Alright, here's this. I thought this would make an interesting story, so here we are. Percy is seven in this chapter.
Summary: Being beaten every single day, and every single minute of your life since you were five, leaves you broken. It leaves you with scars. On the inside and out. Perseus Jackson knows what it feels like, and that has awakened the curse. The curse that had skipped his father, his half siblings, but has awoken in him. The curse though, can be controlled. It can be tamed. Only with help. But, who wants to help an eight year-old murderer?
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Love. The word is foreign to his tongue. He has never heard it before, never felt it before. He probably never will.
Pain. This is what he feels every day, every minute. One minute his step-dad will be punching him, the next his mother will be burning him.
Agony. He feels this every day. He wants someone to come in and save him from this mess. He needs someone to come and save him.
Light. Light is hope, hope is rebellious. Rebellion will cause more pain for him.
Invisible. His classmates ignore him. The teachers hate him. He is the one left out.
Trapped. He is trapped in an endless nightmare, which will never end.
Worthless. They tell him this. They say he is nothing. He will never be anything. Nothing.
Judged. None know the truth. The neighbors think he's a nuisance. The strangers on the streets shake their head at him in disgust.
Afraid. Afraid that one day they will go too far. Afraid that one day everyone will find out. Afraid. Afraid. Afraid!
Violated. He feels his parents' hands all over him. Tears leaking down his face as he begs and begs for them to stop.
Anger. Anger at the world. Anger at his parents. Anger at strangers, for being so oblivious. Is he not screaming loud enough? Can no one see the scars? Does anybody see the blood?
Struggle. The struggle to breathe, the struggle to not make them angry. The struggle for survival.
Lied. He has been lied to. 'Everything will be okay' and 'This won't hurt much.' The one that hurt him the most? 'I will never harm you. Never.'
Frail. He can withstand the physical pain. He can do that. The emotional pain? It is eating him from the inside out.
Coward. He is no coward. He fights back every time he can. The taunting makes him feel like one.
Freak. A freak for wearing the same clothes every day. A freak for not being the perfect child. A freak for being him.
Alone. Alone in the world. He is the only one on the opposing team. He is against the world. He is by himself.
Burden. He is a burden to the family. He never should have been born. His real father left because he knew he was going to be a failure. 'Consider yourself lucky, we could kill you off right now'.
Disheartened. They will taunt him. Point out all his flaws. Tell him he was a mistake. 'NO! I am not a mistake! No, no, no!'
Monster. He is a monster. He is a monster. He will no longer lie to himself. 'I. AM. A. MONSTER!'
~His little whispers, love me, love me. That's all I ask for, love me, love me!~
His mother snarls at him. She cleans the blood off the blade with the corner of her shirt. She smiles and leaves the room.
On the floor is a battered, bruised, and bleeding seven year old. Blood runs down his mouth, down his legs, and down his arms. He lies as still as he can, trying to give the impression he is unconscious. He breathes through his nose. He hears footsteps and does nothing.
It is his mother again.
"Oh, my poor baby." She laughs.
She leans down to his ear. Her hot breath sends shivers down his spine.
"Gabe will be here in a second. I can't wait to see what he has in store for you." She says. Percy has his eyes shut, but he knows his mother is smiling.
She kicks him once in the stomach, he doesn't react. She walks out of the room and Percy takes in a shaky breath. Tears leek from the corners of his eyes. His tiny fingers curl up, and he hits the ground. The pain from his fingers is enough to distract the pain from elsewhere for about a minute.
The front door slammed and Percy tried to calm his breathing. Gabe gave him the worst of his scars, and by the sounds in the living room, he knew Gabe was drunk. There were a few cuss words, a bottle breaking on the floor, and then he heard Gabe walking into the kitchen.
"Get up," Gabe's voice told him.
Percy knew better to ignore him, so he stood up, his legs shaking. Gabe was leaning from side to side, obviously trying not to fall over. His eyes were bloodshot. From the living room his mother called.
"Hurry up and beat the child, we have more important things to do!"
Gabe grumbled but he stepped closer to Percy. He stopped midway and went to the counter. He looked under the sink where they kept the kerosene. Percy shut his eyes. His parents only used it once a week, and when they did use it, it was on him.
Gabe staggered over to Percy.
"Be still or else I'll make you swallow it, and then set you on fire." Gabe's voice said.
Percy shivered in fear, the liquid went all over him, mostly on his torso and legs. Gabe spilled some on the floor but paid no attention to it. He opened one of the kitchen drawers and grabbed the box of matches. He quickly lit the match and went over to Percy.
"Now, this will only hurt a lot." Gabe put on a sadistic smile which sent shivers down Percy's spine. Gabe waved the flame over Percy, teasing him. Percy winced every time the flame came close to him.
"Sally, get your ass over here." Gabe yelled.
He heard shuffling in the living room and then fast footsteps. His mother walked in, practically beaming. Percy wanted to scream how wrong they were. They were the freaks.
As soon as Sally sat down on the kitchen table, Gabe threw the match on Percy. He caught fire almost immediately. The warmth of the fire spread over him, but it was getting hotter and hotter each passing second. The fire began to get uncomfortable on him.
Percy gasped as the pain overtook him. He fell on his knees and began pleading. Stop. Stop. Make it stop.
It didn't stop. The fire was consuming him. His parents laughed in front of him. Percy saw Gabe whisper something into his mom's ear. She nodded eagerly.
"Alright kid, looks like this'll be your last day here." Gabe said.
Percy couldn't process what he was saying. Last day? On Earth? The last day…
Percy began to smile, no matter how much it was hurting him. He opened his mouth and he coughed.
"Free." He whispered.
He saw Sally lean over to Gabe worriedly.
"Why isn't he dead yet? He should be." Sally whispered.
Percy stayed there, on his knees, in front of them. The same thought echoing through his head.
Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free.
I'm free.
That's when he began to laugh. He laughed and laughed. The fire still consuming him. His parents sat there shocked, until the fire began spreading. The kerosene Gabe had left on the floor caught fire. They scrambled up.
He continued to laugh.
That's when he stood. He remembers the fire going away, he was no longer burning. Everything else was though. His parents looked at him in shock. Percy grabbed a blade off the kitchen counter. He walked towards them. They ran towards the living room, but some force kept them stuck in the kitchen. They began to cough, but Percy wouldn't let them die from the fire.
The last thing he remembered before his lust overcame him? He remembered seeing someone outside the window.
A woman with fire for eyes.
Holy nut crackers. I loved writing this! This will be a story, and I have most of the story planned out. Kind of anyway. I hope you liked this!