Nina's Little Nudger
DISCLAIMER! I own nothing but the plot. As much as I wish I owned HoA, I don't. If I did, Moy would've happened already. Yeah, I ship Moy! Oh, pairings are: Fabina, Peddie, Amfie, Jara, and Moy :) I appreciate each review, but if you can try to avoid it, I would love not to see any flames. If that's not possible, so be it. Ummm, I don't think this would happen in real life, especially not for Fabes and Nina. Mostly because Victor doesn't let any boys in the rooms after ten o'clock! Oh, and I don't own Breaking Dawn! It's mentioned in the story. Okay, I'll stop blabbing ... please R&R! - FabianRutterFan
It happened on a Saturday in my third year at Anubis House. Amber, Patricia, Mara, Joy and I were talking about our shopping day and eating fried chicken. Then it hit me: That little nauseous feeling that starts in your stomach and creeps its way up your esophagus, creating an acidy feeling.
"Oh no!" I muttered, running to the closest bathroom. I bent over the toilet and retched, losing my dinner and whatever else I had eaten that day. I heard the door open and looked up, only causing me to quickly bend back towards the toilet and send a volcano of puke into the basin. Fabian ran over to me and hugged my shoulders, whispering to me, "Everything's okay, you're fine."
"I don't want you to see me like this." I managed to choke out between heaves.
"Shhh, shh, I'll go get Trudy." he said, and dashed upstairs to fetch our house mother. To be honest, I wanted him to stay. I was comforted by his arms, his scent, his voice. My Fabian.
"Oh, you poor dear!" Trudy cooed as she entered the bathroom. She swiped a thermometer across my forehead and clicked the button. It beeped, but no fever temperature appeared on the screen.
"No temperature!" my house mother announced, "just a bug, I guess." I nodded my head yes in response.
"Well, I'll leave you here for a while. If you need anything, just yell." I pulled myself up from my kneeling position and shuddered to the sink. On the way over, a magazine clipping positioned on the counter caught my eye. The image showed the Breaking Dawn movie poster, surely Joy's. But I couldn't help but notice that I was just like Bella that evening, puking-after-chicken-wise. Wasn't that something you did when you were pregnant? Thinking back to the past month, I couldn't remember receiving my monthly gift ... I was late! I lifted my shirt and slid my hands over my stomach. Slightly raised. Oh, God! I couldn't be pregnant! It wasn't possible. But in fact, it was. After the whole Senkara scenario deflated, everyone was so happy and excited. Fabian and I were so in love, a party was raging on, and it just happened. So now I stared at myself in the mirror. My face was pale, my hands were shaking, and I had a bump. I started to tear up, and as the salty waves splashed down my face, I decided not to let this ruin me. I would deal with it tomorrow. Entering the common area, I noticed everyone look up at me with worry.
"I'm fine." I reassured them. Turning away, Fabian grabbed my hand.
"Nina, are you really alright?" he asked me. I wanted so badly to tell him my suspicion, but I held it back and replied,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. 'Night, love you." I pecked him on the cheek and turned to walk up the stairs. He tried to kiss me.
"I don't want you to get sick." I told him fondly. He chuckled and whispered "I love you." quietly to me. I raced into my bed and buried myself under the covers. I must've been pretty tired, because I fell asleep almost immediately, disappearing into the world of dreams that absolutely did not contain pregnancy scares.
I woke up the next morning terribly nauseous. Not bothering to put on my slippers, I slid to the bathroom and promptly lost my insides. Nasty.
"Crap." I thought. Morning sickness.
"Oh, Neens, you look awful!" Amber exclaimed upon walking into the bathroom, "Trudy!" she screeched. Trudy came running in and sighed. I suddenly felt much better and struggled off the ground.
"I'm fine," I said, "I think I just need to get some Pepto Bismol."
"We don't have any, I'm sorry honey."
"I'll go get some." Perfect. What I really wanted was a pregnancy test, but I could get that too. I pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, and ran out the door, hailing the local taxi as I went.
"Where to, love?" the driver asked.
"The pharmacy, please." I handed him a twenty-pound note and we were off.
"Something wrong?" he wondered. I must've had worry creased on my face.
"No, nothing. Just hurried." I lied. The driver shrugged and left me alone for the rest of the ride.
At the pharmacy, I walked down each medical aisle, searching for the tests. Finally I found them. I grabbed one, clutched the Pepto Bismol, and checked out. As I slid into the taxi, a small smile appeared on my face. I would soon know the truth about the bump! The drive back to Anubis House was short.
"Thank you!" I called, watching the taxi drive away. Hoping there was nobody around, I carefully pushed the door open. No one in sight, perfect.
"A shower first." I thought, entering the bathroom. The test seemed easy to read. Pink plus sign if pregnant, blue minus sign if not. I hoped I would meet the acquaintance of the minus sign today. I completed the test, turned on the hot water, and stepped in. It rushed down my back, relaxing me instantly. I let the steam swallow me up for twenty minutes, and then I stepped out, suddenly greeted by icy air. It surrounded my shoulders, making me feel as though I was cloaked in a blanket of snow. My teeth chattered and I pulled on a towel. It instantly extinguished the cold. After tugging on some clean clothes that hopefully wouldn't show too much if I was pregnant, I took some deep breaths and checked the test. A pink plus sign. I broke down in tears, pocketing the wand and flinging the bathroom door open. As soon as I reached Amber and my bedroom, I collapsed onto my bed as heavy sobs racked my body. Amber walked in and immediately yelled,
"Fabian, come quick!" then hurried to my side.
"It's alright Neens, for whatever reason, it's alright." she was still hugging me as Fabian entered. Amber moved out of the way and Fabian took her place, his strong arms locked around me in a loving embrace. After giving me a few minutes to stop crying, he sat me up.
"What's wrong, Nina?" he asked. I took a deep breath and dove into the story, making sure Amber wasn't around.
"I-I-I'm pregnant." I finally stammered. He gasped, as I knew he would.
"Oh Nina!" he whispered, and held me even tighter, "the baby's ..."
"Yours, of course." I finished.
"I'm so sorry." he told me.
"Don't be, we should've been more careful." We sat there for a while, me crying as Fabian rocked me. He didn't seem upset, and I hoped he wouldn't leave me. As if he read my mind, he piped up,
"I want you to know that I would never leave you. This is going to be hard on both of us, but we'll make it through, and we'll come out strong. And I will never leave you." That was reassuring.
"But I'm gonna get so big, and I'll get nasty mood swings, and morning sickness, and I won't be very pretty!" I wailed.
"And I'll still be here, holding your hand. Nina, you're beautiful no matter what, and I love you, no matter what." that shut me up. I looked up at his bright blue orbs. They were full of love.
"I love you too." I whispered.
I stood outside of Nina and Fabian's door, listening in on their conversation. I had been about to walk in, but stopped when I heard Nina say she was pregnant.