So i have a disclamer...i dont own any thing related to this be sides the wish to have Zero...hope you guys like it R&R plz~! rikuxroxas-696 over and out~! XdXd

By Rukixroxas-696

Un-expected Friend

The sky is turning blacker by the minuet. If only it would stay light out-side, I thought to my-self. It was my favorite time of year. days are long. And nights the suns out longer. And the moons gone longer. When the vampires can't feast.

"Zero~. Time for school," My father,Kain Cross, yells.

"Ok, chairman, be right there," I yell back. Walking out of my bedroom door after finishing to put on my tie, and down the hall to the kitchen.I never took Kain as my real father (even if he is the one who took me in), so I always call him chairman.

Zero Kiryu, age 17, a normal boy you'd meet every day. Just one thing…

…At Cross Acadmy and a level-E vampire. A special rank. And not the good kind. Hair thats silver and eyes a bright violet. Mood, so they say, isn't so friendly. Don't blam them.

Its been like this since the atack on his family. His parents never made it out of the vampire attack. Him and his brother were the only ones to live. Turned by a pureblood. Thats what they call those mange beasts. Pure. As if they aren't anything descrasful. Shizuka Hio was the one who killed his parents and took his brother, turning him over the years. He hasn't seen her since then. But he's still stuck with a pureblood. Kaname Kuran.

Kain gives him his bento and see's him off to school with Yuuki."Have a nice day at school, sweetie." He yells, waving us off. Kain Cross, the chairman of this school and a former vampire hunter. A resined vampire hunter who is the chairman of a mixed vampire school. A school with humans and vimpires. The Moon dorm: vampires, purebloods(Kuran only) and the aristcrats, which is everone else. The Sun dorm: for all humans. the humans dont know vampires exsist. Except Yuuki, him, and the chairman.

He sighs, hearing screaming girls outside the Moon dorm. Turning to yell at them to stop there screaming and get to class, he ram into some one. "Oi. Watch were your-." he stop mid-sentence and look up to see some one he really don't want to see.

He looks up to see a stern face. Kaname Kuran. "Well, if it isn't ," Kuran smiles and walks around Kiryu. The rest of them falowwing him to the dorms.

Kiryu snarls, watching him leave.

Kiryu walks off, leaving Yuuki with the squiling girls, not even knowing were he was going.

The only thing he wanted right now was to be alone. He heads to the stables and lays next to Lily, one of the few animals Kiryu likes. Lily whinnes and scuffs her huvs. Kiryu lays in the hay next to her and falls asleep.

He opens his eyes, still laying in the hay beside Lily. He realizes something tall and white in the corner of his eye.

Leaning agents the door to the stables, was Kuran. "Your going to catch a cold, kiryu, if you don't get to a proper bed."

Kiryu glars at Kuran and stands, brushing off any hay still on his uniform."I don't think your the one tell tell me what to do, Kuran."

"Oh. Is that so now, Kiryu. Even after I came here to tell you Chairman Cross is looking for you?"Kuran says with a sly smile, standing straight, arms crossed losly.

Kiryu sighs and walks past Kuran out of the stables."I apreseat that you did that. But your still not going to change my mind about your kind, Kuran"

"You'll see, Kiryu. Times have changed. People have changed." Kuran says, standing there calling after him."You'll see soon enough, Kiryu"

Dazed, he walks off to find the chairman. Wandering what he could want.

He found the chairman in his office. Yuuki must have just been there. Cross's desk was split in half, right down the middle. Patched up with duke-tape.

"You needed to speake to me, chairman?" Kiryu asked walking in through the double doors.

" seem better, Zero. Has your blood urge goten any better?" Cross says, siting behind his desk in his thrown like chair.

Kiryu looks away, looking out one of the windows on the back wall."It has gotten better. I am able to keep them down longer."

"I see. So you arn't able to keep them down still?"It wasn't really a quistion but Kiryu still answered." No, I'm not able to keep them down."

"Do you think you need blood instead, Zero? I don't want to have to resort to it but if must be"i rested his hands on his desk, pering over his glasses, serious."I will get a doner."

Oh god, is he really saying this?"I dont need a doner and I'm not going to drink blood like those bests in human form!" Kiryu yelled, flushed from anger and nuckles white.

"Alright. But if you cant keep them down I'm going to-"Kiryu cut him off by turning and slaming the door behind him. He couldn't belive the chairman was saying this. Hunter or not, want peace between them or not, how could he even offer such a thing?

Kiryu covered his mouth, feeling as if he was going to be sick. He ran for the neresr bathroom and locked the door. The chairmans batheroom. He joped the door would actully stay locked and not let anyone in.

Kiryu coughed into the sink, his throat burning and itching. He grab his throat as if it would help, but he knew by now it would do nothing. He coughed furesly untill a red tablet came out. Its stained the running water red, the color of blood. Kiryu just stood there hunched over the sink staring at it.

Is this what its always going to feel like? Pain and suffering? The aching and throbbing? Kiryu though, looking up and into the mirror, staring at his violet eyes.

He turned off the sink and desided that a shower would be best. He walked over to the shower and turned it up high, steaming instently. he stepped in, cloths and all. Its should have burned but it felt good aginst his pale skin. Kiryu leand aginst the wall heaving for breath.

Pressing his back to the wall and sliding down till the boiling water hit his face. He knew his eyes were red, no longer violet. Kiryu brought a hand to his neck, were his tato was, scratching at it, making it bleed. He didn't care, he could still feel it. Those fangs still inside him. Turning him. Desiding his fate. He hated it and scratch harder and deeper.

After some time, Kiryu stoped scratching and just stared and the slowly fading blood trail on the ground.

Kiryu didn't notice when he fell asleep but he had. Still in the shower, now cold instead of boiling hot.

Kaname was walking by the door when he hurd the shower going. This late? I wounder who it could be. It can't be the chairman, thats for sure. i just saw him...could it be...? Kurans thoughts traild off to imagining Kiryu in there. Laying on the shower floor drenched and...naked. Kuran shook his head to clear his thoughts. He shouldn't be thinking about Kiryu, it should be Yuuki. Right?

But Kuran was still imagining Kiryu in there. He sighed and desided to go in and check. Slowly, he walked to the door grabing the handle. Its wasn't locked. Strange.

Kuran pushed the door open and small wisps of steam rolled out from the floor. Walking further in, the shower geting louder and, from what was still left, the steam fading quikly. The door to the shower was closed and there were no clothes anywere.

Kuran sighed with relife. Maybe it was Kiryu and he was taking a shower in his cloths. Again. Kuran walked to the Closed door and grabed the handle. It, too, was unlocked, but the fogged glass said that there was soem one, indeed, in there.

He turns the handle and opens the door slowly, as to not startle anyone in there. When the door is fully open, Kuran sees a sleeping, fully clothed, Kiryu and the shower floor. Laying on his side, the water hiting his face.

Kuran sighs and walsk over to turn off the shower. He relizes the water is extreamly cold. To cold for anyone to have taken a shower in it. Kuran gets worred and turns the water off.

When he turns to Kiryu, he sees him siver violently. He walks over to him and picks him up, not caring he's still wet. Walking him out of the bathroom and to the silverets dorm room.

He sets him down on his bed carfully, so not to wake him. Kuran looks around and heads for a small dresser. He grabs what looks to be the boys pajamas and walsk back to him.

He undresses the boy quikly and starts to redress the boy in new, dry, blushes slightly when Kiryu groans. The boy dosn't stirr from his sleep. Kuran lets out a heavy sigh and finishes dressing him and pulls the covors high to his chin, to keep him warm.

He looks at the hair that is still wet and moves a few strands befor moing his hand away quickly. He closes his eyes and calms himself. When he opens his eyes he looks back at Kiryu and smirks.

The sliveret is so defensless. Kiryus' lips part slightly, sighing uncontiously. His face calm and content. Kuran leans down and kisses the silver strands lightly and leaves out the window silently.

A/N: rikuxroxas here~! First V.K story! i hope you guys love it~! R&R please~! need 3 for the nest chapter Xd...i know crule as always..dont forget to read my other storys~! more will be on the way...Lemons forever and always~! this is rikuxroxas-696 over and out~! XDXD