A little rough but I had to get it out of my head it's been floating there for a while. One-shot.

He was just back from a tour of duty in Kuwait and all he wanted was to hang with some friends and have a few beers. He didn't want to think about what he gained and what he'd lost over the last few years. So he and Evans ended up in some club in his Hometown of Lima, Ohio. From what Hudson had said they weren't the only ones back in Lima. He just never thought it would be her he saw. When they walked in Sam nudged him and nodded to the stage. He's mouth dropped it was Rachel Fucking Berry on stage signing some stupid pop song with Quinn Fabray. They were laughing as they finished, both of the girls walked up to the bar. Rachel looked different her skirts and sweaters were gone replaced by jean shorts and a white Tee while Quinn looked the same as ever. "How about we go be gentlemen and save them from being hit on by assholes?" Sam asked and he shrugged as they head for the women. Sam spoke first, "So I'm a Marine and I look good in my uniform and I would be happy to show you." Rachel turned around looking pissed and like she was about to tell Sam off. When she realized who it was she squealed and hugged him as Quinn smiled and after Rachel let go she also hugged Sam. Rachel turned to him and she hugged him but not the way she did Sam and it hurt.

"Let's go get a booth." Rachel grabbed his hand pulling in deeper into the club. She slid in pulling him with her. She held his hand as they waited for Sam and Quinn to show up. She turned toward him in the seat and just looked at him. Her eyes went from his shaven head to his scared hands, "I missed you Noah." He gulped did she really just say that or was he dreaming like always. She was on Broadway now and she missed him. They spent most of the night telling stories and gossiping about Glee members. After Quinn told them about her and Joe breaking up after two years of dating, Sam asked, "So you and Finn still going strong?" At this Quinn and Rachel both busted out laughing. Puck lowered his beer from his lips, "What'd we miss?" Rachel sipped her beer with a glint in her eyes as Quinn answered, "Finn is an ass. She dumped him a long time ago. What was freshman year?" Rachel nodded, "Yeap." He and Sam were looking at both women, "What happened?" At this Rachel looked pissed and a pissed Rachel is not a good time, "Never mind." "It's not that you asked it's the fact that Quinn and Santana still doesn't approve of what I did. I mean I learned from the best." Quinn groaned, "Rach that was a bad idea. Yeah it got the point across but that was mean and you don't do mean." "Yeah will he shouldn't have said her fucking name while we were having sex." He and Sam choked, "He what?" Quinn nodded, "After you guys left for boot camp. Well they called off the wedding and slowly drifted apart because of school during Fall break is when he slipped. Rach wanted his head but me and San talked her out of it. Instead she hooked up with his roommate on his bed screaming his roommate's name over and over and over."

Rachel and Quinn started laughing while he and Sam stared at Rachel, "Wow Berry that is so not you." She shrugged, "He deserved it." "So how about you guys you got any girlfriends we need to worry about?" Puck answered this time staring straight at Rachel, "Nope." She grinned at him as she drank her beer. Sam stood up, "I got duty in the morning. So I'm out Puck. Quinn can I give you a ride?" She nodded and slid out winking at Rachel who smiled. He watched them leave. He felt eyes on him and turned back to Rachel, "So how do you like being a Marine Noah?" he shrugged, "Can't complain. I get paid to travel. I have friends. It's like a family." She slid closer to him, "Noah I've wanted to do this since sophomore year." He whispered, "Do what?" before her lips meet his and her hand slid to the back of his head. She ran her tongue along his lip and he granted her access. It was a battle that ended too soon as both needed to catch their breaths. Rachel leaned her forehead against his, "Noah will you come home with me?" She sounded so unsure of herself.

He stood up grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. He had one beer so he took her keys. They got in her car and pulled out of the parking lot, "Where are we heading?" She was running her fingers along his thigh, "My house." "But your dads….." "They live in New York now but keep the house so we can come back and visit." He just nodded. They got out the car and were at her door. She unlocked it as she went in turned on the hall light. She closed and locked the door behind them. She threw her keys on the table and headed upstairs. Halfway up she noticed that he wasn't behind her, "Are you coming?" You didn't have to ask him twice, he flew up the stairs behind her. They went into her room. It looked the same pink and white, trophies, and crowns everywhere. He set on her bed waiting for her. He never wanted to rush her ever. She walked up to him and stood in between his legs wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed his jaw and worked her way to his mouth while his hands were exploring the skin of her lower back. She pushed herself closer moaning in the back of her throat, "Noah I can't wait anymore." He pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her shorts. Once they and her panties were on the floor he rolled so that he was on top. She pushed his shirt over his head throwing it across the room. She ran her hands down his chest over his abs to his jeans. Once the button was undone she pushed them down his hips lifting up enough that her chest rubbed against him. It was his turned to groan as she freed him. She laughed, "You never change Noah. I thought they would teach you to wear underwear." He smirked at her as he latched on to her lips running his hand up the inside her thigh.

He teased her and worked his lips down to her erect nipple. She sucked in air, "Must you tease me Noah?" He released her and placed her lips beside her ear, "Well I've wanted to do this since sophomore year." He got up and got his wallet out of his pants pocket. She lay on the bed with her legs slightly parted and looked at him with dark eyes, "Let me put it on." He climbed back on to the bed handing her the condom. She ripped the package and stroked him a few times before sliding it on. She laid back as he entered and he waited for her body to adjust to him. Once she started moving he picked up a rhythm. Her hands ran over his chest and back. She wasn't as loud as he thought she would be. Her hand gripped his shoulders as she moaned and told him to "Fuck" her "harder." She was saying his name now as a prayer. He knew she was so close so he place his lips beside her ear and sang a few lines of Sweet Caroline. She screamed her release causing him to finish right after her. He stayed where he was placing his head on her chest. "Oh God Noah. That. Was. Amazing." He laughed and said, "Thanks Babe." She hit him lightly as he rolled off her. He pulled off the condom off and throwing in the trash beside the bed. He knew she was waiting for him to get up and leave and knew she was surprised when he pulled her against him.

They laid there like that for a while before he asked her, "So how is Broadway and New York?" She snuggled closer, "New York is boring. Broadway is just a job." He was shocked to hear her talk like that, "Not what you wanted?" "No I wanted it but now it's not enough. I want more but I don't know what I want more of." "I get that Rachel I do. You'll figure it out." She fell asleep in his arms and he just watched her for a few minutes before falling asleep. He knew this was a onetime deal and nothing else and it hurt like a bitch but he would take what he could get of the one woman he loved that wasn't related to him. In the morning she was asleep so he got dressed and left her sleeping. He felt guilty but he didn't want to hear her say it was a mistake. He couldn't deal with that he didn't want his perfect night with the woman of his dreams to be stained so he left without a word. He knew this would probably be the last time he saw her. He was shipping back out in few weeks with his platoon back to Kuwait. At least he could think about the real thing instead of staring at picture of her that Santana had sent him a few years back. He knew that Rachel Berry was the one that got away. She was too good for him and he wouldn't drag her down. She was a star and he was a Marine who lived for war. They weren't meant to be. They were too different.

She woke to an empty bed and a breaking heart. She knew this was just a fling but she wanted more from him. She got out of bed grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of panties before going down stairs. She turned on the TV sitting on the couch with a thing of ice cream and watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Her cell rang and from the ring tone she knew it was Quinn. She ignored it. She ignored when they were beating on knocking on her door. Right now she just wanted to be by herself. Next week she'd be back in New York on Broadway. He'd be overseas. She sighed wishing that she could go back to sophomore year. "RACHEL WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE OPEN THE DAMN DOOR." She set the ice cream down and went to the door, "Who is we?" "Kurt, Tina, and me." She opened the door. Quinn gasped, "Have you seen your neck?" "No why?" "Let's just say Puck left his mark."

Three months later

Everything was back to normal it was like it never happened but once in a while Puck would call Santana who was Rachel's roommate or Sam would call Quinn both would ask how Rachel was doing. They lied and said she was fine when in reality she was a little broken. She was professional it never affected her job but her personal life had went downhill.

Puck was having an easier time because he rarely had free time to think about her. When he did it was usually after a couple of beers and Sam would hear all about Rachel either from sophomore year or from the night they 'made love' Puck's words not his. He was sitting on his cot when they yelled, "Mail Call." Puck tuned it out he never received mail unless it was from Shelby and he got that yesterday. So after the Gunny called his name twice and hit him in the head with it did he finally come back. He reached for it and read that it was from Rachel Berry, "What the fuck?" Sam sit beside him, "Open it." He ripped open and pulled out a later causing something black and white to fall on the floor. He picked it up and yelled out throwing his arm above his head and when the men in the barracks saw it there was a loud, "OOOHRAH." Men came up and congratulated him. He sat down and read the letter.

Dear Noah,

I got your address from your mom. She knows. I'm almost three months by the time you get this I will probably be three. Congrats Noah you're a father. I want to say I don't know that you're the father but you're the only man I've been with in six months. I didn't want you to find out from Santana or Sam. I sent you a sonogram. And over the next couple of months I'll send you more. I want you to know something Noah. I love you. Always have even when we were fighting. So when you go to sleep at night or when you're going to risk your life know we're at home waiting for you. I will never forgive you if you never get to meet out child Noah.

Love you,
