~Give me everything


They kissed over and over. Small hands grasped handfuls of the elder's hair, bringing them closer.

~Can you still see the heart of me?

All my agony fades away

When you hold me in your embrace~

Ciel's mouth turned up in to a soft smile as the elder's hands began unbuttoning the younger demon's shirt.

~Would you tremble

If I touched your lips?~

A brushing of lips, a brush of fingertips.

Sebastian held closer the not-boy in his arms. "I love you."

~This truth

Drives me

In to


The truth "I love you" slips out "I love you" but neither stops "I love you" what they're doing "I love you" and neither stops "I love you" touching.

~Trapped in a state of

Imaginary grace~

They moved together in a dance, ripping and tearing at each other's clothing. There was an sense of urgency in the way they were moving, trying to get their bodies as close together as physically possible.

~Hold me in your arms


"Yes, my Lord." and his mouth is claimed as they continued their frantic movements.

~Let all the hurt inside of you die~

Only joy, passion and love was allowed in their movements that were fuelled by lust. No pain. Never pain. "I love you."

~And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am~

"I love you too." there. The truth of how they really felt, who they were. Broken but healing. Healing with every touch, every kiss.

~I just want to hold you

Oh, I just want to hold you~

Fingers explored skin before entering, stretching. There was pain but it was nothing -nothing- compared to the pleasure.

~Nothing compares

Nothing compares to you~

Still and silent then "move. . .please. . .move" permission. They continue to dance.

Sebastian thrusts in deeper. . .deeper. . .deeper. Cries filled the room. Cries of pleasure.

~You're what makes my heart go and skip a beat

When you are inches away from me~

And "Oh!" the pleasure. The love "I love you". The two lovers bathed in each other.

~You're the only thing that's right~

This. This was right. This bliss. This harmony. This love.

The way their bodies intertwined.

~Be the last to kiss my lips~

Never would either love another. It just want possible "I love you."

There was nothing either wanted -needed- more than the other.

Nothing at all.

~All I want is here right now



~Look into my eyes

You will see

What you mean to me~

Their eyes met.

Voices echoed through the room "I love you" as pleasure threatened to overwhelm them.

~If I could be it all for you, I would, I would~

And he was. He was everything. Everything Ciel could ever need. Ever want. Ever love.

And they fell over the edge.

~And now I'm lost in paradise . . .~

They clung to one another breathing heavily.

~. . . Alone . . .~

"I'll never leave you alone, Ciel."



"I love you, Sebastian."

"As I love you."

~. . . and lost in Paradise.~