Chapter 18

After the three men had left Sam decided it was best to give them their space and for her to get some rest (doctors' orders). Unfortunately with everything that had been going on the past few days it was unlikely that she would get any sleep so she decided to head back to the lab and see how Henry was doing.

"Hey Chief, thought you were supposed to be on bed rest?" henry questioned her the minute she stepped foot into his lab.

"you're one to talk, weren't you the one that decided it was best to try and go back to work right after that mission in Belarus where you dislocated your shoulder and fractured, what was it, 6 ribs?" she countered grinning at the young man in front of her.

"Last time I checked you almost died, whereas I didn't so" he shot back with a grin equally as big. "It really is good to have you back Sam, it hasn't been the same since you left, and I know you come and visit in your time off but it's not the same." He said sitting down on the stool behind him and looking up at her.

Sam's grin slipped away and was replaced with a sad look. She too missed her family but she had made another one at the SGC and she wasn't ready to give either one up yet.

"I know Henry, I miss you too, I miss everyone here and the fun we used to get up to but you know I can't leave the SGC yet, I made a promise to serve and protect and with this galactic war going on I would kick myself if I left and something happened to my team or anyone else." She said crossing the room to sit next to the werewolf.

"I know chief, but sometimes I feel like the Doc will one day crack under the pressure of running this place and the network by herself. Don't get me wrong she's doing an amazing job but I'm worried one day something will happen and this place, everything we've worked so hard to create and protect will be destroyed. With you here I've seen a change in Magnus and it's because of you."

"How about I make you a deal Henry. Once this war with the Gouauld is done I'll talk to General Hammond into getting me a transfer out of the SGC and that way I can do my work for the government here at the Sanctuary and still be around to help out more. What'd ya say?" she offered. Even though she knew it'd be a while before she would be able to make good on the promise but it seemed to make the young man happy.

"Deal, but if you don't I'll tell Ashley and the Big Guy that you were the one who took all their video games and new gear not Helen." He said with a daring gleam in his eyes.

"You wouldn't!" she exclaimed, knowing perfectly well that he would.

It took the rest of SG-1 to come to terms with what Sam and her family had done but after a few weeks they decided to go back and see her and make amends for what they had said and done.

When they arrived at the Sanctuary they were let in without question and drove up the long and winding driveway to the front entrance.

Once they were inside the Big Guy escorted them to where Sam, Helen and Ashley were in the training rooms where they were surrounded by all different types of weapons and gear, some the men had never seen before and some more common items.

When Sam saw her team she stopped and glanced at her sister and niece and they moved towards the other side of the room and started putting their things away.

The members of SG-1 exited the training room and proceeded down the long corridor towards the library. Once they arrived each one took their turn apologizing to Sam and her to them. She explained a bit more of why she never told them anything and what motivated her into having agreed to erase their memories despite their history with mind manipulation.

After a few more hours talking and Sam telling some stories about her life it seemed as if nothing had disrupted the dynamic of the number one team at the SGC.

Sam never told the others about her promise to Henry but she knew she still had years before she could make good on her promise anyways.

She went back to using the American accent at work and off world but occasionally would let it drop when in the presence of her team, Hammond or Janet.

As it turned out it did take the team a few more years before the Gouauld were defeated and her transfer was set in motion. She made good on her promise to Henry, but many things had changed since the promise had been made.

They had lost Daniel and got him back more than once, Ashley had been killed, and the Sanctuary gained new members and lost very old and dear ones as well. For a time Helen was presumed dead and John came back into their lives and then back out. Sam never said she had a normal life and if she were ever asked she'd ever change it she would reply "Not for the world."

I know it's been in reality forever but I saw that so many people were still reading it so I decided to try and sum the story up as best I could. I want to thank everyone who stuck by this story from the beginning and for those just joining the ride now. I'm sorry if the ending feels rushed but I tried to end the story without having to add too much more to it. So thank you again and if you like The Avengers try out my new story!