What Ollie Doesn't Know

This story is a sequel to "Gold".

Summary: Hal and Roy are getting married soon, but only one problem stands in their way: Oliver Queen and the rest of the Justice League. How will they react to find their fellow heros who happen to be of the same gender "tying the knot"?

Pairing(s) *So Far: Roy/Hal

Review as much as you can. And a special thanks to MyLittleAngelxxx (who will be refered to as 'Angel' for short) who has inspired me to continue on with this story from where I left off.

~Miyuki Tanaka

"Red look out!" Artemis screamed as a flash of white light shot before his eyes.

Red Arrow rolled out of the way to avoid the ray gun and found himself caught between a rock and a hard place: Literally!

Asterick had him pinned to the wall, staring at him with those intense eyes that he'd come to loathe. The villan grapped him by his neck and tossed him halfway across the ware house, leaving him temproarily dazed and leaving Artemis and Aqualad alone to deal with Clay face.

Somewhere near by, Robin and Zatanna were tag-teaming the joker.

"sexoB hsarc toin eht rekoJ!"

Red Arrow could hear several loud crashes and the sound of a body hit the floor, but it wasn't the Joker's. The demented clown was dodging everything they threw at him. The Joker lunged at Robin and drop-kicked him, putting the sidekick to the ground. Red was starting to wish that Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash were there to help, but they were all on their own covert missions. The quartet was on their own. And with this new and surprisingly powerful villan, things just seemed to keep getting worse.

Asterick's black boots were suddenly only a few inches from Red's face. Red Arrow jumped up and brought his fist to his face but found himself cupping his own hand. His body felt solid and hard. Red tried to kick but his foot went straight through the blonde haired villian's head as if he were trying to kick water. Red cursed aloud.

What the fuck is this guy? He thought.

Asterick's arm formed into a large hammer. He swung at Red, knocking him through the wall. He struggled to get back up but everything seemed to blur around him. Asterick was in front of him again, holding him by his neck and pressing tightly with little effort. It was as if he was trying to strangle a small weak kitten.

The blonde did not speak. His face looked blank but it registered one clear message: Snap Red Arrow's neck. Red's vision became blurred and he couldn't see beyond the face in front of him. He tried everything he could to get out of Asterick's grip but he only tightened his hand around Red Arrow's neck. His intention wasn't to incapacitate; it was to kill. And he was about to do just that.

"ekaM sih ecalkcen oot thgit!"

Suddenly red was on the ground coughing and weezing for air. Asterick was trying to pry his necklace from his neck. Red rushed to the side to gather his bow and shot a net arrow at his, closing Asterick in a red net that nailed itself at five corners, pinning the blonde villian to the concrete ground. With a deep growl, Red pressed a button at the end of his bow that set a jolt of electricity through the wires of the net, (literally) shocking Asterick thoroughly.

As if the day couldn't get any worse, Red found himself rolling on his heels. He braced himself for the impact that would be the concrete of Gothan City when he felt a strong hand at his back.

"Woah there," a warm voice chuckled. "We can't have any of that."

Red Arrow's eyes fluttered open to find Hal Jordan holding him in his arms. "Green Lantern," he hummed.

Hal looked around to check to see if anyone was looking, then brought his lips to the younger man's. "I thought I should reward you. Look's like you cleaned up pretty well."

"Yeah, but Asterick over there was giving me some problems," Red replied gesturing to where the blonde villian would have been laying.


"Asterick," Red repeated. "He was just over-"

"Red!" Aqualad shouted to him.

Red Arrow jumped up and rushed to his friend. The net was empty!

"Asterick is gone," Aqualad said softly. "This is most unfortunate. We will have to discuss to the League and-Green...Green Lantern!"

GL smirked and waved slightly. "Hey. What'cho got for me?"

Artemis frowned. GL just happened to be the first in the League to show up when Roy's in trouble...that can't be right. But still, she didn't adress this. Directly at least. She knew what she thought she saw.

"I will be glad to explain," Aqualad began.

Disclaimer: I don't own the DC characters nor do I own Asterick.