Special thank you to my co-writer mrush269. The original prompt was her idea, and the story just took off from there. There are scenes of abuse/torture later in the story, and I'll post the chapters as I get them edited. Read and Review, please! Aspiring writer seeks feedback to improve future works!

Chapter 1: Not a Freak

Sherlock Holmes was seven-years-old, sitting on the swing set in his back yard, crying and rubbing his arm, wishing for somebody, anybody to come help him. Hearing a low, feral growl behind him, Sherlock turned, heart pounding as he saw a creature come out of the trees, running for him, baring its sharp teeth. A man in a dark trench coat and short, spiky dark hair was not far behind the thing. "GET DOWN!" he yelled at the boy, taking careful aim and shooting the creature. Sherlock hit the dirt quickly, scraping his elbow but not really noticing since there was, in fact, a man with a gun pointed in his direction and a monster attacking him. Two shots brought down the monster and the man hurried to the boy. "Are you all right?" he asked, extending his hand.

Sherlock nodded; his piercing, pale blue eyes stared up at the man. "What is that thing? It doesn't look like a person."

"It's not, but don't be scared. It can't hurt you anymore." The man helped the boy to his feet. "Captain Jack Harkness," Jack said, introducing himself.

"Sherlock Holmes," the boy said, inspecting the scrape on his elbow. Nothing serious, he thought as he brushed the dirt off. "A Captain? Like on a pirate ship?" he asked, suddenly excited. He had always wanted to be a pirate.

Jack smiled. "Sort of, actually. I was something of a pirate once. Is this your house?" He checked his watch. "Where the hell is the team? They should be here by now," As he spoke, A black SUV pulled up alongside the large house, Owen, Gwen, and Ianto clambering out. "Who's the kid?" Owen asked, walking over to the body to inspect it.

"Sherlock Holmes," Jack replied. "Weevil sightings are getting worse. This one almost attacked our little friend here."

Owen nodded, setting to work covering up the body so they could get it back. Sherlock walked over next to Owen and watched with interest.

"Gwen, damage control, Tosh, rift activity and Weevil locations, Ianto, just stand there looking handsome for me." Jack barked out his orders before turning to Sherlock. "Now, what shall we do about you, hm?"

Sherlock looked up at the man. "I won't tell anybody. I promise," he said.

Jack crouched to Sherlock's level, eye to eye with the boy. "I know you do, but we have a dangerous job. All anybody would have to know is that you saw something once." He looked at the boy, disappointment clear on the child's face and made a decision. "Say, how would you like to come back with us for a bit? Show you around our headquarters."

"Jack-" Gwen started but he ignored her.

Sherlock nodded vigorously. "That would be brilliant," he said enthusiastically. Ianto smiled a bit at the kid's eagerness.

"Right. Owen, put that in the trunk and everybody pile in. Ianto, if you'd be so kind as to drive..."

Ianto nodded quickly and headed back to the SUV, hopping in the driver's seat as Owen hoisted up the dead Weevil and moved it to the trunk and Sherlock ran over to the car, squeezing into the middle to take up as little space as possible. Gwen and Tosh sat on either side of the boy, buckling him in as Jack took the passenger seat. Owen hopped in squeezing next to Tosh as they drove back towards the bay. Owen looked slightly annoyed about having to share the space with some kid, but said nothing.

"Home, Jeebs," Jack said to Ianto, winking.

Tosh flushed as Owen sat close, turning instead to talk to the boy. "So, how old are you, uh, Sherlock, was it?" Gwen turned to listen, curious about the child as well.

Sherlock nodded. "Seven," he answered, looking up at the two women.

"Do you have family? Siblings? Friends?" Gwen asked.

"I have Mummy and Father," He shuddered a bit at the latter; he was terrified of his father. "And Mycroft. He's old."

Gwen noticed, pulling the boy close to comfort him. "You have an older brother?"

"You didn't mention any friends, Sherlock. Surely you must have some."

Sherlock shook his head. "The other children are afraid of me."

"Why?" Jack turned around to look at Sherlock. "You don't seem very scary to me."

"I notice things. About other people. They said I'm a freak."

"I highly doubt you're a freak."

"What kinds of things do you notice?" Tosh and Gwen asked.

"Little things. Like how your eyes are older than the rest of you," he said, looking at Jack, his eyes piercing through the man in the passenger seat.

"What else can you tell about me? I'm a complex man. just ask Ianto here," Ianto smiled and nodded, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well, you don't look like you're from now. like your coat. It looks like it is very, very old, much older than you are. It could be from a family member but I don't think it is," the boy told him.

"It is old, World War Two Era. I got it from a soldier. Cute fellow, nice eyes. Though yours are much nicer," he added hastily to the driver. Gwen and Tosh giggled softly.

"But you called yourself Captain. Wouldn't that mean that you're a soldier?" Sherlock asked. "And that coat looks like a Captain's coat. I saw it in a book once."

"Yes and yes again. I served in the infantry in London in 1942, during the blitz."

"But how did you do that? You don't look that old," the boy said, leaning forward and squinting at Jack.

"You tell me, detective. Besides, you said my eyes are very old, also correct. I've lived much longer than I have any right to."

"Can you die?" the boy asked as they parked.

Jack didn't answer for a moment, and when he looked back at the boy, he could feel his age weighing heavily on his shoulders. "No, Sherlock, I can't."

"We'll leave you for a moment," Gwen said, climbing out. "Owen, help me with the Weevil, Tosh, come on."

Sherlock sat up straight, just thinking. "That's not possible," he pointed out as the others left the SUV. "I'll go make some coffee," Ianto said, excusing himself from the vehicle.

"Come on, climb up here next to me. You can even sit in the driver's seat."

Sherlock smiled and clambered over the center console into the driver's seat, looking rather small behind the steering wheel.

"Sherlock, I'm not from here. I'm from the 51st century. I'm a time traveler, and on one of my adventures, I was killed. A friend of mine healed me, but she made it so I could never die again. If I'm killed, I just come back. That's part of why my eyes look so old."

"Oh," the boy said, not sure how to respond. "Is it nice? The future?" he asked.

"Some parts of it are. Some parts of it aren't. Now, I'll bet there are more observations in that little detective brain of yours. Can you tell anything else about me?"

"Hmmm." The boy looked about for a moment. "You do a lot of running. And you get into fights sometimes," he observed, looking at various subtle mending jobs on the coat. "You drink a lot of coffee." He wrapped his arms around his legs, knees curled up under his chin while he looked at the Captain. "A lot of you doesn't make sense."

Jack grinned, chucking Sherlock gently under the chin. "What doesn't make sense about me?" This boy fascinated him.

"Well, you just seem strange. You are full of secrets. A lot of the things I can deduce about you aren't true; it's misleading," the boy said.

Jack ruffled the boy's hair. "Yep. I'm definitely confusing. Now, would you like to go inside?"

Sherlock nodded, grabbing the steering wheel and standing up. "Definitely."

Jack got out and went around to the other side, swinging Sherlock onto his shoulders before heading into the shop that was the front of the operation. Smiling at Ianto and giving him the look, Jack went into the hub.

"This is Torchwood."

Sherlock's eyes widened as they entered the Hub. The normally articulate young boy was stunned silent. "Wow," he whispered.

"Yeah, impressive right?" Jack walked around, indicating each team member's stations and a bit of what they did.

"Owen here is our resident doctor, Tosh the brains of it all, Gwen is our liaison with the outside world, and Ianto does everything else. I'm the Captain and the head of operations here."

Sherlock nodded, looking up as Myfanwy flew overhead. "Was that a dinosaur?" he asked, craning his head back so far he almost fell over.

"Pterodactyl," Tosh replied. "So, Jack, if you don't mind me asking and all of us are very curious, why did you bring the boy along?"

"The thrill of adventure," Jack replied, brushing off the question.

Sherlock looked all around him. "This place is amazing," he said; he never wanted to leave. Ianto came over and offered Jack a cup of coffee, and Sherlock smiled knowing his deduction had been right.

"See? Right about the coffee," Jack grinned. "Owen, how about you show the boy your surgery? I need to speak with Ianto for a moment"

Owen nodded, motioning the boy over to where he was performing the Weevil autopsy. Sherlock looked down at intently as Ianto went to speak with Jack.


Jack pulled Ianto into his office, shutting the blinds and locking the door. Ianto understood, walking over to his boss and kissing him. Jack set down his coffee, wrapping his arms around the younger man. "Been wanting to do that all night"

Ianto nodded. "Stop talking," he chuckled, kissing Jack again and draping his arms over his shoulders. Jack pulled Ianto closer, deepening the kiss without effort, loving when the other gave the orders, backing up against the wall to give Ianto more control. Ianto leaned his hands against the wall, pressing his body against Jack's as he ran his tongue across the seam between Jack's lips.

Jack moaned breathily into Ianto's mouth, opening his own and accepting his lover's tongue. The younger man ran his tongue across Jack's, moving one hand to wander up and down the Captain's chest. Jack's hands were in Ianto's hair, one lazily trailing down his back to cup his arse. Jack grinned and kissed more hungrily than before, making Ianto moan softly as he untucked Jack's shirt and slipped his hands under the fabric, feeling his lover's chest.

"Oh god, more-fuck," Jack gasped.

"Language, Jack," Ianto purred teasingly starting with the buttons on the man's shirt.

"Oh, sorry your highness," Jack growled, practically ripping off Ianto's tie in his haste to get his shirt off.

Ianto helped, unbuttoning the shirt quickly and tossing it aside before pressing his now bare chest against Jack.

"Need to be quick tonight, I'll make you scream later, doll."

Ianto smiled. "I'll hold you to that," he said, making quick work of unbuttoning the other man's shirt. "Have I ever told you how much I love that coat?" he asked.

"Not recently," Jack groaned as Ianto kissed his chest working his way down. The coffee boy smirked, undoing Jack's belt and pulling it from the loops in one swift movement. He snapped the waistband on his pants teasingly before working on the button.

Jack's hands found Ianto's hair, guiding his head to Jack's crotch. "Please," Jack whispered. Ianto nodded, quickly undoing Jack's trousers and pulling them down along with his pants. He kissed the tip of Jack's manhood before taking it in his mouth.

Jack gasped, knees going weak. "Ooooooh, yes, Ianto, love."

Ianto bobbed his head back and forth, delighting in the sounds coming from Jack's mouth.

"ungh-yes-faster-your tongue that thing with-ohhhhhhh-that one-oh fuck-baby-"

Ianto went faster, swirling his tongue about expertly. He had done this enough times to know what Jack liked. Jack was close and getting closer. Ianto's hot wet mouth working him over expertly. "Almost-there-"

Ianto continued, bringing Jack to the edge. He knew he would get his own reward later.

With a stifled cry, Jack came, shooting everything down Ianto's throat. "Jesus-" he gasped, sliding down to sit in front of his lover. Ianto smiled, wiping his mouth on his arm. "You owe me big time," he teased, pulling his shirt and tie off of the floor.

"I intend to make the most of it." Slapping Ianto's arse as the Welshman reached for his clothes, Jack picked himself up and made himself presentable again. "What should we do about the kid?"

Ianto frowned. "He can't know about all this, Jack, you know that," he said, handing Jack his pants with a kiss.

"Yeah, but he's seven. Somehow I feel bad about retconning a seven-year-old, especially one so bright. Figures I'd eventually go soft." Jack accepted the kiss, tugging on his pants and trousers

"What do you propose then? He has to go home, his parents will be looking for him."

"I don't know. I mean, you're right as ever but I just-he has potential, Ianto!"

"We can't keep him here, Jack."

Jack rubbed his eyes. "Then what? We retcon him and send him home? The kid's a loner, you heard him in the car,"

"Jack, you can't help every lonely kid out there. You know what we have to do. If you don't want to, have one of the others do it."

Jack sighed, reaching for Ianto. "Hug me then. I don't want to see the look on his face without some comfort first."

Ianto hugged Jack. "I'm sorry, maybe when he's older you can find him, he'll still be just as bright." He tried to comfort the man, not really sure what else to say.

"And the chances of our team still being together then?"

"Jack, don't do this," Ianto said. He didn't want to be reminded of the likelihood that most of them could easily be dead by the time the boy was ten.

Jack nodded, kissing Ianto fiercely before straightening up. "How do I look?"

"Perfect as usual," the Welshman answered, straightening his tie. "Come on."

"What drink should we offer the boy?"

"Give him a soda or something," Ianto shrugged. Usually it was alcohol, but this was a seven year old they were talking about.

"Toss me a Coke from the fridge."

Ianto did as he was told, lobbing a can to the Captain gently.

"Well then, let's get this over with."


Jack called for Owen and the boy as he left his office, soda in hand. Sherlock looked up as he heard his name, smiling at the Captain. Jack had already slipped the pill into the can when he offered it to the boy. "You must be thirsty. I can't believe we forgot our manners."

Sherlock nodded, taking a sip. "Are you going to make me go home?" he asked, a look of fear briefly crossing his face.

"No," Jack shook his head, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You can even sleep here tonight." Let the kid at least go to sleep happy.

"Good," the boy said, relieved. "I hate it there."

"Why?" Jack sat next to him, everyone coming over to listen; it was as if they were giving Sherlock a true audience.

"Father scares me," he said quietly, looking down at his soda and taking another sip. "I'm not really supposed to talk about it."

"You can tell us. We're really good at keeping secrets," Gwen piped up, her remark met by nods from everyone else.

"He hits me. When I'm bad. And he calls me a freak," the boy said, rubbing his arm where he knew there was a bruise hidden by his shirt. That stunned everyone into silence. "That's-that's terrible," Tosh finally managed, tears in her eyes for the boy. They all knew what was in his drink, and they wanted to make the most of the time before he fell asleep.

Sherlock nodded silently. "Please don't make me go back there," he whispered.

Jack hated himself, really properly hated himself. "We'll take care of you. Won't your mother and your brother miss you?"

"Mummy is sick, and Mycroft doesn't like me," he said. "He's going away to university soon anyway."

Jack made a mental note to see if they could cure his mother and put his father away, anything to help the kid, the kid who had begun to yawn. "I'm sorry everything's been so difficult for you."

Sherlock nodded sleepily. He leaned against Jack, closing his eyes and putting the can down. "I'm tired," he told them, yawning.

"You've had a long day." Jack held the boy, stroking his hair back from his face. "We've all got you. Sleep now."

"Goodnight, Sherlock." Tosh.

"Sweet dreams." Gwen.

"Hang in there, mate." Owen.

Sherlock brought his knees up under his chin again and fell asleep; the worried features softened, and he looked peaceful. Owen frowned. "Are we really going to send him back there?" he asked.

Jack sighed. "Owen, I want you to find out everything you can about his mother. See if we can't heal her. Tosh and Ianto, incarcerate his father. Put him somewhere he can never hurt this boy again." Jack's eyes met Gwen's, the question unspoken. "He drank it all, it's in his system now."

Gwen nodded, her eyes sad. "I'll help Owen."

Owen went over to the computer, looking through the records for a woman with the last name Holmes. Ianto went with Tosh; he felt angry, wondering how anybody could do that to a child. Jack sat there and just held Sherlock, pulling the sleeping child onto his lap and cradling him, feeling sick with himself.


Gwen joined Owen. "This isn't right."

Owen nodded in agreement. "Arianna Holmes," he read from the screen, pulling up the file. He sighed. "Cancer,"

"Fuck," Gwen swore. "Pancreatic, stage three, metastasized, oh the poor boy..."

Owen cursed, kicking the desk angrily. "Abusive Father and his mother's dying-"

"-And a prat of an older brother off to uni. Owen, the boy has no one."

"It's not fair," Owen said, glancing at the little dark-haired boy in Jack's lap. "He'll be in the system after she passes away."

"There's nothing we can do, is there? He's going to be miserable, and we've just retconned him. It'll be our fault, won't it?"

"It's not our fault," Owen shook his head. "We did the best we could."

"But our best is never good enough," Gwen sighed. "We're exhausted and have done nothing but chase Weevils for an entire week. But this boy is...different, Owen."

"What are we supposed to do? Let him stay here?" he asked angrily.

"I don't know. I don't have the answer." Gwen stomped away, flopping into her chair at her desk to try and calm down.


"I've located several suitable places to put the father. What do you think Ianto?" Tosh asked.

"What's the worst? Where can we put this scumbag so he can get what he deserves?" Ianto asked, fuming.

"Ummm, there's a really nasty one in Russia. Red tape alone will keep him there a solid 20 years easy, if he lasts that long."

Ianto nodded. "Put him there," he agreed. He wanted this man to pay for what he had done to the child. Tosh typed quickly. "Done. They'll pick him up at work tomorrow, less traumatic for the boy. Ianto, is this right? What we're doing?"

"What?" he asked "Putting this man in jail?"

"No, about the boy. The father can rot in hell for all I care."

"What? Is what right?" he asked. "Retconning him?"

"Yeah, sending him back to a broken home. There has to be something, anything we can do."

"We didn't know, Tosh. What else are we supposed to do?"

"I know we can't keep him, but can we make sure he ends up with a good family? One that will willingly take him in? There has to be at least one in this city, if not the country."

Ianto nodded. "I'm sure we can find something. We at least can do that. Can't we?"

"I'm sure as hell gonna try." Tosh's fingers danced over the keyboard, searching. "Ah! London: father's a doctor, mother stays at home, a son and a daughter, the boy's Sherlock's age even, on the list of potential foster/adoptive homes."

The others looked up as they heard the end of the sentence, looking hopeful for the first time all night.

Own looked up from his screen. "That sounds perfect. Make it happen, Tosh," he said, desperate to do even one thing to help the broken little boy.


A few more keystrokes and "Done. The records are going in tonight and the family will be notified in the morning. He'll be in London tomorrow."

"Enough time to say goodbye to his mother," Owen nodded.

"And his brother," Gwen added. "we really should get him home, Jack,"

Jack nodded, not moving. Ianto went over, resting a hand on Jack's shoulder. "We did the best we could, Jack, this is good for him."

Jack nodded, still not moving, rocking Sherlock back and forth. He didn't know why he'd bonded to the kid, but he had. "I wish there was another way."

"You really care about him don't you?" Ianto asked, kneeling down to be face to face with Jack.

"Yes. He-he reminds me of my little brother, of Gray," Jack whispered, fighting tears now.

Ianto hugged Jack around the shoulders. "It's okay Jack, it'll be okay," he whispered softly.

"You'll need to help me up."

He nodded, taking Jack's arm and helping him stand up. "Come on, he's better off not knowing about us anyway."

"You can't know that for sure," Jack replied as he followed Ianto back to the car.

"Jack, he would die here. Somehow, someday, he would die and you would never forgive yourself." The Welshman opened the door so Jack could put the boy in the backseat. Jack buckled him in, grabbing blankets to cushion his head before climbing in the passenger seat. "I know."

Ianto closed the door, hopping in the driver's seat. "At least you're giving him a better home."

"Yeah, at least we could do that for the kid."

Ianto nodded. "I'm sorry, Jack," he said, knowing he had already grown attached to the boy.

Jack rubbed a hand over his tired face. "Well, better get this over with."

Ianto nodded. "You keep your temper when we get there," he warned. He knew it would take quite a bit of self control not to punch the bastard who caused this boy so much pain right in the throat. Jack grunted in assent. "Gonna be tough, you know that." He glanced back at the sleeping boy. "He looks so young asleep, Ianto. But awake, he looked almost as old as I do."

"I know. He's had it rough," the man agreed, glancing sadly back at the little boy in the back seat as they drove back towards Sherlock's home. He didn't know what would happen when they got there, and he was nervous, although hiding it well. Jack reached over to rub Ianto's shoulder. "You'll be there, that's what counts with me."

Ianto relaxed a bit. He placed his hand on Jack's for a moment before returning it to the steering wheel. It seemed like all too quickly they were there out front of the large manor-like house.

"This is it," Ianto announced, looking back at the boy who looked so peaceful. He felt terrible about having to send him back to this place even for one night.

"Think we can sneak him in without getting caught? He was outside on the swing when I found him,. Anything to avoid the father.

"Jack, he's unconscious and he can't remember anything," Ianto said. "Plus I think we'd run into trouble trying to sneak into a place like this. They've probably been looking for him."

Jack sighed. "Let's do this fast."

Ianto nodded. He hopped out of the car and opened the back door, scooping the boy out of the back seat. Jack led the way to the front door. "Here goes." He knocked and rang the bell, standing very still as lights came flooding on

Ianto came up behind him and took a deep breath, holding the boy close as a large, brutish man answered the door. In the house behind him, a teenager who must have been Sherlock's brother stood, watching them. "Who the hell are you?" the man asked, looking down at the men who had just showed up with his unconscious son.

"John Smith and Ian. We were headed home and saw your son running from some thugs. He managed to tell us his name and address before he collapsed. Poor thing seemed scared to death." Not the best lie he'd ever given, but it would have to do. Ianto nodded. He found himself feeling both outraged and intimidated by the man in front of him. Mr. Holmes thought for a second. "Bring him in," He said, not bothering to try and take his son from them.

Jack entered the house, all senses on alert. "Where would you like me to set Sherlock down?" he asked, checking that Ianto was behind him. The man waved them up the stairs, "His room is down the hall to the left. Leave him there," he said, leaving them alone, not particularly concerned with the young boy's well being.

Jack bit his tongue until it bled, carrying Sherlock up to the boy's room. He tucked him into bed, glancing around at the bare, dark walls and the bookshelves. He smoothed the hair off of Sherlock's forehead before leaning in and whispering to him. "You'll find me again one day, I have no doubt. A boy like you, very clever should have no trouble. Everything will be fine. I promised and I'm keeping it." He turned to Ianto. "Let's go."

Ianto's heart ached as they left the place. He leaned to whisper in Jack's ear, "Can't I shoot him, just a bit?" he asked, his voice filled with anger. Jack took his hand, squeezing it tightly. "No, but if you'd like, I can assign you to a torture detail for the prison he's going to. Dunno if you want to travel to Russia...or we could arrange for him to make a little stopover at the hub..."

"Both tempting," Ianto said, grinning a bit at the thought of it. He opened the door of the car for Jack, wanting to get out of there quickly. Jack climbed in, waiting until they were on the road to ask, "Which do you want? I'll get Tosh to arrange it when we get back."

"Maybe the Hub, I think everybody would like to have a few words with him," he said, his whole body was tense; it was strange to see the Welshman so upset. Jack nodded. "Done. Perhaps he won't even make it to Russia..."

"I don't think they'd miss him," Ianto smiled, satisfied. Soon they were back at the hub. Ianto let them in, feeling both enraged and triumphant at the thought that they would get their turn with the man.


"Let me go tell Tosh about the change of destination...and then it's time for me to honor my promise." Jack winked at Ianto before strolling into the hub. "Change of plans people," he called. "Mr. Abusive Father is coming here, not Russia."

Owen looked up at Jack with a look of surprise that changed to a small smirk. "So we get to meet Daddy Dearest?" he asked.

"Ohhh yes we do. You can all thank Ianto for the idea. Tosh?"

"Already done. The boys will bring him here for us first thing."

"Bright and early," Ianto said.


Gwen went with Tosh and Owen to set up the cells for the guest's arrival, while Jack pulled Ianto in for a kiss. "So, about that promise...Back to my place?"

"By your place you mean here?" Ianto asked jokingly. "Yes."

Jack grinned. "Smart arse, are we?" He nipped Ianto's lip before all but dragging him back to his office.

Ianto followed quickly. "Shouldn't you tell the others to go home?" he asked, his breathing growing heavy.

"They'll be busy for awhile. Besides, none of us are going to sleep knowing that creep is coming here."

Ianto nodded, pulling the door to Jack's office shut behind him as they entered.

The door was locked and the blinds still shut from before. For the second time that night, Jack pulled Ianto in for a kiss, shoving the Welshman against the wall this time. Ianto moaned into Jack's mouth as his back hit the wall. He loved it when Jack took charge; the immortal looked so sexy when he was in control. Jack deepened the kiss, hungry and needy, his rage turning into desire. Spinning Ianto around he growled, "Bend over the desk."

Ianto did as he was told, bending over so he was propped up on his elbows, his stomach resting against the cool surface of the desk.

Jack tugged the man's trousers down, dropping his own and grabbing the lube from the desk. He spent a few seconds preparing Ianto and slicking himself up before just thrusting in, groaning. Oh, fuck..."

Ianto moaned softly. "Oh god, Jack," he groaned, resting his head on the desk. Jack wasted no time, working them both quickly, pounding into Ianto like they'd never do this again. Ianto moaned loudly as Jack hit his prostate, calling his lover's name loudly.

"You like that, huh? Like it rough, do you babe?" Jack lowered himself so that he pressed Ianto to the desk, kissing his lover's shoulders through his shirt. The immortal could feel them hurtling toward the edge, reaching around and tugging on Ianto's cock, stroking it in time with his own thrusts. Ianto swore loudly. "I- I'm going to..." he panted, having trouble finding his words.

"With me, just let go."

Ianto nodded, laying his head on the desk and crying out loudly as he came. He felt pleasure rock his whole body as he called Jack's name.

That did it for Jack. Biting Ianto's shoulder, he buried himself in his subordinate, moaning very loudly and tonguing the damp shirt in his mouth. Ianto panted, reaching up behind him to cradle Jack's head on his shoulder as he came down from his orgasm. Jack leaned into Ianto's caress for a long moment to catch his breath. Slipping out, Jack grabbed a towel from the desk and cleaned them both up, finally turning his lover around to kiss him gently. "I love you, Ianto Jones,"

Ianto stood, meeting his lover's lips, surprised by the declaration. He knew he loved Jack, but never knew the man felt the same. "I love you too," he said softly.

Reluctantly parting, Jack kissed Ianto's cheek. "Fresh coffee and food for everyone, I think. Now we wait."

Ianto nodded, moving to pick up his clothes. "Now we wait."


At the Holmes manor, Sherlock woke up alone. He didn't know where he was until he looked around and saw his bookshelves. He curled up under the covers, feeling like something was missing...but he couldn't remember what it could possibly be.