Oh my gosh guys. It has been forever. I really do apologize, but life always seems to get in the way. I do want to finish this story though, so I hope some of you are still interested.

Chapter 17

"No peeking!" Nathan chided while leading Haley along the trail.

"Nathan your hands are clamping down my eyes, how in the world am I going to peek?" Haley asked with a small chuckle.

"I know you James, you can be crafty when you want to be." He smiled bringing her closer to their destination.

"Nathan, come on…I feel like my eyes have been closed forever." She whined.

"Okay, okay." He brought her to a stop and carefully lifted his hands from her face. "Take a look."

Haley looked around and saw the secluded spot Nathan had brought her to earlier in the week when they had decided to skip school only this time he had a blanket laid out with a bouquet of purple flowers in the middle. "Oh, Nathan."

"This place is special for us." He shrugged while bringing her over to the blanket and tugging on her hand so that she sat in-between his legs, facing him.

She smiled and nodded. This is where they told each other that they loved one another for the first time. It would always be special to her.

"Besides," He smiled. "It's just you and me up here, Hales. It's like our own little hideout."

She smiled softly and closed her eyes. "After the week I've had, that sounds perfect."

He smiled at her sadly and brought his hand up to caress her cheek. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." She shrugged.

The past week had not been easy for the young blonde. People had toned down the looks but she had a feeling her friends had more to do with it than people's interest in her life dying down. Just because they didn't stare at her didn't mean Haley didn't hear the whispers.

"It's been a long week."

"Did you talk to Travis?" Nathan questioned.

"No." Haley shook her head.


"Nathan." She interrupted. "I just can't tell him okay. Travis took that incident really hard…when we moved away from LA I think he started to let go of his guilt and I know that bringing it up will just upset him again. I finally feel like he's moved passed it."

"He's worried about you." Nathan commented.

"Oh yes." Haley laughed amused. "I forgot, you two are best buds now."

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for talking to him though." She laughed and shook her head. "I know that if you hadn't he'd probably still be harassing me to tell him what's wrong."

"Of course." Nathan nodded. "Anyone say anything to you today?" He questioned tentatively.

"Not to my face." She scoffed.

"I'm going to find out who did this, Hales."

Haley stayed silent and looked away from Nathan and out towards the view that displayed all of Tree Hill. She was pretty sure it was Teresa. In fact, she was positive. But she had no proof. And until then she just wanted to keep her suspicions to herself. Besides, outing Teresa wouldn't make all of this go away. People would still talk, whisper, and stare. That information about her was out there and there was no way she could escape it.

She shrugged and looked at him once more. "I'm just glad the week is over."

"Travis gave me the weekend off." He smiled.

"How are things at Karen and Keith's?" Haley questioned concerned.

"Good." He chuckled. "It's weird actually having two people that care about you around all the time."

Haley looked at him sadly and nodded. "Have you heard from your Dad?"

"I think the question should be when haven't I heard from my Dad?"

"That bad?" Haley questioned concerned.

"Well, I'm pretty sure my Uncle Keith has it ten times worse."

"I'm sorry." She whispered softly.

"It's not your fault." He repeated her words from earlier. "Besides, it's only because of you that I'm even able to say that I got away from my Dad in the first place."

"I will say though." He chuckled unamused. "Whitey's gonna have to deal with him when he realizes that I'm not playing in tonight's game."

"You think your Dad will be there?"

"If Dan Scott isn't there tonight, hell will have frozen over." Nathan rolled his eyes.

She scooted closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?"

"I'm proud of you." Haley smiled shyly. "You're not letting your Dad get to you…you're living life on your own terms."

He smiled at her and shook his head. She had no idea that she was the sole reason for the change in him. She made him better.

"Rachel is having a party tonight after the game." Nathan commented.

"I figured." Haley nodded slowly. "You have to make an appearance?"

"It doesn't matter." Nathan shook his head. "I want to be with you."

Haley stared at him and sighed. "Why don't we go?"

"…Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"No matter what people are going to talk, Nathan. I need to show them that they aren't going to force me into hiding." She shrugged helplessly. "At least this way we'll have home court advantage and booze."

"I love it when you talk basketball." He laughed.

"Shut up." She shoved his shoulder playfully. "Besides, we'll have a codeword for if either of us wants to leave."

"And what should this codeword be?"

"Caw." She nodded curtly.

"Caw?" He laughed.

"Yes, caw. Like a raven."

He shook his head and moved closer to her placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Caw it is."

"Hales!" Lucas called out running towards the blonde.

"Hey Luke." She smiled holding her gym bag tightly around her shoulder. "Ready for the big game?"

Lucas shrugged. "A lot of the slack has been put on me since Nathan's not playing so I'm currently shitting myself."

Haley laughed loudly. "You'll do fine."

"So Nate tells me you guys are going to Rachel's after the game?" He questioned.


"Just know I have your back." He nodded.

"Thanks Luke." She rolled her eyes somewhat mockingly.

"Hey! I just want to make sure you're okay. You are my bestest friend after all."

She smiled at him softly and nodded. "Thanks Luke." She replied more genuinely this time. "Do you think I shouldn't go?"

"…It's on you Hales." Lucas shrugged while bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck. "I just don't want you to put yourself in a situation that you'll regret."

"Hopefully everyone will be too drunk to even notice I'm there." Haley laughed nervously.

Lucas nodded. "I should get going."

"You'll do great." She encouraged.

"Thanks buddy."

Haley sighed heavily and looked down at the watch fastened tightly around her wrist. Mostly everyone had left for Rachel's but Nathan hadn't come out of the locker room yet. She saw Dan in the stands during the game but she didn't think that the man would corner Nathan so soon after.

"You're Haley James, right?"

Haley looked up and came face to face with a tall brunette boy who she recognized from the basketball team.

"Yup." Haley nodded curtly silently hoping Nathan would come out soon. Aside from her friends the popular crowd hadn't been so kind to her the previous weeks and she wasn't expecting this encounter to be any different.

"I'm Vegas." He smirked at her.

"Vegas?" Haley chuckled. He seemed harmless enough.

"I had no say in it." He held up his hands in defense.

Haley nodded awkwardly. The boy seemed nice enough but she was still wary of others. Everyone at school seemed to have formed their opinions of her and none of them were nice.

"Nathan's still inside." He offered. "I saw him talking to Whitey."

"Thanks." Haley smiled.

"Am I going to be seeing you at Rachel's?" Vegas questioned forwardly.

Haley looked at him confused for a moment before nodding. "Me and Nathan planned on it."

"Great." He nodded. "Catch you later."

"Later." She replied confused at the encounter. Moments later she heard the gym door slam shut and a heated Nathan walk right past her.

"Hey!" She called out.

He turned and his features seemed to soften for a moment. "I thought you would've left with Peyton and Rachel."

"I wanted to wait for you." She responded quietly, making her way over to him cautiously.

He sighed softly and met her halfway. "Sorry."

"I'm guessing you talked to Dan."

At the sound of his fathers name Haley saw his face harden immediately.

"That stupid son of a-"

Haley interrupted him by placing both of her hands on either side of his face. "Hey, don't think about him, it's just you and me, okay?"

He nodded slowly and took in a deep breath. "Thanks, baby."

"We don't have to go to Rachel's. We can just hang out at my house…I'm pretty sure Travis is spending the night at Lindsey's."

He smiled and her and cocked his head to the side. "No, let's go. Besides I could use a drink."

Haley laughed and nodded. "Hey, you know Vegas right?" She clung to his arm softly and followed him towards the parking lot where his car was.

"Yeah, he plays on the team with me." Nathan nodded. "Why?"

"He came up to me after the game."

"Did he say something to you?" Nathan asked protectively.

"No." Haley shook her head vigorously knowing how Nathan has become these past couple of weeks. "He was actually pretty nice." She scoffed.

"See, babe. People are starting to forget about it already."

"Wishful thinking." She rolled her eyes.


Haley chuckled as a drunken Tim stumbled up to her and Nathan handing them both a red cup filled to the brim of a red substance, which she assumed contained alcohol.

"Hey Tim." Nathan chuckled grabbing Haley's hand and leading her towards the living room where Tim said the rest of the gang was.

Haley breathed out a sigh of relief when she realized everyone was far to drunk and busy hooking up to even give her a second glance. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea.


Haley jumped slightly when she felt someone sling their arm over her shoulder. She looked to her side and chucked at the clearly wasted Rachel.

"What's up red?"

"I am so glad you came, Hales!" Rachel smiled while shoving the contents of a red solo cup down her throat.

Haley chuckled loudly and looked over at Nathan who was rolling his eyes. "Me too Rach."

"And don't worry!" She yelled in a drunken voice. "There is no way I invited that two faced bitch Teresa!"

Haley looked around embarrassingly, self conscious of Rachel's loud tone. "Thanks?"

"Oh!" Rachel turned her head quickly towards the other side of the room. "If you'll excuse me I see a hottie that needs some attending to."

Haley chuckled and held onto Nathan's hand as he led her closer into the living room to where Lucas, Skills and Peyton were.

"Hey guys." Lucas nodded to the approaching pair.

"Hey." Nathan reached out to bump his fist with Skills extended one. "Good game, bro."

"Not the same without you." Skills commented.

"I'll be back before you know it." Nathan smiled.

Lucas moved forward pulling Haley into an embrace. "How you doing buddy?"

Haley chuckled and pulled away from the blonde slightly. "I'm good, thanks Luke." As much as she acted annoyed at Lucas' overprotective tone she loved that her best friend could read her. She was nervous coming to the party, but Lucas' presence always made her feel better. She looked to her side and saw Nathan laughing at something Peyton had just said.

Lucas wasn't the only one that made her feel safe.

Despite the hell she had been going through she was extremely lucky to have her friends and boyfriend. If it weren't for them Haley was sure she'd have booked it back to LA by now.

"Have you talked to Brooke lately?" Lucas questioned.

"No." Haley sighed. "I didn't want her to think that something was wrong, and if I talked to her one the phone she would've figured it out instantly."

"No offence Hales, but you not calling her…has her thinking that something is wrong." Lucas offered hesitantly.

"I'll talk to her." Haley nodded.

"She just misses you." Lucas commented.

"I see you two are still hitting it off." Haley laughed.

"I like Brooke…more than I've ever liked anyone. The long distance is hard but we're trying not to put too much pressure on it."

"I'm glad." Haley smiled. "For the both of you."

"Well, I see some shorties that need rescuing from the Timster." Skills commented from his spot next to Peyton.

Peyton laughed loudly and nodded. "Don't hate the player, hate the game?" She commented knowing full well that Skills was about to cockblock Tim.

"You know it girl." He laughed walking away from the group of friends.

"So what do you say Hales?" Peyton questioned moving next to the amused blonde and looping their arms together. "You think we can beat these losers in a game of beer pong?"

Nathan laughed loudly. "You two, beat us?"

"What's so funny about that?" Haley challenge.

"Nothing." Lucas shrugged. "It's cute."

Peyton scoffed. "Careful, the more douchey you act now the more embarrassing it is when you lose to two girls."

Nathan laughed and bumped his shoulder into Lucas. "Let's put your money where your mouth is Peyt."

"Winner gets 50 bucks." Lucas nodded.

"Lead the way." Peyton motioned towards the kitchen.

Haley laughed and looked towards Peyton once the boys had left in search of the pong table.

"Like taking candy from a baby." Peyton laughed.

"YES!" Haley laughed at the defeated look on her boyfriend and best friends faces as she raised her hand up to meet Peyton's.

"What did you guys say about us beating you being cute?" Peyton laughed amused.

"Whatever." Lucas scoffed.

"Beginners luck." Nathan dismissed.

"Don't be a sore loser, babe. It's not attractive." Haley smiled widely at her boyfriend.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Nathan questioned moving from his side of the table and towards his girlfriend.

"Hilarious." She replied with a smirk.

"I'll give you hilarious." He grinned with a cocked brow while moving his hands towards Haley's waist and giving her a tickle.

"Nathan, stop!" She laughed and tried to squirm her way out of his embrace.

"Oh God." Lucas rolled his eyes. "They're getting gross."

Peyton laughed nodded towards the living room. "I'm gonna go find Jake, you in?"

"Yeah," Lucas sighed. "Beats sitting here and watching these two suck face."

"I heard that Pucas!" Haley yelled out in between laughs.

Nathan's fingers stops moving against her waist and he rested his palms on her bare skin between her shirt and jeans instead. "He doesn't have a bad idea." He whispered into her neck.

She laughed and rested her head against his shoulder. "Travis is home but maybe you can put some ninja moves to use and sneak up to my room."

"And just what would we do in your room Haley James?" He whispered into her ear.

Haley had to suppress the groan she felt sitting in her throat, from his hot breath on her skin. "I was planning on kissing you for a few hours."

"Mmm." Nathan smiled. "I like that plan."

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom first." Haley smiled slightly while pulling way from the blue-eyed boy.

"I'll find Luke, tell him we're heading out." Nathan nodded.

"Okay." Haley smiled and turned to leave in search of a bathroom but Nathan's hand halted her movements.

"You glad we came?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I think the fact that we didn't have to use the codeword is very telling." Haley smiled. She was glad that they came. For a few hours she felt like everything was back to normal. And it helped that everyone was too drunk to notice her.

Nathan chuckled. "Meet you by the front door?"

"Yeah, I'll kiss ya later." She smirked at him and weaved her way through the throngs of drunken teenagers.

"Ugh, you're kidding me." Haley mumbled to herself once she came face to face with the long line for the bathroom. She looked around at all of her drunken peers standing in line laughing and she was sure that none of them actually had to pee as badly as she did in that moment.

Deciding that Rachel's huge house had to have more than one bathroom Haley went back downstairs in search of a bathroom without a line. Immediately she remembered passing a bathroom located off to the side of the kitchen. Haley smiled victoriously when she made her way to the closed off area of the house and saw only one other person waiting outside of the bathroom door.

She went to go stand behind the person when she realized that he looked familiar. "Vegas?"

The boy turned to Haley and smirked widely. "Hales! You came!"

Haley laughed. "Yeah, I'm about to head out though. Is anyone in there?" She questioned motioning towards the closed bathroom door.

"You not having a good time?" He questioned, seemingly ignoring her previous question.

"No, it's not that." Haley smiled politely. There was something about the way Vegas was looking at her that was making her feel uncomfortable.

"I could show you a good time." He smirked getting closer to her.

"W-what?" She stammered feeling claustrophobic all of the sudden.

"Come on, Hales." He smiled moving towards her and cornering her so that she was trapped between the wall and his body, her access to the small exit blocked off.

"Vegas, I'm with Nathan." She stated confidently hoping that the boys overzealousness would fade once he was reminded of her boyfriend.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing." He laughed drawing his face closer to hers.

Haley let out a whimper and opened her mouth to scream for help when she felt Vegas' hand clamp down over her mouth.

"I wouldn't do that." He shook his head menacingly.

"Come on Haley." He laughed. "I've heard the stories about you, how you were whoring it out in LA…what is this innocent act you're trying to pull here?"

Haley cried at his words and she wanted to die. Immediately she was transported back to that frat house. "Don't." She tried to say though his hand muffled her word.

"Don't be a tease, Hales." Vegas smiled. "Just be the slut that we both know you are."

He removed his hand from her mouth and fasted his lips to hers. She tried to fight back. In that moment she felt like that same 15-year-old girl. Weak and defenseless.

Haley shook her head to move away from him. This wasn't happening again. She wasn't letting it.

"HELP! NATHAN! HELP ME!" She screamed out. She wasn't sure if anyone could hear her over the loud music but she had to try.

"You little-"

Haley gasped when she saw Vegas' body fly away from her and onto the floor.

"You son of a bitch!"

Haley saw Nathan's body immediately fly on top of Vegas'; his hand repeatedly hitting the boys face.

"Nathan!" Haley cried.

When he didn't stop Haley started hyperventilating. "Nathan, stop!"

There was so much blood. She couldn't deal with it.

She felt someone bring her into an embrace and she recognized Peyton's curly blonde hair. She looked to the ground where Nathan and Vegas were and saw Lucas pull his cousin off of the boy who was moaning in pain.

"Nathan, that's enough." Lucas spoke sternly holding back his younger cousin.

"That asshole-"

"I know." Lucas cut him off. "I want to kill him too, but if we actually kill him we'll go to jail."

"Let me go Lucas, I'm going to kill that loser." Nathan tried his best to break away from Lucas' arms.

"Nathan." Haley spoke up, moving away from Peyton and towards her boyfriend.

Nathan's movements halted at the sound of her voice.

"Stop." She pleaded.

"Haley, I'm not going to let this-"

"-I need you." She cried.