A/N: so all of you that are waiting for One Last Song, i don't think i'm gonna update that any soon. my mind's just popping new ideas faster than i can think about one story! plenty of one-shots and two-shots planned since i have officially started my holidays... TODAY!(: so, here's one two-shot one for you!(: oh, and, this IS a Clint/Nat shipper story! but there's a lot of Tony/Nat friendship too!(: so... Look out for the update of this (hopefully soon, because i'm already on it!) and the debut of another story named Hurt Locker! (see what i did there? ;] )

disclaimer: the chances of owning this pair itself, is when cows can fly and go oink. if there's one, IMMA BE READY.

Right. He's been gone for five months, sixteen days, thirty-one minutes and seventeen seconds now. She's been counting since the day they'd parted with a deep, longing kiss. Right now, she kind of missed all his chatter, all their banter, and all those little arguments that he ended up pacifying her with stupid, adorable actions. When is he coming back?

The Avengers had moved into the Stark Tower after they'd assembled back in Manhattan just a few weeks after they split up. Stark never could get past not teasing Steve, or aiding Banner, without the slightest thought. It's a good thing, though, that they were all together. A family was supposed to stick together, as they work stronger like that, wasn't it? Natasha sprawls herself out on the leather couch in their little living room, down at the twenty second floor, flipping channels absentmindedly as she listens in on Tony and Pepper's daily quarrel. Oh, as well as the crazy roaring and howling, clapping and hollering that's coming from the other room at the end of the hall.

Tony huffs in amusement. "Come on, Hawaii was the best place out of the lot! I mean, you liked the fish, right? And the island mojitos and- and..." He drifts off, trying hard to please Pepper, whose face turns sour after that one second of thought. "There were no fish to admire! Your ARC reactor drove all of them away." Her eyes turned to slits, glaring at her other half. "And then halfway through our honeymoonyou run off with your suit! It scared me half to death when the Director dialed me and told me you were critical! And that was after two whole days of fretting, you bastard!"

"I feel the love, honey. Me, my reactor, and my heart." Tony grins cheekily, holding her shoulders in his hands. The way she sulks in worry, he finds, is simply adorable. Her eyes soften and her lips pout. Natasha leans over the backrest of the couch and drops an indifferent comment. "He's not going anywhere, Pepper. I bet he fears leaving you in the lurch more than the shrapnel in his chest." Yes, he does, and they talk about it so casually that it doesn't scare the two of them anymore. Except for Pepper. "Easy for you to say, Romanov. You drop three aliases on me all at once, and I wonder why Barton still follows you around like a puppy." The deadly fatal glare he earns from the agent is enough to send his pride running back to mommy.

They all miss Clint Barton. Yes, they all do. The archer didn't fail to make an impression on any of them, in fact. Even Tony's mind had a way to express his longing, not omitting the stupid methods it uses. The silence lingers for an elastic second before activity resumes, and the lovely couple continue their argument of concern. "Anthony Stark, I don't care if your reactor scares away the fishes or not. Don't you everlet me see that little bright light of yours die out again! If that thing even flickers a slight bit, I'm hauling your ass to the lab." She worries about the shrapnel reaching his heart and shredding it apart. The simple thought about it, about the possibility of Tony Stark dying, allows tears to well up in her eyes.

Tony leans in nearer, presses a gentle peck on her forehead, and smiles sincerely to pledge his existence to his worrying wife. He's about to shift over to her and whisper promises into her ear, but a booming crash captures all their attention. They see the Captain strolling out into the central part of the room with a bashful grin, looking mostly apologetic. "Man of iron, what is this sorcery that mirrors me in its glowing sheet of transparency? It is broken!" Thor's authoritative voice demands of Tony. The man's fingers move to the top of the bridge of his nose and massages it, elbow on table. Well, there goes their KINECT. And television. Pepper smiles ruefully, and is maybe even slightly amused from the Asgardian's actions.

"I... guess you kinda know. Already..." Steve says. "I swear, he did it all by accident!" Natasha wonders if the captain had said that to right a possible misconception with Tony (that was, if he did have one about him being the destroyer of his expensive electronics.) or if it really was to be Thor's loyal buddy. Pepper and Tony sit for awhile, sighing. That has to be the fifth time within that year. The toaster, the fridge. Once, his apartment nearly got flooded because the demigod broke a water pipe! And, well, nobody well-versed with reparation was present at that time, and he didn't know JARVIS. (He always thought that JARVIS was a God's voice from up above, and that Tony had somehow managed to crawl over its head and take control. Such defiance!He said once, upset over the reversed roles of authority and respect displayed between Tony and JARVIS.) The truth is still discreet on how he had managed to destroy that much.

Natasha simply sits patiently on the couch, leaning over the edge as she glances at Steve. /If only Clint were here. She knows what he's thinking in an instant. It only took the whole lot of them seven months (that was before he left) to have their friendship/companionship swing back into its usual momentum, and maybe even stronger. They could say, Clint was a piece in each of their puzzles. With Steve, he was a friend. And with Thor, Clint was the only one that could control his destructive actions from breaking every console, pipe and wall. Bruce, - speaking chemically - a calming reactant that never seemed to have a fuse. And Tony! Oh, Tony! Somehow, the agent had managed to win the brotherly side of the chauvinist, over. And now he was on everybody's good terms. It will be no wonder at all if they start complaining about his absence. Especially the boys. (Yes, boys.)

The dreadful silence is easily broken by the sound of JARVIS' voice, enunciating an announcement. "Sir, there is a visitor looking for Miss Romanov. Do you wish to send him up?" Excitement bubbles in their chests. Surely, it's Clint! And he's finally home, calloused fingers seeking the slender curves and tender skin of the love of his life, clouded but crystal eyes searching for the saltwater green of hers. It's no hesitation when she replies JARVIS with a quick "Yes". The feeling of liberation finally comes easy to her. After... She glances down at the digital table clock. After those five months, sixteen days, fourty-eight minutes and three seconds of laboured breathing and troubled thinking, her partner is finally coming back!

Automatically, as if it had all been orchestrated, Pepper and Tony scurry into the room with the broken electronics, having Steve tag along by their backs. Though, Tony did attempt to look over Steve's towering trapezius muscles and shoulders to enjoy the scene. Maybe make a remark or two, like, "Damn, Barton. You look like crap!" if he really does appear in apparel that's stained with several shades of brown all over. Or a "Welcome back, Legolas." to express his "man-love" kept under wraps, as well as tons and tons of cold, heartless lies and despicable comments. Pepper shoves him into the room with an annoyed glare, clicking her tongue at the little kid she can't believe she tied the knot with. So much for privacy.

Natasha, herself, can't contain the glee that makes her heartbeats drum faster. She knows that she won't care about his scars, his clothes, anything that will distract her from walking straight into his arms and placing a kiss on his dry lips. The last one I leave with, and the first one where I'll be greeted. It's what he had said, as a promise to take care and run his mission down as fast as he possibly can to return to her. When she hears knocks on the door, she jumps to her feet, a wide grin plastered perfectly on her face. She doesn't know what it is, actually, that leaves her heart weighing heavier instead of lighter as she closes in on the barrier. She doesn't even realise the majority of it, because she's only pushing the feeling down to the back of her head, leaving it all for later. It's all about him right now.



Yes. They really can't help it. They really can't help but poke their heads out of the hallway and into the living room, knowing that they're obscured from being seen. Even Pepper can't help it! They can make out Natasha's slim silhouette in the darkness of the doorway, and surely beyond that is their friend, whispering sweet little nothings under his breath, only for herears to hear. And that they're talking, greeting, all that and making sure he's fine and he's alright. That sweet couple, it's actually a story none of them know. Far from the publicity of Bonnie and Clyde in their time. Maybe the two will tell them, soon enough.

Tony just can't keep his legs (and eyes) to himself, and wants them two to share the welcoming. How the /hell/ did they talk so soft? So, with Pepper's absolute - and physical - protest, of clinging onto his shirt and arm and having her filed nails clawing into his skin, he covers the distance from where they are to the doorway in a couple of strides. The rest of the group follows, like a pack to an alpha.

When they see it, most of them know what happens next. What all that silence is about.


okay, i don't know why i spelt my page breaker like that! randomness. reviews, my lovelies, are much appreciated!(: guess the next chapter, or just drop your favorite line/paragraph(: anything, really. so... TOODLES!