It Doesn't Mean I Love You – Part 1

Samantha Byrne was more than a little upset than normal, maybe even pissed off. She walked through the naval base with purpose, knowing exactly where her destination was and who would be there. It would be a good laugh to see Damon Baird sitting on his "throne", as she liked to call it. The fact that he'd converted a bathroom stall to be his own private office had been a bit of a laugh for her for some time, and now she needed that laugh more than ever.

Sam reached the door to the now abandoned bathroom and pushed the door open, hard, causing it to make a satisfying, angry smack against the wall. The only response she got to this action was a minor grumble of annoyance from inside one of the stalls. She pushed the door shut, causing another loud noise, and hoping to illicit an actual response.

"God damn it! This bathroom is occupied!" Baird finally yelled from his private office.

Sam simply took her time walking across the bathroom, anything to annoy him just a little bit more. She stopped in front of the stall door, which had been bolted shut and Baird was currently hiding behind.

"Well, I came to pay the king homage, but I see he's locked the door," Sam yelled at the door, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Baird sighed, heavily, on the other side of the door, "Sam, get out of here, I'm busy and don't have time to entertain you."

Sam clenched her jaw, and she swore she felt the muscle in her cheek start to twitch. "So, I'm to be brushed aside by everyone, today," she started, "even you?"

Baird unlocked and opened the door, before going to sit back down at his make-shift desk. "Listen lady, I've got a lot to do: watching all this glowy business, working on that prosthesis, and this other shit for Hoffman. My schedule is full and entertaining, or even starting a fight with you, isn't on my schedule right now."

Sam crossed her arms as she looked at him. She wasn't happy with him, and seeing him working at a desk while sitting on a converted toilet didn't make her laugh, or feel any better. However, the look of him working, out of his combat armor was a sight she thought she may be able to get used to.

"You're still here," Baird finally piped up, after she'd stood in silence, glaring at him, for a minute.

She felt something snap. Brushed completely off by Dom and now she couldn't even get the time enough from Baird for a satisfying argument. "What the hell is it with you, men?"

Baird stopped and looked up from his screens, "What?"

"You damn well heard me! You're all too caught up with your own bullshit to even pay attention to what's happening around you!" She yelled back.

"What are you being such a bitch for?" Baird asked. "To me, this almost sounds like a conversation you should be having with Dom. Help him figure his shit out."


"You heard me," Baird calmly replied. "I don't have time to babysit you."

"Damn it," Sam sighed. "I think you're the worst of all of them. Can't stop anything long enough to notice a good thing right in front of you."

Baird looked up at her now. Typical tank top, fitting pants and combat boots she normally wore, when out of combat armor, to show off her tiny little body. He'd definitely noticed that ass more than once. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Sam took a step toward him, standing slightly inside his cubicle. "God, you're dense. What do you think I mean?"

"What? You have tits so I'm supposed to be head over heels, in love with you?" he asked, still watching her. "Also, you're in MY space now."

"Well, that's selfish of you," she said quietly. "Just you get a personal space, while the rest of us are, practically, living on top of each other."

It was crazy, and she knew it, but there was one other thing she could think of to help her get out of this terrible mood. She took another step forward and closed the door behind her, before leaning back against it.

"Sam, what is it that you actually want?" Baird finally asked.

"Well, I came down here because I was a terrible mood, and I thought that seeing you sitting in your little converted cubicle would be a good laugh," she admitted. "But, you were being a typical dickhead and that really didn't do the trick."

Baird wasn't normally the type to feel uncomfortable, but he could feel himself squirming a little at where this conversation seemed to be going. "Well, what the hell is going to make you better so you can get out of my hair?"

"Oh? Is being in such close proximity bothering you?" She asked. She stepped forward, so that she was directly behind his table of monitors. "How about now?"

"Seriously Sam? Are you five?"

"What about you?" With that, Sam leaned forward far enough to grab the short hair, at the back of Baird's scalp and pull it slightly while leaning down to forcefully press her lips against his.

She could only feel him resist for a second, then his mouth opened slightly and she could feel his tongue along her lower lip.

Sam pulled back, somewhat surprised at his reaction and was momentarily at a loss.

"If that's what you want," Baird sighed, "why don't you come over to this side of the monitors so you don't knock them over and break them on me. I have enough shit to do without repairing stuff that's working just fine or trying to scavenge any more working equipment."

"Mr. Romantic. How can I say no to that," she replied, but didn't move.

"Seriously, don't be a bitch."

She stepped to the side, and Baird turned to face her, "Maybe you should work on the whole asshole attitude?"

"Unlikely," he stated bluntly.

Sam took a seat on Baird's lap, facing him and ran a hand down his chest, "Well, I guess I'll have to take what I can get." As soon as her hand reached the hem of his shirt, she was pulling it over his head and off.

"I can't say I've been greeted in that way in quite awhile," Baird replied, placing a hand on her lower back.

"Can't imagine why."

Sam took her time, looking over his exposed arms and chest. Slighter than a lot of the other Gears she'd been around, but she could still appreciate his build. She ran her hands across his chest, and leaned forward.

Mouths met again, this time Sam bit down on Baird's lip, a little harder than necessary. At her show of aggression, Baird grabbed both of her hands away from his chest, and held them behind her back, keeping his mouth pressed hard to hers.

Sam pulled away just enough, "Well, that's not very nice." She leaned her whole body into his and lightly licked below his ear.

"Well, I get the impression you aren't here to play nice," Baird replied before placing his lips against her collar bone.

She sighed lightly, contently, "Well, what are you going to do with me, then?"

Baird continued to kiss along her collar bone before coming back with an equally hard bite, to the one he'd received on his lip. "Well, I'm going to have to let you go," he said as he released her hands, and pushed her up and off of his lap before standing.

Sam backed up to the wall, momentarily taken aback. Things seemed to have been going perfectly. "What the hell!"

Baird walked around his desk and to the door, and turned the bolt to lock it. "You never know who might be looking for me, and I don't know that I could live with getting caught fucking you in my office."

Sam just stared as he walked back over and took his seat before pulling him back onto his lap. "Wow, aren't you just the sweet talker?"

"I don't have to be, now do I?" he asked, with typical arrogance.

Sam reached down and gave Baird's manhood a hard squeeze. "No, but I'd watch out for the safety of your balls."

Baird winced slightly. "God damn it, you're a bitch!"

She almost smiled, and almost laughed, "Oh, but it's worth it." Sam pulled her tank top up over her head and off, giving Baird the full view.

He could barely meet her eyes; he was too busy with what she was hiding under that armor all this time. Breasts, larger than he'd realized, held in with a black lace bra. There was more than normal wear, and some loose threads showing it was aged it was but it didn't matter.

Baird was pretty sure he hadn't seen black lace in such a manner since he was eighteen and looking at skin mags. "Where the hell did you EVER get something like that?"

Sam took Baird's hands in hers and guided them up to her lace-covered breasts, "Don't puss out on me now."

Baird let his hands feel the texture of the lace before giving her breasts a forceful squeeze, causing her to let out a small, painful, noise. "Not nice, is it?" He continued, sliding his fingers between the fabric and her skin. He pulled the fabric down, revealing her dark nipples. He leaned forward, and let his tongue slide over her newly exposed skin.

Sam shuddered slightly and moaned softly at his attention. "I'd be less of a bitch if you were this nice to me more often."

He stopped and looked up at her, "It's not like I don't expect something in return."

Sam reached around to unhook her bra and pull it off, "Oh, I see how it is, can't say that I expected much else from you."

"I like to think I'm pretty easy to understand," he replied, and lightly nipped at her jaw line while moving a hand back to her breasts.

Sam moved her hands down to his lap and could feel his hardness through his pants. She quickly worked to unfasten them and pull his underwear out of the way. Her hands lightly ran over the smooth skin of his manhood, and Baird stopped what he was doing to utter one very pleased moan. She slid her hand down, then up his shaft before leaning forward to press her mouth to his, and tongues met as she continued her ministrations.

For a minute, Baird couldn't respond. It seemed ages since he had received this kind of attention. Long enough to even keep his mouth shut. Eventually, he was able to pull his mouth away from hers.

"I hope that's not all you plan to do," Baird said, slightly breathless. "I'm pretty sure we're not idiot teenagers anymore."

Sam couldn't help it, she laughed. "Well, at the rate my mood is improving, I would certainly say not."

She leaned forward, pressing her lips hard to his one more time, before sliding down and situating herself on her knees, between his feet. She watched Baird's face as she continued to use a hand to slowly stroke up and down his length, before leaning forward and lightly touching her tongue to the very tip. Sam felt his entire body tense for just a second before letting her tongue run his entire length.

As she pleasured him using her mouth, tongue and teeth, Baird brought both hands up the back of her neck, tangling his fingers into her hair. He continued to let her perform, his hands guiding her when he felt it necessary. Soon enough, he was pulling her away from her task, and back to his lap. He placed several kisses along her shoulder.

"I just need a minute," he said, somewhat sheepishly. A tone Sam had previously thought he didn't possess.

A small smile crossed Sam's mouth for just a second, before she stood up in front of him. "I know what could help you pass that minute."

Sam reached down, while Baird watched attentively, and unfastened the closures on her tight-fitting pants. She looked up and noticed her act held his attention, completely. She took a step forward, and took Baird's hands and placed them over her own as she slowly pushed her pants down over her hips. Watching the look on his face, she thought his head may just explode.

The fact that Sam was making him help was almost too much. Her underwear weren't nearly as exciting as that lace bra she'd been hanging onto for years, and hiding under that unimpressive top. However, Baird could appreciate the low cut of the waist band, and the high cut on her soft, tan thighs. He pulled his hands away from hers, letting one finger trail from the front of her waistband, slowly down between her legs, pressing slightly into her warmth.

Sam closed her eyes, let her head fall back slightly, and quietly moaned at his new attention. Slowly, as he watched her, he moved his finger back and forth. He couldn't help but be enraptured at her response to such a simple action. In the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if the response was only to his actions, or because he was the one doing it. God, and he could feel how wet she was through those panties.

"Holy shit, Baird, I wish I would have known this about you sooner," Sam said quietly.

"Oh, sweetheart, this is nothing," he replied in typical fashion.

He pulled his hand away and reached up to hook his fingers under the waistband of her underwear and slid them down. Sam shifted slightly to step out of them, and her pants.

Again, Baird had to stop for a second. Nothing about this had been what he'd expected. Her body was so slim and tiny, but still muscular. She was all smooth soft curves as she stood there before him, and she was letting him have her. He couldn't say he really understood why, but he wasn't going to say no.

Baird gripped Sam's hips, with his hands before leaning forward and pressing his lips just below her belly button. Then slowly, so slowly Sam thought she was going to go crazy if he didn't hurry up, he trailed his tongue lower, and lower.

Sam felt shaky, and was afraid she wasn't going to be able to keep her balance while Baird was taking such effort to make her lose her mind. Then, she felt him shift his weight, and in one quick movement, he pushed her backward, into the wall of their confined space, and was on his knees at her feet. Keeping one hand on one of her hips, he moved the other toward her warmth.

She leaned back against the wall with eyes closed as he began to stoke her, from the inside, with his fingers. His unoccupied hand has still firmly on her hip, and she was thankful that it was giving her some support. She chanced a glance, just for a second and saw him watching the pleasure on her face, and then closed her eyes again. For a moment, Sam felt like his own personal goddess in the best worship session ever.

However, it was erased from her mind as she felt his tongue against her clit, making slow lazy circles as his fingers continued their work. Sam moaned loudly at the new attention.

Baird stopped his tongue movements for a second, "Not so loud, I really don't want anyone to find me here," then continued as if he'd never spoken.

"Holy shit, Baird!" she exclaimed. "This is a much better use of your mouth than normal. I think this should have been happening much more often."

Baird made a sound, Sam was pretty sure that he was laughing. She was certain it was the truth, though.

Eventually, Baird stood up and pulled her body to his own. Arms wrapped tightly around her, he crushed his lips to hers. Sam knew it was a show of dominance, but it felt so good.

With one hand, Baird was working his pants down, a bit further, before sitting back down and pulling Sam with him. She didn't want it to end, but at the same time was so revved up that it couldn't be delayed anymore. She reached down and stoked him a few times before shifting her weight, and slightly adjusting her position.

Sam placed her hands on Baird's shoulders, and took her time as she lowered herself onto his hardness. She watched his face, contorting with pleasure, and that added to her own. Once she had taken him in, she ground her hips to his. A small sound of pleasure escaped her lips.

He couldn't help but be caught up in how good she felt around him. "Oh my God, you feel amazing."

Sam smiled and closed her eyes, "I was about to say the same."

She finally gave in to her need, and began to ride him like her life depended on it. It felt so good, and it had been so long.

Most of the time Sam was watching Baird's face, watching him enjoy her attentions. It felt good to know she could have this effect on a man, especially one like Baird.

However, it didn't take long before her orgasm ripped through her body. Back arched, and eyes closed, she called out his name, loudly.

Spent, she pulled herself off of his hardness. She leaned forward against his chest, and reached down to finish him off.

Baird wrapped an arm around her as she continued to stroke him with her hand, and squeezed it tight around her as he reached his climax. He just closed his eyes and grit his teeth, and not a sound was uttered.

For a time, they both sat. Sam still naked and straddling Baird's lap. They leaned against each other spent, satisfied. Sam couldn't help but wish that she could spend the rest of her life right here, like this.

"So," Baird finally broke the silence, "I'm not complaining, but why me?"

"I don't know," Sam replied. "Maybe because it was supposed to be you?"

"That's awfully sappy for what just happened," he retorted. Baird was back in his own.

Sam finally got up, off of his lap and started picking up her clothes off of the floor and putting them back on. When she got to hooking her bra back on, Baird interrupted her.

"So, what's with the black lace?" he asked. Somehow, he felt he really needed to know. "You just don't seem the type."

"Sometimes," Sam began, "it just feels good to be female. This is just a little bit of feminine I've held on to for a long time." With that she pulled her shirt over her head.

Baird finally shifted to pull his pants back up and fasten them, then grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on.

"I hope there's no confused feelings over this," he finally said.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"This doesn't mean I love you, Sam," he said, shortly.

Something about that hurt, but she wasn't going to let it show, "It's alright, Baird. That's not what I needed." With that she unbolted the door and was gone.

Baird sat in silence for several minutes before getting up to, once again, turn the bolt on the door.

Damn it, it smells like sex in here. How the hell am I going to get anything done?

The following morning Baird was going to be busy in the CZ's and didn't see Sam at all before meeting up with Cole.

"Damn, Baird! What's with that look?" Cole asked him when he finally saw his face.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Baird replied.

"Baby, you can't lie to the Cole Train! You look like something good happened!" Cole lowered his voice, "Did you make some progress on that disk?"

"No," Baird responded shortly.

"Well," Cole began, "something happened. You can't lie to me anymore, Baird."