Author's note: I write some really weird crap at 1:30 am. Just sayin. If you were wondering, this came into my head literally moments after finishing Day by Day. And I freely admit that it's kinda bad. Just a thought I wanted to articulate. Review plz? do you like the idea, cause I feel like it's one of the stranger crossovers out there...

Normally Dean didn't ask how the soul in front of him ended up in Hell. At first it was because he didn't want to know; now it was mostly because he just didn't care. Today though, he couldn't help but wonder. The man chained before him was short and pale, with flat black eyes and a thin mouth that gave him a reptilian appearance. He might even have been handsome in life, but now a bloody crater had replaced the crown of his head, a permanent souvenir of the bullet that killed him.

Unlike most of the other souls Dean received, he didn't say a word. No begging for mercy, no protests that there must be some mistake, not even wordless screams of fear and pain. He merely glanced around, as much as a soul strapped to a rack can, with a sort of vague interest. It was as if he found the whole thing to be an interesting, edifying experience, but not unduly worrying. The backdrop of hellfire and the agonized cries of tortured souls seemed to hold no terror for him, and Dean couldn't help but be impressed in spite of himself.

"Why is he here?" he asked Alistair softly as he prepared his tools. The demon smiled in a way that somehow made Dean jealous.

"Oh, he's one of those rare humans who seems to have been born to go to Hell, so to speak. One of the best we've had down here in a while. This man stole the crown jewels and robbed the Bank of England simultaneously. He has ordered people shot, strapped bombs to innocent old ladies, fed poisoned candy to children, the list of his achievements goes on and on!"

Dean felt a muscle in his jaw twitch. He had thought that the man he used to be had been burned away over the years, but now he felt a familiar flicker of righteous fury shoot through his system. Alistair grinned, seeing that Dean needed just that extra push to send him over the edge.

"And, of course his crowning achievement. Tricked an entire country into believing that the greatest detective in the world was a fraud. Convinced the man to jump off a building." Alistair's smile widened. "Last I checked, the detective's flatmate was considering the same course of action." Alastair's fingers skittered across Dean's shoulders like pale spiders, enjoying the tension he felt there, the desire to inflict as much pain on this man as he could.

"Yes," Alistair breathed in Dean's ear. "Jim's one of ours, through and through. So don't go easy on him."

Dean stalked over to the rack, eyes swirling black with fury. As the metallic scent of fresh blood filled the air, Alistair smirked. He had a feeling that this was going to be one of Dean's better days.