Jayne pounded angrily down the rungs to his bunk. He couldn't believe it. He thought all this time was about getting her to notice him. Instead it seems he'd gotten it all backward. Wasn't really surprising, like Inara said, the girl was a genius. What if this was some sort of crazy girl entertainment? But then again, she did talk to her brother and the captain so that had ta' mean somethin'.

He turned around and stopped dead in his tracks. River was completely naked on his bed, curled up seductively on her side. Her fingers twirling a strand of her silky hair as his weapons sparkled in their rack above her. Jayne stopped breathing. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life.


Her voice broke the trance and he began pacing the too small room. He wanted to yell in frustration. His eyes flicked over the length of her smooth skin. He knew he wouldn't raise his voice to her. He thought about climbing right back up outta here. Another glimpse. Nope, wouldn't do that either. No matter what happened now he weren't gonna hurt her by rejecting her in such a vulnerable position. He groaned at what a nice position it was.

"Jayne, what's wrong? I'm in your bed. I'm naked. We are to have sex now. This is the fortuitous outcome of a well strategized offense."


"My plan to attract you, to win your affections…it has ended well."

"Damn girl, I thought you said this weren't no game and now I'm standing here feelin' played."

River shot up from the bed, grabbing the sheet loosely around her. "What? Why?"

"Why? Why am I the last to know about us being together," he spat. "Hell, you couldn't even let me do the right thing by ya. Couldn't even let me claim ya' proper. I just made a gorram fool of myself in front of everyone."

"Please, Jayne," her arms winding around his waist. "Don't be angry. I admit I manipulated some situations but I only did so because I thought you would never take the initiative and I was tired of waiting."

"You? You were tired of waiting? That's just plain funny," he laughed bitterly.

He forced a deep breath in and out to calm himself. It weren't her fault he hadn't said nothin' to her. She didn't know what he felt 'cause he hadn't said. His hands were winding themselves into her hair before he could catch himself. "You really ain't been reading me at all, have ya'?"

"No. I don't read crew. Not in a long time."

"I guess not," he frowned. "You really have no idea how long I've wanted you, do you? You have no idea how crazy I let myself get from wantin' ya' so bad."

"No, I can't know unless you tell me," she whimpered.

That was it. The last straw. He surrendered the last shred of his pride. He accepted what was she was offering. He really didn't care what or why. There was no coming back from this, he knew. From now on, she owned him. He was hers. Funny thing though, being owned by her felt all sorts of shiny.

"Jayne, are you going to tell me?"

He gently grasped her bare shoulders and guided her backward. He tugged the sheet away from her and leaned her down gently on the bed. Jayne figured he'd show her instead.

Jayne couldn't remember ever feeling better than this. His body was still humming and her warm soft body was tucked up against him, all sorts of cozy. He'd done right by her, being gentle and making sure she felt pleasured and loved and safe. Plus, he didn't have ta' worry none about getting' in trouble which was a huge bonus. Life was pretty gorram perfect right now. He only wondered if being with her meant it could stay this way.

"Can see the future?" He kissed her forehead gently. "Can you see where we go from here?"

"No, all objectivity has been lost. My personal desires cloud my abilities to see." Her face buried itself into his neck. "I'm sorry, Jayne. I don't know what will happen."

He flexed his arms and pulled her up on top of his chest. "Well, I do."

"You do?"

"Yup, you're gonna be mine until you're sick of me and, even then, even if you leave me, I'm always gonna yours. There ain't nothin' that can stop me from lovin' you."

"You love me?"

She looked so shocked that Jayne simply stroked her hair and laughed. "Gorram, lil' one, weren't you paying attention just now?"

"Well, yes, but I must admit my attention floated off a bit there toward the end."

He chuckled at her honesty. "Ya' need words, dontcha? Alright." He pulled her chin up off his chest so he could make sure she was listenin' with her eyes and her ears. "I've loved ya' since the day Mal kicked open that crate, I just weren't smart enough to know it. You took my breath away that day, River. You take my breath away every day, in fact. Can't rightly breathe when yer' around but I reckon that's a good thing."

River's smile lit the room and her happy purring echoed against his chest. "Yes, it is good, far exceeding my expectations."

"Are ya' saying I surprised you?"

"Yes," she giggled, "and I find I rather like the nature of your surprises." She nipped at his jawline.

"Hmmmm," he grumbled, pulling her body impossibly closer. "Give me ten minutes and I'll surprise ya' some more."

He felt her hand sliding down his side, tucking between their bodies and wrapping itself firmly around him. "Ten minutes? I'll give you two."

"Damn, lil' one, you really are going to be the death of me, aren't 'cha?"

"I hope not, da gou, I have more plans. You play a contributory and patriarchal role in the combination and continuance of our genetically superior physical and intellectual attributes."

Her hand starting stroking him softly as her tongue licked against his neck.

"Got no idea whatcha talkin' 'bout, babe, but these plans of yours? They don't include no more knockin' me around, do they? Don't need no more black eyes from ya', dong ma?"

"No, Jayne," she murmured into his ear. "I want you to be the one knocking me."

He pushed up on his elbows suddenly. "I ain't never gonna hit ya' girl, not ever," he growled. "I did it once already and can't say I'll ever forgive myself for that. Don't worry 'bout that happenin'. I aim to never hurt you ever again."

"Shhh, I know, Jayne. You misunderstood." She pulled herself up to sitting and straddled his hips. "I've long forgiven you for your reaction was warranted. Oh and for the record, I love you, too." Her fingers flittered against his chest before reaching behind her and scratching at his inner thighs. "We'll talk more about knocking later but right now your two minutes are up."

"Damn straight. Come here, girl."