things will be great. More options when looking for a place to seat, that's always fun.

"And to think it's a Friday night," Artemis sighed. She leaned her back against the counter and sank to the floor. "I guess I'll just turn in early, tonight." That was one way to spend her boredom. Sleep. She should go to the Cave and see Megan, but she didn't feel like doing anything. Maybe she should have talked on the phone with Zatanna longer.

She sat down for another five minutes then stood up, walking to the front door and making sure it was locked. Wally didn't need to know this, but she would actually listen to him and check to see everything was okay. The door was locked, good, so were the windows, double good. She shut her drapes (ugly drapes that were left from the previous owners, drapes she swear she'd burn one day), and then walked to her suitcase.

There was no need to sleep in the bedroom yet, her futon was out in the open living room space. Artemis hummed to herself as she unzipped and changed her clothes, taking off her black jeans and green tee. She was in her blue bra and boy-cut shorts when she heard a strange noise.


She wouldn't be a spitfire if she didn't have her crossbow in her suitcase. Artemis carefully grabbed it and put an arrow in, cocking it back. The atmosphere went silent. What enemy would know her new location? The only one it could be is Jade, and she hadn't seen her sister in close to three years. Then again, Jade always had a knack for showing up. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then turned.


He was suddenly inside her empty house, crimson blood dripping from a gauze wrap on his arm. There was a look of exhaustion and fatigue in his eyes. "Artemis..." his voice was grunted like he was having a hard time breathing. He must have ran here and his metabolism spiked. He was somehow able to run through her door without getting a bloody nose. She hurried over to him and put her hands on his chest, letting him fall towards her and take the pressure.

"Hey, it's okay, let me walk you to the bed," she said urgently. Wally slumped against the young woman, letting her walk backwards towards her futon. She kicked her crossbow across the room and carefully laid him down. It didn't matter that blood was getting on her blanket or dripping across the floor. "Let me get my kit, okay?" she asked him. Her voice was choked up from immediate concern for his well-being.

"Artemis, there were too many—"

"— Wally, you don't need to explain, just focus on your breathing," she interrupted. She sniffled as she dug through her suitcase. "Where else are you injured?"

He was stubborn and wouldn't accept lying down, so he propped himself up against the wall so her wasn't flat on the bed. "Just my arm and my stomach."

Artemis then noticed the blood seeping through his white shirt. "Fuck," she hissed. Her actions were messy and unorganized. With a pocket knife, she cut his shirt open, because he was too weak and sore to take it off. Underneath the bloody material was a deep red gash. She could look at wounds of others and not be disconcerted with the blood. But seeing the crimson ooze out of him always made her heart pound with nerves. "Alright, relax," she told him.

"I'm relaxed," he breathed, but he was lying. There was no way either of them would relax anytime soon.

Two hours eventually pass, Artemis had Wally's arm and stomach gashes sewed up with eight stitches each. He passed out an hour and a half into it, and finally she put the medical supplies aside and threw the bloody rag that used to be his shirt far across the room. The look on his face as he slept was the absolute opposite of serene. When he'd wake up he'd probably feel the same pain and ache he did beforehand. She sighed heavily.

"You scare me, sometimes," Artemis breathed. At least she stopped crying after the first thirty minutes. If it could be considered crying, she never bawled or whined, water just poured out of her eyes from fear for her boyfriend's well-being.

Carefully, Artemis eased Wally down on her pillow, successful when he didn't wake up. She realized she was still in her bra and underwear and never had the chance to put on her pajamas. The young woman got off the bed to her suitcase, when two strong arms encompassed her waist. "Stay," the young man beside her breathed. His eyes were still shut and he still looked unconscious, but somehow he knew she was getting off the bed. She heeded his soft command. Artemis sighed and laid down on the bed, Wally automatically putting his heavy arms on her for-the-most-part bare torso. She buried her face into the warmth of his skin.

The first night in her new apartment Artemis spent with Wally, in a bloody bed, with his strained snores lulling her to sleep.


He wakes up to the smell of bacon, and he almost over exerts himself when he gets out of bed. The red-headed young man is confused at first but then remembers where he's at and who he's with. "Babe?" he asked. His vision is blurry and he rubs his eyes. When his eyes open he sees her at her new stove, flipping bacon on a plate. "Artemis!"

She turns her head and looks at him. "Hey." Her voice is tired weak. Wally quickly closes the distance between them and gives her a tight hug. "I made bacon, eggs, waffles, and orange juice. You need all the energy you can get."

Hell, how he adores her. There's no doubt she's the best thing that ever happened to him. Wally leans back and dives back in, kissing her full on the mouth. She didn't think he had the energy to kiss her, but here he was excitedly lip-locking with her. She kisses him back and has to blindly find the counter to set the bacon back on it. He breaks off her mouth with a sloppy pop. "Got a little carried away," he breathed, "you rock, you know that?"

"Yeah Wally, you tell me that every time I make you something to eat."

Wally kisses her again, because his affection is on overdrive and the eighteen year old speedster just wanted to smother the seventeen year old archer. But he can't kiss her and eat bacon at the same time, so he breaks off and then stuffs three pieces of bacon in his mouth in one whole bite. "How long did it take you to stitch me up?" he asked, although it sounded like, "Mmph hum diff yoo stit me yup?"

Artemis shook her head. "For the last time, chew your food, THEN ask me your question!" she snapped.

He quickly swallowed. "How long did it take you to stitch me up?"

"Well, I did your arm first because it was bleeding heavier than your stomach. My needlework isn't the best, either. Maybe two hours." Artemis sat up on her counter, her face now eye-level with his. "You wanna tell me what happened and why you almost gave me a heart attack last night?"

"This bacon is fucking delicious."


He turns to her and looks at her with his bright green eyes. Three pieces of bacon, and he magically has a glint of life in his eyes. "Just let me eat," he replied. He gave her another peck on the lips.

"You got bacon grease on my mouth!" she yelled, but she was trying not to smile. "Thanks a bunch, Kid Idiot."

He gave her an assuring grin. It was a nice morning, despite the scary events of last night. It sent a chill down Artemis's spine when she saw his stitched wounds, which were still tender and fresh. She just wanted to hug him whenever she saw him hurt. He was still standing closer to the counter, so the young woman reached out and wrapped her arms around his bare stomach.

Wally sensed her sudden need for affection and he knew that last night he scared her. He didn't mean to, he never does, but he didn't think of anywhere else to run for help except to her. Last night was a close call, and he was worried that she was the last one he'd see.

It was always like this after close calls; they would always hug each other tighter and longer, kiss each other more, whisper silly nothings in each others ears (well, actually that was just Wally). He felt bad about scaring her last night, and for her to make him a huge breakfast on the first morning of her new apartment was her way of saying she cared. "Hey, I love you," he murmured softly.

"I know," she mumbled. "I love you too."

Now was the time to tell her. "Dick, Conner, and I were going after Vandal Savage and Professor Ivo. Well, actually, just Professor Ivo, we thought we'd run into Vandal Savage while pursuing him. Anyway... long story short, things got out of hand. Ivo made another Amazo droid, but this one was much more powerful. And the crazy man didn't make one Amazo, he made five. So it was three-on-five, plus those stupid robot monkeys. Ivo got away, and I got a serious slash wound on my shoulder and torso. Dick told me to retreat, so I did. I came here."

There's a silence when Wally finishes his story. He waited a few moments, but when she was silent, he stuffed a waffle in his mouth.

Finally, she did say something. "I should have been there."

"No, don't put this on yourself," he immediately said afterward, "this wasn't your fault."

"No, but come on Wally, I've been slacking in the job lately." She put her feet up on the counter and leaned against the fridge. "We really should take you to the hospital, or at least to the Cave so someone else can stitch you up. My handiwork sucks, you could break a stitch."

He leaned and rested his elbows on the counter. "Stop worrying, okay? We can go to the Cave later. Right now, I want to enjoy this awesome breakfast."



He turned around when she paused. Her eyes were somewhere else, and her lips were in a frown. Wally knew what she was going to tell him, or try to tell him, anyway. "Hey," he said softly, bending down so his eyes were level with hers. Grey eyes met green. "You want me to come back over tonight?" he asked in a low voice.

Artemis gave him a small smile. "Sure. Bring a movie or something."


I decided to kick off the first chapter with some fluff. Reviews and thoughts are appreciated :)
