Disclaimer: all the characters belong to Cassandra Clare.

Alec hops up and down with excitement. His boyfriend looks over at him with interest, "Alexander are you ill?"

"No why do you ask?" Alec asks with a detached interest.

"Because this is quite unusual behavior for you," the sparkly warlock says.

"No nothing is wrong I'm just waiting for a package," Alec says very happily as he throws himself onto the couch. The doorbell suddenly rings. Alec jumps up and races for the door. In his rush he slips on the rug and falls, cracking his head on the table.

Magnus answers the door and redeems Alec's beloved package. "What is this?" Magnus asks, very interested now.

"NOTHING!" Alec snatches the package.

"OH no you don't!" the warlock exclaims, tackling the young shadowhunter. He sits atop him, pinning the boy to the ground.

"Hand it over," Magnus says forcefully.

"NO!" Alec twists trying to get out from under the warlock.

"Then what's in the package?" Magnus demands. Tired with this game, Magnus fabulously plucks the package from Alec's hands and proceeds to open it.

"NO!" Alec wails, trying again to knock the warlock off him, and failing.

Finally, successful in opening Alec's package, Magnus peers inside. And is surprised to find a sparkly, pink shirt that says 'Bite This' with a picture of a very impolite gesture.

"Damn it, Magnus! You ruined the surprise," Alec pouted. Magnus set the package aside. He leaned down and gently kissed his boyfriend.

"I love you, Alec," Magnus purred.

"I love you too, Magnus," Alec beamed, happy that Magnus liked his present.

Side Note: So the only reason I wrote this was because my friend was depressed about a boy not texting her, so I wrote her a story to try and cheer her up. That's why this story is so short, because it was first written on my phone. Please tell me what you think.